From a friend: “1. What's the probability of a HS athlete going pro? 2. Suppose we know a pro athlete. What's the probability she was a college athlete?”
So I was thinking about my favorite intuitive illustrations and explanations of conditional probability and Bayes' theorem, e.g.
I asked for help here, there's some good discussion:
One cool thing about this is that you can feel out which things are linear and which are not. The slope of the diagonal line is independent of P(A), which I would not have intuited. And P(A|B) and P(A|¬B) are nonlinear functions of P(A), P(B|A), and P(B|¬A), which I don't think I had any intuition about, but feels central to a lot of counterintuitive results of conditional probability questions.
As nice as it is to “feel out”, I want to be able to SEE any of those things I feel — spatialize the state space. Plot everything as a function of everything else, see the steepest slopes, marginal sensitivities, etc. A kind of phase space, idk. Ideally with the same visualization. Explode it along a third axis of all possible values of the current parameter... yessssssss that'd be so good, so doable. Whichever parameter you're currently holding, explode out all possible values along the z-axis, so you can see the nonlinear effects of dragging by dx.
I still want to make something that captures some feeling I have of weighing prior and posterior confidences, and the updating flowing one way or the other accordingly, almost hydraulically.
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var width = 300,
height = 300,
x = d3.scaleLinear().range([0,width]),
y = d3.scaleLinear().range([0,height])
var p_a = Math.random(),
p_b_given_a = Math.random(),
p_b_given_not_a = Math.random(),
var variables = [
name: "P(A)",
axis: 0,
side: 0,
level: 1,
derived: false,
derivation: () => (p_b * p_a_given_b) + ((1-p_b) * p_a_given_not_b),
value: function(_) { return arguments.length ? p_a = _ : p_a }
name: "P(B|A)",
axis: 1,
side: 0,
level: 0,
derived: false,
derivation: () => (p_a_given_b * p_b) / p_a,
value: function(_) { return arguments.length ? p_b_given_a = _ : p_b_given_a }
name: "P(B|¬A)",
axis: 1,
side: 1,
level: 0,
derived: false,
derivation: () => ((1-p_a_given_b) * p_b) / (1-p_a),
value: function(_) { return arguments.length ? p_b_given_not_a = _ : p_b_given_not_a }
name: "P(B)",
axis: 1,
side: 0,
level: 1,
derived: true,
derivation: () => (p_a * p_b_given_a) + ((1-p_a) * p_b_given_not_a),
value: function(_) { return arguments.length ? p_b = _ : p_b }
name: "P(A|B)",
axis: 0,
side: 0,
level: 0,
derived: true,
derivation: () => (p_b_given_a * p_a) / p_b,
value: function(_) { return arguments.length ? p_a_given_b = _ : p_a_given_b }
name: "P(A|¬B)",
axis: 0,
side: 1,
level: 0,
derived: true,
derivation: () => ((1-p_b_given_a) * p_a) / (1-p_b),
value: function(_) { return arguments.length ? p_a_given_not_b = _ : p_a_given_not_b }
var svg ="svg")
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var val = Math.max(Math.min(y.invert(d3.event.y),1),0)
d.value(val)"y", y(d.value()))
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function render() { => d.derived).forEach(d => d.value(d.derivation()))
// cov(X, Y) = E[XY] - E[X]E[Y]
var covariance = (p_a * p_b_given_a) - (p_a * p_b)
// console.log(covariance)
// ???
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var lineEqA = getLineFunctionFromPoints(
[p_b / 2, p_a_given_b],
[(p_b + 1)/2, p_a_given_not_b]
var lineEqB = getLineFunctionFromPoints(
[p_a / 2, p_b_given_a],
[(p_a + 1)/2, p_b_given_not_a]
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function getLineFunctionFromPoints(a,b) {
var m = (b[1]-a[1])/(b[0]-a[0])
return x => m*(x - a[0]) + a[1]