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d3animas declarative grammer for animation of natural forms


declarative generation of animations of natural forms - genezing on superforms


shape m1 m2 n1 n2 n3 a b

rad		radio
rot		rotation, degrees
segs	segments in path

hc 		trace segments
hf 		trace fill
hs 		trace stroke
hw 		trace width
ho 		trace opacity

v0		radio faktor
v1		angle faktor

pta		dot a of form points, 0
ptb		dot b of form points, -1

style cf color fill cs color stroke cw color width

time duration - clock time duration timeunits - abstract time duration wait limit - abstract start - end - step

t: td duration 4000 elan in miliseconds t0 start 0 time to start in basic units t1 end 1000 basic units t2 step 1 tick per step in basic units t3 periods 5 periods in elan (5: 200 basic units per period)

trajectories tx ty

c || [c1, c2, cn], {}	:	single 
[[], {}]							: consecutive
[[[], []]], [[[], {}]]	: parallel

form __mapper('xsf')(formparams).render() scales __mapper('scales').render(formparams) console __mapper('consol').render(formparams) e dots __mapper('dots').render() ts

xsf render scales and console click on form reenders scales and console

xsf clear clears fuel, dots


introduced by sifbuilder

based upon

encouraging to read

building on

having found useful



forked from sifbuilder's block: d3animas declarative grammer for animation of natural forms