Old school D3 from simpler times
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Bi-Level Partition 2
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<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> circle, path { cursor: pointer; } circle { fill: none; pointer-events: all; } </style> <body> <script src="//d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> <script> var margin = {top: 350, right: 480, bottom: 350, left: 480}, radius = Math.min(margin.top, margin.right, margin.bottom, margin.left) - 10; var hue = d3.scale.category10(); var luminance = d3.scale.sqrt() .domain([0, 1e6]) .clamp(true) .range([90, 20]); var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg") .attr("width", margin.left + margin.right) .attr("height", margin.top + margin.bottom) .append("g") .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")"); var partition = d3.layout.partition() .sort(function(a, b) { return d3.ascending(a.name, b.name); }) .size([2 * Math.PI, radius]); var arc = d3.svg.arc() .startAngle(function(d) { return d.x; }) .endAngle(function(d) { return d.x + d.dx ; }) .padAngle(.01) .padRadius(radius / 3) .innerRadius(function(d) { return radius / 3 * d.depth; }) .outerRadius(function(d) { return radius / 3 * (d.depth + 1) - 1; }); d3.json("flare.json", function(error, root) { if (error) throw error; // Compute the initial layout on the entire tree to sum sizes. // Also compute the full name and fill color for each node, // and stash the children so they can be restored as we descend. partition .value(function(d) { return d.size; }) .nodes(root) .forEach(function(d) { d._children = d.children; d.sum = d.value; d.key = key(d); d.fill = fill(d); }); // Now redefine the value function to use the previously-computed sum. partition .children(function(d, depth) { return depth < 2 ? d._children : null; }) .value(function(d) { return d.sum; }); var center = svg.append("circle") .attr("r", radius / 3) .on("click", zoomOut); center.append("title") .text("zoom out"); var path = svg.selectAll("path") .data(partition.nodes(root).slice(1)) .enter().append("path") .attr("d", arc) .style("fill", function(d) { return d.fill; }) .each(function(d) { this._current = updateArc(d); }) .on("click", zoomIn); function zoomIn(p) { if (p.depth > 1) p = p.parent; if (!p.children) return; zoom(p, p); } function zoomOut(p) { if (!p.parent) return; zoom(p.parent, p); } // Zoom to the specified new root. function zoom(root, p) { if (document.documentElement.__transition__) return; // Rescale outside angles to match the new layout. var enterArc, exitArc, outsideAngle = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, 2 * Math.PI]); function insideArc(d) { return p.key > d.key ? {depth: d.depth - 1, x: 0, dx: 0} : p.key < d.key ? {depth: d.depth - 1, x: 2 * Math.PI, dx: 0} : {depth: 0, x: 0, dx: 2 * Math.PI}; } function outsideArc(d) { return {depth: d.depth + 1, x: outsideAngle(d.x), dx: outsideAngle(d.x + d.dx) - outsideAngle(d.x)}; } center.datum(root); // When zooming in, arcs enter from the outside and exit to the inside. // Entering outside arcs start from the old layout. if (root === p) enterArc = outsideArc, exitArc = insideArc, outsideAngle.range([p.x, p.x + p.dx]); path = path.data(partition.nodes(root).slice(1), function(d) { return d.key; }); // When zooming out, arcs enter from the inside and exit to the outside. // Exiting outside arcs transition to the new layout. if (root !== p) enterArc = insideArc, exitArc = outsideArc, outsideAngle.range([p.x, p.x + p.dx]); d3.transition().duration(d3.event.altKey ? 7500 : 750).each(function() { path.exit().transition() .style("fill-opacity", function(d) { return d.depth === 1 + (root === p) ? 1 : 0; }) .attrTween("d", function(d) { return arcTween.call(this, exitArc(d)); }) .remove(); path.enter().append("path") .style("fill-opacity", function(d) { return d.depth === 2 - (root === p) ? 1 : 0; }) .style("fill", function(d) { return d.fill; }) .on("click", zoomIn) .each(function(d) { this._current = enterArc(d); }); path.transition() .style("fill-opacity", 1) .attrTween("d", function(d) { return arcTween.call(this, updateArc(d)); }); }); } }); function key(d) { var k = [], p = d; while (p.depth) k.push(p.name), p = p.parent; return k.reverse().join("."); } function fill(d) { var p = d; while (p.depth > 1) p = p.parent; var c = d3.lab(hue(p.name)); c.l = luminance(d.sum); return c; } function arcTween(b) { var i = d3.interpolate(this._current, b); this._current = i(0); return function(t) { return arc(i(t)); }; } function updateArc(d) { return {depth: d.depth, x: d.x, dx: d.dx}; } d3.select(self.frameElement).style("height", margin.top + margin.bottom + "px"); </script>