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UK Politics Timeline (Hans Rosling)
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this._radiusScale = d3.scaleSqrt(); this._element = d3.select(element); this.reset(); }; MotionChart.prototype.reset = function () { this.stopTransition(); this._element.selectAll("*").remove(); this._margin = { top: 5, right: 20, bottom: 80, left: 40 }; var size = this._element.attr("viewBox").split(" ").slice(2); this._elementWidth = parseFloat(size[0]); this._elementHeight = parseFloat(size[1]); this._diagramWidth = this._elementWidth - this._margin.right - this._margin.left; this._diagramHeight = this._elementHeight - this._margin.top - this._margin.bottom; this.scale(d3.scaleLinear(), d3.scaleLinear(), null); }; MotionChart.prototype.data = function(dataSource, label, x, y, radius, color) { this._dataSource = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dataSource)); this._labelData = label; this._xData = x; this._yData = y; this._radiusData = radius; this._colorData = color; } MotionChart.prototype.time = function(start, end) { this._startTime = start; this._endTime = end; } MotionChart.prototype.scale = function(x, y, color) { this._xScale = x; this._xAxis = d3.axisBottom().scale(this._xScale); this._yScale = y; this._yAxis = d3.axisLeft().scale(this._yScale); if (color) { this._colorScale = color; } }; MotionChart.prototype.select = function (label) { this._selection[label] = true; }; MotionChart.prototype.startTransition = function () { if (!this._diagram) { this.draw(); } this._timeSliderPlayButton.style("display", "none"); this._timeSliderHead.style("display", "block"); var startTime = this._startTime.getTime(); var endTime = this._endTime.getTime(); var currentTime = this._currentTime.getTime(); var duration = ((endTime - currentTime) * 30000) / (endTime - startTime); var timeInterpolator = d3.interpolate(this._currentTime, this._endTime); var self = this; this._diagram.transition() .duration(duration) .ease(d3.easeLinear) .tween("date", function () { return function (t) { self.update(new Date(timeInterpolator(t))); }; }) .on("end", function () { self.stopTransition(); }); }; MotionChart.prototype.stopTransition = function () { if (this._diagram) { this._diagram.transition().duration(0); } }; MotionChart.prototype.draw = function () { this.createScales(); this.createColorAxis(); this.createRadiusAxis(); this.createTimeSlider(); this._diagram = this._element.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + this._margin.left + "," + this._margin.top + ")"); this.createRules(); this.createItems(); }; MotionChart.prototype.createScales = function () { var maxRadius = 20; var maxLabelWidth = 40; var xDomain = this.computeDomain(this._xData); var yDomain = this.computeDomain(this._yData); this._radiusDomain = this.computeDomain(this._radiusData); this._colorDomain = this.computeDomain(this._colorData); this.computeTimeDomain(); var xScale = this._xScale.domain(xDomain).range([1.5 * maxRadius, this._diagramWidth - (1.5 * maxRadius) - maxLabelWidth]); this._xScale = this._xScale.domain([xScale.invert(0), xScale.invert(this._diagramWidth)]).range([0, this._diagramWidth]).clamp(true); var yScale = this._yScale.domain(yDomain).range([1.5 * maxRadius, this._diagramHeight - (1.5 * maxRadius)]); this._yScale = this._yScale.domain([yScale.invert(0), yScale.invert(this._diagramHeight)]).range([this._diagramHeight, 0]).clamp(true); this._radiusScale = this._radiusScale.domain([0, this._radiusDomain[1]]).range([2, maxRadius]).clamp(true); if (this._colorDomain) { var gradient = [ { "stop": 0.0, "color": "#3e53ff" }, { "stop": 0.33, "color": "#2ff076" }, { "stop": 0.5, "color": "#d0ff2f" }, { "stop": 0.66, "color": "#ffff2f" }, { "stop": 1.0, "color": "#ff2f2f" } ]; var linearGradient = this._element.append("defs").append("linearGradient").attr("id", "colorGradient").attr("x2", "1"); gradient.forEach(function (d) { linearGradient.append("stop").attr("offset", d["stop"]).attr("stop-color", d["color"]); }); var gradientStops = gradient.map(function (d) { return d["stop"]; }); var gradientColors = gradient.map(function (d) { return d["color"]; }); this._colorScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain(gradientStops.map(d3.scaleLinear().domain(this._colorDomain).invert)).range(gradientColors); } if (!this._colorScale) { this._colorScale = d3.scale.category10(); } }; MotionChart.prototype.createRules = function () { var rules = this._diagram.append("g").classed("rules", true); // x & y axis rules.append("g") .classed("axis", true) .attr("transform", "translate(0," + this._diagramHeight + ")") .call(this._xAxis.tickSize(2, 0, 2)); rules.append("g").classed("axis", true) .call(this._yAxis.tickSize(2, 0, 2)); // grid lines rules.append("g").classed("grid", true).attr("transform", "translate(0," + this._diagramHeight + ")") .call(this._xAxis.tickSize(-this._diagramHeight, 0, -this._diagramHeight).tickFormat(function (value) { return ""; })); rules.append("g").classed("grid", true) .call(this._yAxis.tickSize(-this._diagramWidth, 0, -this._diagramWidth).tickFormat(function (value) { return ""; })); rules.selectAll(".grid line") .filter(function (d) { return d == 0; }) .classed("origin", true); // add axis labels rules.append("text").attr("text-anchor", "end").attr("x", this._diagramWidth - 3).attr("y", this._diagramHeight - 6).text(this._xData); rules.append("text").attr("text-anchor", "end").attr("x", "-3").attr("y", 11).attr("transform", "rotate(-90)").text(this._yData); }; MotionChart.prototype.createColorAxis = function () { if (this._colorDomain) { var w = this._diagramWidth * 0.25; var x = this._margin.left; var y = this._elementHeight - 30; var colorScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain(this._colorDomain).range([0, w]); var colorTicks = [0, 0.5, 1].map(d3.scaleLinear().domain(this._colorDomain).invert); var colorAxis = d3.axisBottom().scale(colorScale).tickSize(2, 0, 2).tickValues(colorTicks); var g = this._element.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"); g.append("g").classed("axis", true).attr("transform", "translate(0,9)").call(colorAxis); g.append("rect").attr("y", -3).attr("width", w).attr("height", 10).style("fill", "url(#colorGradient)"); g.append("text").attr("text-anchor", "start").attr("dy", -8).text(this._colorData); } }; MotionChart.prototype.createRadiusAxis = function () { var w = this._diagramWidth * 0.25; var x = this._margin.left + ((this._colorDomain) ? (0.32 * this._diagramWidth) : 0); var y = this._elementHeight - 30; var radiusScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, this._radiusDomain[1]]).range([0, w]); var radiusTicks = [0, 0.5, 1].map(d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, this._radiusDomain[1]]).invert); var radiusAxis = d3.axisBottom().scale(radiusScale).tickSize(2, 0, 2).tickValues(radiusTicks); var g = this._element.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"); g.append("g").classed("axis", true).attr("transform", "translate(0,9)").call(radiusAxis); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { g.append("circle").attr("cx", (i * w) / 4).attr("cy", 2).attr("r", i + 1).style("fill", "#888"); } g.append("text").attr("text-anchor", "start").attr("dy", -8).text(this._radiusData); }; MotionChart.prototype.createTimeSlider = function () { var width = this._elementWidth; var w = this._diagramWidth * (this._colorDomain ? 0.32 : 0.64); var x = width - this._margin.right - w; var y = this._elementHeight - 30; this._timeScale = d3.scaleTime().domain([this._startTime, this._endTime]).range([0, w]).clamp(true); ; var ticks = this._colorDomain ? [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1] : [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1]; ticks = ticks.map(d3.scaleLinear().domain([this._startTime, this._endTime]).invert); var timeTicks = []; for (var i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) { timeTicks[i] = new Date(ticks[i]); } var timeAxis = d3.axisBottom().scale(this._timeScale) .tickSize(11, 0, 11) .tickValues(timeTicks) .tickFormat(function (value) { return value.getFullYear(); }); var g = this._element.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"); var self = this; g.append("g").classed("axis", true).call(timeAxis); var rect = function () { return g.append("rect").attr("rx", 2).attr("ry", 2).attr("y", -1).attr("x", -3).attr("height", 6); }; rect().attr("width", w + 6).style("fill", "#fff"); this._timeSlider = rect().style("fill", "#ddd"); rect().attr("width", w + 6).style("fill", "none").style("stroke", "#888"); this._timeSliderPosition = g.append("g"); this._timeSliderPosition.append("line").attr("y2", -8).style("stroke", "#888"); this._timeSliderPosition.append("text").attr("y", -10).attr("text-anchor", "middle"); this._timeSliderHead = g.append("g").attr("pointer-events", "all").attr("cursor", "ew-resize"); this._timeSliderHead.append("circle").attr("cy", 2).attr("r", 4).style("fill", "none").style("stroke", "#888").style("stroke-width", "5.5px"); this._timeSliderHead.append("circle").attr("cy", 2).attr("r", 20).style("fill", "none").style("opacity", 1); this._timeSliderHead.style("display", "none"); this._timeSliderHead.call(d3.drag() .on("start", function () { self._timeSliderDragged = false; }) .on("drag", function () { self._timeSliderDragged = true; self.stopTransition(); var date = self._timeScale.invert(d3.event.x); self.update(date); }) .on("end", function () { if (self._timeSliderDragged && (self._endTime.getTime() - self._currentTime.getTime()) > 0) { self._timeSliderPlayButton.style("display", "block"); self._timeSliderHead.style("display", "none"); } })); this._timeSliderPlayButton = g.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(0,2)").attr("pointer-events", "all").attr("cursor", "pointer"); this._timeSliderPlayButton.append("circle").attr("cy", 0).attr("r", 6).style("fill", "#fff").style("stroke", "#888"); this._timeSliderPlayButton.append("circle").attr("cy", 0).attr("r", 20).style("fill", "none").style("opacity", 1); this._timeSliderPlayButton.append("polygon").attr("points", "-2,-3 -2,3 4,0").style("fill", "#888"); this._timeSliderPlayButton .on("click", function () { self.startTransition(); }); }; MotionChart.prototype.updateTimeSlider = function (date) { var x = this._timeScale(date); this._timeSlider.attr("width", x + 6); this._timeSliderHead.attr("transform", "translate(" + x + ",0)"); this._timeSliderPosition.attr("transform", "translate(" + x + ",0)"); this._timeSliderPosition.selectAll("text").text(date.getFullYear()); this._timeSliderPlayButton.attr("transform", "translate(" + x + ",2)"); if ((this._endTime.getTime() - date.getTime()) <= 0) { this._timeSliderHead.style("display", "block"); this._timeSliderPlayButton.style("display", "none"); } }; MotionChart.prototype.createItems = function () { var self = this; this._items = this._diagram.append("g").selectAll(".item") .data(this._dataSource) .enter() .append("g") .classed("element", true) .each(function (item) { var label = item[self._labelData]; var g = d3.select(this); g.classed("selection", self._selection[label]); g.append("text").classed("label", true).attr("y", 1).text(label); g.append("circle"); }) .on("click", function () { d3.select(this).classed("selection", !d3.select(this).classed("selection")); }); this.update(this._startTime); }; MotionChart.prototype.computeDomain = function (axis) { var self = this; var hasValue = true; self._dataSource.forEach(function (item) { if (!(item[axis] instanceof Array) || (typeof item[axis] == "number")) { console.log("UGH"); } hasValue = hasValue && (item[axis] instanceof Array) || (typeof item[axis] == "number"); }); if (!hasValue) { return null; } var min = d3.min(this._dataSource, function (item) { return (typeof item[axis] == "number") ? item[axis] : d3.min(item[axis], function (pair) { return pair[1]; }); }); var max = d3.max(this._dataSource, function (item) { return (typeof item[axis] == "number") ? item[axis] : d3.max(item[axis], function (pair) { return pair[1]; }); }); self._dataSource.forEach(function (item) { // Convert time series into a multi-value D3 scale and cache time range. if (item[axis] instanceof Array) { var dates = item[axis].map(function (d) { return d[0]; }).map(function (date) { return self.createDate(date); }); var values = item[axis].map(function (d) { return d[1]; }); if (self._endTime && dates[dates.length - 1] < self._endTime) { dates.push(self._endTime); values.push(values[values.length - 1]); } item[axis] = d3.scaleTime().domain(dates).range(values); item[axis]["__min"] = dates[0]; item[axis]["__max"] = dates[dates.length - 1]; } }); return [min, max]; }; MotionChart.prototype.createDate = function (date) { if (typeof date == "number") { return new Date(date, 0, 1); } if (typeof date == "string") { return new Date(date); } return date; }; MotionChart.prototype.computeTimeDomain = function () { var self = this; var startTime = this._startTime; var endTime = this._endTime; var axes = [self._xData, self._yData, self._radiusData, self._colorData]; axes.forEach(function (axis) { self._dataSource.forEach(function (item) { var data = item[axis]; if (!(typeof data == "number") && !(typeof data == "string")) { data.domain().forEach(function (value) { if (!self._startTime && (!startTime || startTime > value)) { startTime = value; } if (!self._endTime && (!endTime || endTime < value)) { endTime = value; } }); } }); }); this._startTime = startTime; this._endTime = endTime; }; MotionChart.prototype.hasValue = function (item, axis, date) { var data = item[axis]; if ((typeof data == "number") || (typeof data == "string")) { return true; } return (date >= data["__min"] && date <= data["__max"]); }; MotionChart.prototype.computeValue = function (item, axis, date) { var data = item[axis]; if (!!data && data.constructor && data.call && data.apply) { return data(date); } return data; }; MotionChart.prototype.update = function (date) { this._currentTime = date; this.updateTimeSlider(date); var self = this; this._items.each(function (data) { if (self.hasValue(data, self._xData, date) && self.hasValue(data, self._yData, date) && self.hasValue(data, self._radiusData, date)) { var x = self._xScale(self.computeValue(data, self._xData, date)); var y = self._yScale(self.computeValue(data, self._yData, date)); var r = self.computeValue(data, self._radiusData, date); var radius = self._radiusScale((r < 0) ? 0 : r); var color = self.hasValue(data, self._colorData, date) ? self._colorScale(self.computeValue(data, self._colorData, date)) : "#fff"; var textPosition = 1 + (1.1 * radius); d3.select(this).style("display", "block"); d3.select(this).attr("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")"); d3.select(this).selectAll("circle").attr("r", radius).style("fill", color); d3.select(this).selectAll("text").attr("transform", "translate(" + textPosition + ",0)"); } else { d3.select(this).style("display", "none"); } }); this._items.sort(function (a, b) { return b[self._radiusData] - a[self._radiusData]; }); }; var data = [{'Name': 'Labour', 'Votes (M)': [['1945/07/05', 11.967], ['1950/02/23', 13.266], ['1951/10/25', 13.948], ['1955/05/26', 12.405], ['1959/10/08', 12.216], ['1964/10/15', 12.205], ['1966/03/31', 13.096], ['1970/06/18', 12.208], ['1974/02/28', 11.645], ['1974/10/10', 11.457], ['1979/05/03', 11.532], ['1983/06/09', 8.456], ['1987/06/11', 10.029], ['1992/04/09', 11.56], ['1997/05/01', 13.518], ['2001/06/07', 10.724], ['2005/05/05', 9.552], ['2010/05/06', 8.609], ['2015/05/07', 9.347], ['2017/06/08', 12.877]], 'Seats': [['1945/07/05', 393.0], ['1950/02/23', 315.0], ['1951/10/25', 295], ['1955/05/26', 277.0], ['1959/10/08', 258.0], ['1964/10/15', 317.0], ['1966/03/31', 364.0], ['1970/06/18', 288.0], ['1974/02/28', 301.0], ['1974/10/10', 319.0], ['1979/05/03', 269.0], ['1983/06/09', 209.0], ['1987/06/11', 229.0], ['1992/04/09', 271.0], ['1997/05/01', 418.0], ['2001/06/07', 413.0], ['2005/05/05', 355.0], ['2010/05/06', 258.0], ['2015/05/07', 232.0], ['2017/06/08', 262.0]], 'Vote Swing': [['1945/07/05', 9.7], ['1950/02/23', -1.6], ['1951/10/25', -1.5], ['1955/05/26', -2.4], ['1959/10/08', -1.2], ['1964/10/15', 2.0], ['1966/03/31', 1.0], ['1970/06/18', -4.9], ['1974/02/28', -5.9], ['1974/10/10', 2.0], ['1979/05/03', -2.3], ['1983/06/09', -9.3], ['1987/06/11', 3.2], ['1992/04/09', 3.6], ['1997/05/01', 8.8], ['2001/06/07', -2.5], ['2005/05/05', -5.5], ['2010/05/06', -6.2], ['2015/05/07', 1.5], ['2017/06/08', 9.6]], 'Seat Swing': [['1945/07/05', 239.0], ['1950/02/23', -78.0], ['1951/10/25', -20], ['1955/05/26', -18], ['1959/10/08', -19], ['1964/10/15', 59.0], ['1966/03/31', 48.0], ['1970/06/18', -75], ['1974/02/28', 20.0], ['1974/10/10', 18.0], ['1979/05/03', -50.0], ['1983/06/09', -51.0], ['1987/06/11', 20.0], ['1992/04/09', 42.0], ['1997/05/01', 146.0], ['2001/06/07', -6.0], ['2005/05/05', -47.0], ['2010/05/06', -91.0], ['2015/05/07', -26], ['2017/06/08', 30]]}, {'Name': 'Conservative', 'Votes (M)': [['1945/07/05', 8.716], ['1950/02/23', 12.492], ['1951/10/25', 13.717], ['1955/05/26', 13.31], ['1959/10/08', 13.75], ['1964/10/15', 12.002], ['1966/03/31', 11.418], ['1970/06/18', 13.145], ['1974/02/28', 11.872], ['1974/10/10', 10.462], ['1979/05/03', 13.697], ['1983/06/09', 13.012], ['1987/06/11', 13.76], ['1992/04/09', 14.093], ['1997/05/01', 9.6], ['2001/06/07', 8.357], ['2005/05/05', 8.7484], ['2010/05/06', 10.703], ['2015/05/07', 11.299], ['2017/06/08', 13.636]], 'Seats': [['1945/07/05', 197.0], ['1950/02/23', 298.0], ['1951/10/25', 321.0], ['1955/05/26', 345], ['1959/10/08', 365.0], ['1964/10/15', 304.0], ['1966/03/31', 253.0], ['1970/06/18', 330.0], ['1974/02/28', 297.0], ['1974/10/10', 277.0], ['1979/05/03', 339.0], ['1983/06/09', 397.0], ['1987/06/11', 376.0], ['1992/04/09', 336.0], ['1997/05/01', 165.0], ['2001/06/07', 166.0], ['2005/05/05', 198.0], ['2010/05/06', 306.0], ['2015/05/07', 330.0], ['2017/06/08', 317]], 'Vote Swing': [['1945/07/05', -11.6], ['1950/02/23', 4.3], ['1951/10/25', 4.5], ['1955/05/26', 1.7], ['1959/10/08', 2.5], ['1964/10/15', -4.0], ['1966/03/31', -1.5], ['1970/06/18', 4.5], ['1974/02/28', -8.5], ['1974/10/10', -2.1], ['1979/05/03', 8.1], ['1983/06/09', -1.5], ['1987/06/11', -0.2], ['1992/04/09', -0.3], ['1997/05/01', -11.2], ['2001/06/07', 1.0], ['2005/05/05', 0.7], ['2010/05/06', 3.7], ['2015/05/07', 0.7], ['2017/06/08', 5.5]], 'Seat Swing': [['1945/07/05', -190.0], ['1950/02/23', 90.0], ['1951/10/25', 22.0], ['1955/05/26', 23.0], ['1959/10/08', 20.0], ['1964/10/15', -61], ['1966/03/31', -52], ['1970/06/18', 77], ['1974/02/28', -37.0], ['1974/10/10', -20.0], ['1979/05/03', 63.0], ['1983/06/09', 37.0], ['1987/06/11', -21.0], ['1992/04/09', -41.0], ['1997/05/01', -178.0], ['2001/06/07', 1.0], ['2005/05/05', 33.0], ['2010/05/06', 97.0], ['2015/05/07', 24.0], ['2017/06/08', -13]]}, {'Name': 'Liberal', 'Votes (M)': [['1945/07/05', 2.17], ['1950/02/23', 2.62], ['1951/10/25', 0.73], ['1955/05/26', 0.722], ['1959/10/08', 1.64], ['1964/10/15', 3.099], ['1966/03/31', 2.327], ['1970/06/18', 2.117], ['1974/02/28', 6.059], ['1974/10/10', 5.346], ['1979/05/03', 4.313], ['1983/06/09', 7.794], ['1987/06/11', 7.341], ['1992/04/09', 5.999], ['1997/05/01', 5.242], ['2001/06/07', 4.814], ['2005/05/05', 5.985], ['2010/05/06', 6.836], ['2015/05/07', 2.415], ['2017/06/08', 2.371]], 'Seats': [['1945/07/05', 12.0], ['1950/02/23', 9.0], ['1951/10/25', 6.0], ['1955/05/26', 6.0], ['1959/10/08', 6.0], ['1964/10/15', 9.0], ['1966/03/31', 12.0], ['1970/06/18', 6.0], ['1974/02/28', 14.0], ['1974/10/10', 13.0], ['1979/05/03', 11.0], ['1983/06/09', 23.0], ['1987/06/11', 22.0], ['1992/04/09', 20.0], ['1997/05/01', 46.0], ['2001/06/07', 52.0], ['2005/05/05', 62.0], ['2010/05/06', 57.0], ['2015/05/07', 8.0], ['2017/06/08', 12]], 'Vote Swing': [['1945/07/05', 2.3], ['1950/02/23', 0.1], ['1951/10/25', -7.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.2], ['1959/10/08', 4.0], ['1964/10/15', 3.2], ['1966/03/31', -1.0], ['1970/06/18', -1.0], ['1974/02/28', 11.8], ['1974/10/10', -1.0], ['1979/05/03', -4.5], ['1983/06/09', 11.6], ['1987/06/11', -2.8], ['1992/04/09', -4.8], ['1997/05/01', -1.0], ['2001/06/07', 1.5], ['2005/05/05', 3.8], ['2010/05/06', 1.0], ['2015/05/07', -15.1], ['2017/06/08', -0.5]], 'Seat Swing': [['1945/07/05', -9.0], ['1950/02/23', 3.0], ['1951/10/25', -3], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1959/10/08', 1.0], ['1964/10/15', 5.0], ['1966/03/31', 3.0], ['1970/06/18', -6.0], ['1974/02/28', 8.0], ['1974/10/10', -1.0], ['1979/05/03', -2.0], ['1983/06/09', 12], ['1987/06/11', -1.0], ['1992/04/09', -2.0], ['1997/05/01', 28.0], ['2001/06/07', 6.0], ['2005/05/05', 11.0], ['2010/05/06', -5.0], ['2015/05/07', -49.0], ['2017/06/08', 4]]}, {'Name': 'Communist', 'Votes (M)': [['1945/07/05', 0.097], ['1950/02/23', 0.091], ['1951/10/25', 0.002], ['1955/05/26', 0.033], ['1959/10/08', 0.03], ['1964/10/15', 0.046], ['1966/03/31', 0.062], ['1970/06/18', 0.03], ['1974/02/28', 0.03], ['1974/10/10', 0.017], ['1979/05/03', 0.002], ['1983/06/09', 0.001]], 'Seats': [['1945/07/05', 2.0], ['1950/02/23', 0.0], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1959/10/08', 0.0], ['1964/10/15', 0.0], ['1966/03/31', 0.0], ['1970/06/18', 0.0], ['1974/02/28', 0.0], ['1974/10/10', 0.0], ['1979/05/03', 0.0], ['1983/06/09', 0.0]], 'Vote Swing': [['1945/07/05', 0.3], ['1950/02/23', -0.1], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1959/10/08', 0.0], ['1964/10/15', 0.0], ['1966/03/31', 0.0], ['1970/06/18', -0.1], ['1974/02/28', 0.0], ['1974/10/10', 0.0], ['1979/05/03', 0.0], ['1983/06/09', 0.0]], 'Seat Swing': [['1945/07/05', 1.0], ['1950/02/23', -2.0], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1959/10/08', 0.0], ['1964/10/15', 0.0], ['1966/03/31', 0, 0], ['1970/06/18', 0.0], ['1974/02/28', 0.0], ['1974/10/10', 0.0], ['1979/05/03', 0.0], ['1983/06/09', 0.0]]}, {'Name': 'Nationalist', 'Votes (M)': [['1945/07/05', 0.092], ['1950/02/23', 0.065]], 'Seats': [['1945/07/05', 2.0], ['1950/02/23', 2.0]], 'Vote Swing': [['1945/07/05', 0.2], ['1950/02/23', -0.2]], 'Seat Swing': [['1945/07/05', 0.0], ['1950/02/23', 0.0]]}, {'Name': 'SNP', 'Votes (M)': [['1945/07/05', 0.026], ['1950/02/23', 0.009], ['1951/10/25', 0.0007], ['1955/05/26', 0.001], ['1959/10/08', 0.002], ['1964/10/15', 0.064], ['1966/03/31', 0.128], ['1970/06/18', 0.306], ['1974/02/28', 0.633], ['1974/10/10', 0.839], ['1979/05/03', 0.504], ['1983/06/09', 0.331], ['1987/06/11', 0.416], ['1992/04/09', 0.629], ['1997/05/01', 0.621], ['2001/06/07', 0.464], ['2005/05/05', 0.412], ['2010/05/06', 0.491], ['2015/05/07', 1.452], ['2017/06/08', 0.977]], 'Seats': [['1945/07/05', 0.0], ['1950/02/23', 0.0], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1959/10/08', 0.0], ['1964/10/15', 0.0], ['1966/03/31', 0.0], ['1970/06/18', 1.0], ['1974/02/28', 7.0], ['1974/10/10', 11.0], ['1979/05/03', 2.0], ['1983/06/09', 2.0], ['1987/06/11', 3.0], ['1992/04/09', 3.0], ['1997/05/01', 6.0], ['2001/06/07', 5.0], ['2005/05/05', 6.0], ['2010/05/06', 6.0], ['2015/05/07', 56.0], ['2017/06/08', 35]], 'Vote Swing': [['1945/07/05', -0.1], ['1950/02/23', -0.1], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1959/10/08', 0.0], ['1964/10/15', 0.0], ['1966/03/31', 0.5], ['1970/06/18', 0.6], ['1974/02/28', 6.0], ['1974/10/10', 0.9], ['1979/05/03', -9.0], ['1983/06/09', -0.5], ['1987/06/11', 0.2], ['1992/04/09', 0.6], ['1997/05/01', 0.1], ['2001/06/07', -0.2], ['2005/05/05', -0.2], ['2010/05/06', 0.1], ['2015/05/07', 3.1], ['2017/06/08', -1.7]], 'Seat Swing': [['1945/07/05', 0.0], ['1950/02/23', 0.0], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1959/10/08', 0.0], ['1964/10/15', 0.5], ['1966/03/31', 0.0], ['1970/06/18', 1.0], ['1974/02/28', 0.9], ['1974/10/10', 4.0], ['1979/05/03', -1.3], ['1983/06/09', 0.0], ['1987/06/11', 1.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', 3.0], ['2001/06/07', -1.0], ['2005/05/05', 2.0], ['2010/05/06', 0.0], ['2015/05/07', 50.0], ['2017/06/08', -21]]}, {'Name': 'Plaid Cymru', 'Votes (M)': [['1945/07/05', 0.016], ['1950/02/23', 0.002], ['1951/10/25', 0.01], ['1955/05/26', 0.077], ['1964/10/15', 0.069], ['1966/03/31', 0.061], ['1970/06/18', 0.175], ['1974/02/28', 0.171], ['1974/10/10', 0.166], ['1979/05/03', 0.132], ['1983/06/09', 0.125], ['1987/06/11', 0.123], ['1992/04/09', 0.156], ['1997/05/01', 0.161], ['2001/06/07', 0.195], ['2005/05/05', 0.058], ['2010/05/06', 0.165], ['2015/05/07', 0.181], ['2017/06/08', 0.164]], 'Seats': [['1945/07/05', 0.0], ['1950/02/23', 0.0], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1964/10/15', 0.0], ['1966/03/31', 0.0], ['1970/06/18', 0.0], ['1974/02/28', 2.0], ['1974/10/10', 3.0], ['1979/05/03', 2.0], ['1983/06/09', 2.0], ['1987/06/11', 3.0], ['1992/04/09', 4.0], ['1997/05/01', 4.0], ['2001/06/07', 4.0], ['2005/05/05', 3.0], ['2010/05/06', 3.0], ['2015/05/07', 3.0], ['2017/06/08', 4]], 'Vote Swing': [['1945/07/05', 0.0], ['1950/02/23', -0.1], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.2], ['1964/10/15', 0.0], ['1966/03/31', 0.0], ['1970/06/18', 0.4], ['1974/02/28', -0.1], ['1974/10/10', 0.1], ['1979/05/03', 0.2], ['1983/06/09', 0.0], ['1987/06/11', 0.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.1], ['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.2], ['2005/05/05', -0.1], ['2010/05/06', -0.1], ['2015/05/07', 0], ['2017/06/08', -0.1]], 'Seat Swing': [['1945/07/05', 0.0], ['1950/02/23', 0.0], ['1951/10/25', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.0], ['1964/10/15', 0.0], ['1966/03/31', 0.0], ['1970/06/18', 0.0], ['1974/02/28', 2.0], ['1974/10/10', 1.0], ['1979/05/03', -1.0], ['1983/06/09', 0.0], ['1987/06/11', 1.0], ['1992/04/09', 1.0], ['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.0], ['2005/05/05', -1.0], ['2010/05/06', 0.0], ['2015/05/07', 0.0], ['2017/06/08', 1.0]]}, {'Name': 'Sinn Féin', 'Votes (M)': [['1950/02/23', 0.002], ['1955/05/26', 0.15], ['1959/10/08', 0.063], ['1983/06/09', 0.102], ['1987/06/11', 0.083], ['1992/04/09', 0.078], ['1997/05/01', 0.126], ['2001/06/07', 0.175], ['2005/05/05', 0.174], ['2010/05/06', 0.171], ['2015/05/07', 0.176], ['2017/06/08', 0.239]], 'Seats': [['1950/02/23', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 2.0], ['1959/10/08', 0.0], ['1983/06/09', 1.0], ['1987/06/11', 1.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', 2.0], ['2001/06/07', 4.0], ['2005/05/05', 5.0], ['2010/05/06', 5.0], ['2015/05/07', 4.0], ['2017/06/08', 7]], 'Vote Swing': [['1950/02/23', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 0.5], ['1959/10/08', -0.2], ['1983/06/09', 0.0], ['1987/06/11', 0.0], ['1992/04/09', -0.1], ['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.3], ['2005/05/05', -0.1], ['2010/05/06', -0.1], ['2015/05/07', 0.0], ['2017/06/08', 0.1]], 'Seat Swing': [['1950/02/23', 0.0], ['1955/05/26', 2.0], ['1959/10/08', -2.0], ['1983/06/09', 0.0], ['1987/06/11', 0.0], ['1992/04/09', -1.0], ['1997/05/01', 2.0], ['2001/06/07', 2.0], ['2005/05/05', 1.0], ['2010/05/06', 0.0], ['2015/05/07', -1.0], ['2017/06/08', 3]]}, {'Name': 'UUP', 'Votes (M)': [['1974/02/28', 0.232], ['1974/10/10', 0.256], ['1979/05/03', 0.254], ['1983/06/09', 0.259], ['1987/06/11', 0.276], ['1992/04/09', 0.271], ['1997/05/01', 0.258], ['2001/06/07', 0.216], ['2005/05/05', 0.127], ['2015/05/07', 0.115], ['2017/06/08', 0.083]], 'Seats': [['1974/02/28', 7.0], ['1974/10/10', 7.0], ['1979/05/03', 5.0], ['1983/06/09', 11.0], ['1987/06/11', 9.0], ['1992/04/09', 9.0], ['1997/05/01', 10.0], ['2001/06/07', 6.0], ['2005/05/05', 1.0], ['2015/05/07', 2.0], ['2017/06/08', 0]], 'Vote Swing': [['1974/02/28', 0.0], ['1974/10/10', 0.1], ['1979/05/03', -0.1], ['1983/06/09', 0.0], ['1987/06/11', 0.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.0], ['2005/05/05', -0.3], ['2015/05/07', 0.0], ['2017/06/08', -0.1]], 'Seat Swing': [['1974/02/28', 7.0], ['1974/10/10', 0.0], ['1979/05/03', -1.0], ['1983/06/09', 2.0], ['1987/06/11', -2.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', 1.0], ['2001/06/07', -4.0], ['2005/05/05', -5.0], ['2015/05/07', 2.0], ['2017/06/08', -2.0]]}, {'Name': 'DUP', 'Votes (M)': [['1979/05/03', 0.07], ['1983/06/09', 0.152], ['1987/06/11', 0.085], ['1992/04/09', 0.103], ['1997/05/01', 0.107], ['2001/06/07', 0.181], ['2005/05/05', 0.241], ['2010/05/06', 0.168], ['2015/05/07', 0.184], ['2017/06/08', 0.292]], 'Seats': [['1979/05/03', 3.0], ['1983/06/09', 3.0], ['1987/06/11', 3.0], ['1992/04/09', 3.0], ['1997/05/01', 2.0], ['2001/06/07', 5.0], ['2005/05/05', 9.0], ['2010/05/06', 8.0], ['2015/05/07', 8.0], ['2017/06/08', 10]], 'Vote Swing': [['1979/05/03', -0.1], ['1983/06/09', 0.3], ['1987/06/11', -0.2], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.4], ['2005/05/05', 0.2], ['2010/05/06', -0.3], ['2015/05/07', 0.0], ['2017/06/08', 0.3]], 'Seat Swing': [['1979/05/03', 2.0], ['1983/06/09', 1], ['1987/06/11', 0.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', -1.0], ['2001/06/07', 3.0], ['2005/05/05', 4.0], ['2010/05/06', -1.0], ['2015/05/07', 0.0], ['2017/06/08', 2]]}, {'Name': 'Green', 'Votes (M)': [['1987/06/11', 0.089], ['1992/04/09', 0.17], ['1997/05/01', 0.067], ['2001/06/07', 0.166], ['2005/05/05', 0.257], ['2010/05/06', 0.265], ['2015/05/07', 1.111], ['2017/06/08', 0.512]], 'Seats': [['1987/06/11', 0.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.0], ['2005/05/05', 0.0], ['2010/05/06', 1.0], ['2015/05/07', 1.0], ['2017/06/08', 1.0]], 'Vote Swing': [['1987/06/11', 0.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', -0.2], ['2001/06/07', 0.3], ['2005/05/05', 0.4], ['2010/05/06', -0.2], ['2015/05/07', 2.7], ['2017/06/08', -2.0]], 'Seat Swing': [['1987/06/11', 0.0], ['1992/04/09', 0.0], ['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.0], ['2005/05/05', 0.0], ['2010/05/06', 1.0], ['2015/05/07', 0.0], ['2017/06/08', 0.0]]}, {'Name': 'BNP', 'Votes (M)': [['1997/05/01', 0.035], ['2001/06/07', 0.047], ['2005/05/05', 0.192], ['2010/05/06', 0.564]], 'Seats': [['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.0], ['2005/05/05', 0.0], ['2010/05/06', 0.0]], 'Vote Swing': [['1997/05/01', -0.2], ['2001/06/07', 0.1], ['2005/05/05', 0.2], ['2010/05/06', 1.2]], 'Seat Swing': [['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.0], ['2005/05/05', 0.0], ['2010/05/06', 0.0]]}, {'Name': 'UKIP', 'Votes (M)': [['1997/05/01', 0.105], ['2001/06/07', 0.39], ['2005/05/05', 0.605], ['2010/05/06', 0.919], ['2015/05/07', 3.881], ['2017/06/08', 0.594]], 'Seats': [['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.0], ['2005/05/05', 0.0], ['2010/05/06', 0.0], ['2015/05/07', 1.0], ['2017/06/08', 0.0]], 'Vote Swing': [['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 1.2], ['2005/05/05', 0.8], ['2010/05/06', 0.9], ['2015/05/07', 9.5], ['2017/06/08', -10.8]], 'Seat Swing': [['1997/05/01', 0.0], ['2001/06/07', 0.0], ['2005/05/05', 0.0], ['2010/05/06', 0.0], ['2015/05/07', 1.0], ['2017/06/08', -1.0]]}] ; var selector = document.getElementById("selector"); var chart = new MotionChart(document.getElementById("chart")); function update() { var axes = selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value.split(",").map(function (text) { return text.trim(); }); chart.reset(); chart.data(data, "Name", axes[0], axes[1], axes[2], axes[3]); chart.time(new Date("1945/07/05"), new Date("2017/06/08")); chart.select("Labour"); chart.select("Conservative"); chart.select("SNP"); chart.select("UKIP"); chart.select("DUP"); chart.select("Liberal"); chart.draw(); chart.startTransition(); } update(); selector.addEventListener("change", function() { update(); }); </script> </div> </div> </body> </html>