const SAT_SIZE_REL = 35; // degrees per 1/height(sqkm) const Satellites = Kapsule({ props: { satellites: { default: null } }, stateInit: () => ({ groupColor: d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10), geoCircle: d3.geoCircle() .center(({ latitude, longitude }) => [longitude, latitude].map(r2d)) .radius(({ height }) => SAT_SIZE_REL / Math.sqrt(height)) .precision(30), geoVoronoi: d3.geoVoronoi() .x(d => r2d(d.coords.longitude)) .y(d => r2d(d.coords.latitude)), tip: d3.tip() .attr('class', 'tooltip') .direction('s') .offset([30, 10]) .html(({ properties: { site: d } }) => `
Altitude: ${Math.round(d.coords.height)}km
`) }), init(svg, state, projection) { state.voronoiG = svg.append('g'); state.satG = svg.append('g'); state.geoPath = d3.geoPath() .projection(projection) .pointRadius(2); // Tooltip; state.followCursor = svg.append('circle').style('pointer-events', 'none'); // helper to make tip follow cursor svg.on('mousemove', () => state.followCursor.attr('cx', d3.event.pageX).attr('cy', d3.event.pageY)); }, update(state) { // voronoi polygons try { const voronoiPolygons = state.voronoiG.selectAll('.voronoi') .data( state.geoVoronoi(state.satellites).polygons().features, d => ); voronoiPolygons.exit().remove(); const newPolygons = voronoiPolygons .enter().append('path') .attr('class', 'voronoi') .on('mousemove', d =>, state.followCursor.node())) .on('mouseout', state.tip.hide); voronoiPolygons.merge(newPolygons) .attr('d', state.geoPath) } catch(e) {} // skip render cycle if voronoi computation errors (due to overlapping nodes) // satellite markers const sats = state.satG.selectAll('.satellite') .data(state.satellites, d =>; sats.exit().remove(); const newSats = sats.enter().append('path') .attr('class', 'satellite') .attr('fill', d => state.groupColor( .attr('fill-opacity', 0.7); sats.merge(newSats) .attr('d', d => state.geoPath(state.geoCircle(d.coords))); } }); // radians to degrees function r2d(rad) { return rad * 180 / Math.PI; }