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Moving Bubbles + Vue + GSAP + D3

This visualization tracks a sample of couples in the 1970's to show how long they transition through relationship stages. It is wholly based on Nathan Yau's The Stages of Relationships, Distributed and his companion tutorial How to Make a Moving Bubble Chart, Based on a Dataset (note: you'll need a FlowingData membership to view this tutorial.)

Nathan's example uses D3.js to get the data, render the text and circles, simulate physical forces, apply transitions and animations, and update DOM elements. This example uses the browser's native Fetch API to get the data, Vue.js instance lifecycle statges to update the data and render the circles and text; GSAP to transition and animate SVG circles and text; and finally, D3.js to simulate physical forces on the circles.

The idea here is twofold: 1) to use the latest JavaScript frameworks to create a fast, responsive, and nimble visualization application and 2) to ask of these frameworks to do what they do best: D3.js to represent geometric and mathematical abstractions as SVG elements; Vue.js to manage the application's state via a virtual DOM; and GSAP to quickly transition and animate.

To the extent possible, I try to avoid D3.js General Update Pattern since it operates on the DOM directly, which in theory can be more computationally expensive than doing the same through a virtual DOM.

Colors chosen by my daughter Eliza.