Indicators table

indicator notes agency other agencies table measures_available refresh frequency cost_type topics
Avoidable hospitalisations of children 0-5 years ACC data available from 1994
ACC data can identify accidents admitted to hospital
Other definitions of avoidable would require a list of read codes to be brought into the IDI
ACC MOH IDI table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Health
Attendance at early childhood education Data available from 2008 MOE Events table Update TBA Costs available Knowledge and skills, Education & Training, Schooling characteristics, BPS
Completed before school checks (B4Sc) Data available from XXX MOH MOE Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived HealthBPS
Police calls for family violence CYF data available from 1991
Not all family violence records go to CYF
POL MVC Not available in the IDI Update TBA Costs available Safety, Parenting and offspring risk factors,
No child abuse or neglect CYF data available from 1991
CYF data quality issues prior to 2002
Abuse and neglect are required to meet a legal threshold
Unreported abuse and neglect are not captured
Update TBA No costs available Safety, Childhood risk factor, BPS
Home are insulated and heated HNZ data largely incomplete
Census information has some
Census data available from 2013
HNZ Stats NZ IDI table Update exceeds a year No costs available
Mortality rates including SUDI are low MOH DIA IDI table Update exceeds a year Health
Preventable medical hospitalisations are low Use ASH (Ambulatory sensitive hospitalisation) rates
ASH rates available from XXXX
MOH IDI table Update TBA Health
Children are not victims of crime Recorded crimes: victims available from 2014 POL COR MOJ Events table Update TBA No costs available Safety, Corrections contact,
families and whanau are not involved in crime Record crimes: offenders available from 2009 POL COR MOJ Events table Update TBA No costs available Safety, Corrections contact, BPS
Children are fully immnuised on time Data available from XXX MOH IDI table count/flag Update TBA No costs available
Pregnant women are healthy and safe Birthweight available as a proxy measure MOH IDI table Update NA No costs available Health
Children are developing well physically, cogntively and emotionally
Well Child / Tamariki ora data not available in the IDI
Before school checks could be an alternative measure and is available in the IDI
MOH Not available in the IDI Update TBA Health
Parents and siblings do not reoffend Sentencing and remand data available from 1998 POL COR MOJ IDI table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Safety, Corrections contact, BPS
Housing tenure is secure Census data available for 2013
HNZ snapshots difficult to use
Bond data available from XXX
HNZ Stats NZ MBIE Partly in the IDI cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update exceeds a year Costs available Economic standards of living
Parents have good mental and phsyical health and healthy lifestyles Mental health data available from 2008
Cancer registrations available from 2005
Chronic conditions available from 2007
Mental health has dervied costs
Cancer and other chornic conditions would be picked up through hospital costs, pharmaceuticals and GP visits
MOH Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived Health, Mental Health Services,
Attained NCEA level 2 Data available from 2004
Schooling costs required to attain NCEA level 2 estimated
MOE Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived Knowledge and skills, Schooling characteristics, BPS
Highest tertiary qualification Tertiary data available from 1994
MOE Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Knowledge and skills, Tertiary Education, BPS
In paid employment Benefits data available from 1990
IRD data available from 1999
MSD IRD Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Paid work, Income & work, Employment and welfare characteristics, BPS
Adults have literacy and numeracy skills to participate in employment and support child's wellbeing Approximated via NCEA Level 2
Data available from 2004
Schooling costs required to attain NCEA level 2 estimated
MOE Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived Knowledge and skills, Education & Training, Schooling characteristics,
Teen parents are supported to continue their education Approximated via Young Parent Payments (YPP) and being enrolled in secondary education
MOE MSD IRD IDI table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Knowledge and skills, Education & Training, Schooling characteristics,
Children understand appropriate social relationships Approximated via SDQ score in before school checks MOH MOE IDI table Update TBA Costs derived Health
Child was truant from school Student interventions data is available from 2013
Note that the student interventions table will have a specific definition of truancy
MOE IDI table Update TBA , Schooling characteristics,
Child enrolled in school Data available from 2007 MOE Events table Update TBA
Type of school child enrolled in Data available from 2007 MOE cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived Knowledge and skills, Education & Training, Schooling characteristics,
Attained NCEA Level 1 Data available from 2004
Schooling costs required to attain NCEA level 1 estimated
MOE Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived Knowledge and skills, Schooling characteristics,
Attained NCEA Level 3 Data available from 2004
Schooling costs required to attain NCEA level 3 estimated
MOE Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived Knowledge and skills, Schooling characteristics,
Earnings over a specified time period IRD Data available from 1999
Benefit data available from 1990
IRD MSD Events table cost, duration, and recency Update TBA Costs available Paid work, Income & work, Employment and welfare characteristics,
Benefit receipt over a specified time period Data available from 1990 MSD Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Economic standards of living, Employment and welfare characteristics, BPS
NEETs over a specified time period Data available from 2001 (earliest that industry training is available) MSD MOE IRD IDI table cost, duration, and recency Update TBA Costs available Economic standards of living, Income & work, Employment and welfare characteristics, BPS
Enrolled in tertiary education Data available from 1994 MOE Events table Update TBA Costs available Knowledge and skills, Education & Training, Tertiary Education,
Suspended from school MOE Update TBA Knowledge and skills, Education & Training, Schooling characteristics,
Stood down from school MOE Update TBA Knowledge and skills, Education & Training, Schooling characteristics,
CYF Youth Justice referral CYF data available from 1991
CYF data quality issues prior to 2002
MVC Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Childhood risk factor
CYF Youth Justice placement CYF data available from 1991
CYF data quality issues prior to 2002
MVC Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Childhood risk factor
CYF notification Note that the care in the CYF client events table is not the CYF definiton of care MVC Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Childhood risk factor
Caregiver with CYF history CYF data available from 1991 so it will only capture young caregivers
CYF data quality issues prior to 2002
MVC IDI table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Childhood risk factor
Caregiver with corrections history Data available from COR IDI table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Childhood risk factor
Benefit type MSD Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Childhood risk factor
Served community sentence COR Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Corrections contact
In prison COR Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Corrections contact
Remanded in prison COR Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Corrections contact
Any corrections history COR Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Corrections contact
Mental health MOH Events table cost and count Update TBA Costs derived Mental Health Services
Parent before the age of 19 DIA IDI table Update TBA Costs NA Parenting and offspring risk factors
Is a parent DIA IDI table Update TBA Costs NA Parenting and offspring risk factors
Parent has child known to CYF CYF data available from 1991 so it will only capture young caregivers
CYF data quality issues prior to 2002
DIA MVC IDI table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Parenting and offspring risk factors
Parent has child referred to Youth Justice CYF data available from 1991 so it will only capture young caregivers
CYF data quality issues prior to 2002
DIA MVC IDI table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Parenting and offspring risk factors
Parent has child with maltreatment finding CYF data available from 1991 so it will only capture young caregivers
CYF data quality issues prior to 2002
DIA MVC IDI table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Parenting and offspring risk factors, BPS
GP visits Data available from 2002
Information in both the GMS and XXX table
MOH Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Health
Hospitalisations Several sources for hospitalisations including
Publicly funded hospital discharges available from 1988
MOH Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Health
Outpatients Non admitted patients from 2007 MOH Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Health
Immunisations Data available from 2006
Many data quality issues with this IDI table
MOH IDI table Update TBA No costs available Health
Lab tests Data available from 2003
Lab test results are not available in the IDI
MOH Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Health
Enrolled in a primary health organisation Data available from 2003 MOH Update TBA No costs available Health
Pharmaceutricals purchased Data available from 2005 MOH Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Health
Household accidents Data available from 1994
Only medical and weekly compensation costs available
Accident scene allows you to identify which accidents occurred at home
ACC Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs available Safety, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
Tracked alcohol or drug abuse Data available from 2008
PRIMHD data so there are coverage issues particularly for those receiving services from NGOs
MOH Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived Health
Tracked mental health service contact Data available from 2008
PRIMHD data so there are coverage issues particularly for those receiving services from NGOs
MOH Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Update TBA Costs derived Health
Weight at birth XXXX MOH IDI table Update NA Costs NA Health
Transfers between different social houses Reliable data available from 2005 MSD HNZ Economic standards of living, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
Number of people living in a household / household overcrowding Reliable HNZ data available from 2005
Information available at the time of applying for a house but may change over time
Stats NZ data available from 2013
MSD HNZ Stats NZ Update exceeds a year Costs NA Economic standards of living, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
Social housing application scores Data available from XXX
Only the 5 high level scores for adequacy, suitability, affordability, accessibility and social skills scores are available
MSD HNZ Update TBA Costs NA Economic standards of living, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
NZ deprivation index Data avilable in 2013 Stats NZ IDI table Update exceeds a year Costs NA Economic standards of living, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
Number of children in the household under the age of 2 Not explicitly in a table will need to be derived using
Births and deaths data available from 1840
Census data available from 2013
DIA Stats NZ IDI table Update exceeds a year Costs NA Economic standards of living
CYF record of child attempting suicide or self harm CYF data available from 1991 so it will only capture young caregivers
CYF data quality issues prior to 2002
Information on the wider population might be obtainable from hospitalisation tables
MVC IDI table Update TBA Costs NA Health
Number of adults living in a social house Reliable data available from 2005 MSD HNZ Stats NZ Update TBA Costs NA Economic standards of living, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
Age of the parent when the child was born Not explicitly in a table will need to be derived using
Births and deaths data available from 1840
Census data available from 2013
DIA Stats NZ IDI table Update TBA Costs NA , Parenting and offspring risk factors,
Chronic condtions Data available from 2007
Only covers information from Health Tracker such as diabetes, traumatic brain injury, cancer, coronary heart disease, gout etc
Does not explicitly cover rheumatic fever
MOH Events table count/flag Update TBA No costs available Health
Child born onto benefit Benefit data avaible from 1990
Difficult linking children to both parents
MSD IDI table Update TBA Costs available Economic standards of living, Childhood risk factor,
Neighbourhood crime rates Might be possible but would require complex queries to extract rates POL COR MOJ
Gang affiliations Only latest information is kept with no dates so it would be difficult to know when a person had gang affiliations Not available in the IDI
Has seen a dentist Only records in the IDI that would be picked up a dental records that involve hospitalisation MOH Not available in the IDI Update NA Costs NA Health
House is insulated Reliable data avilable from 2005
Only information is for HNZ houses and the coverage is poor
HNZ Update TBA No costs available Economic standards of living, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
Bond/rent Reliable data available from 2005 HNZ MBIE MSD cost, duration, count/flag and recency Costs available Economic standards of living, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
Tax Data available from 1999
Includes taxes from wages and salary, sole traders, companies and partnerships
IRD Events table cost, duration, count/flag and recency Costs available Paid work, Employment and welfare characteristics,
Has a drivers licence NZTA
Owns a car NZTA
Applied for visa Data available from 1997 DIA IDI table Update TBA
Participation in physical activity Not directly available
Possible to derive something by looking at illnesses but it will have poor coverage
MOH Not available in the IDI No costs available Health
Student loan Data available from 1992 MSD IRD IDI table Update TBA Costs available Knowledge and skills, Tertiary Education,
Respiratory illnesses Hospitalisation data available from 1988 IDI table
Reduced noise in the house HNZ Not available in the IDI Update NA No costs available Health, Housing & Neighbourhoods,
Proximity to public transport Not available in the IDI Economic standards of living, Housing & Neighbourhoods,