const POLYGON = 0; // box const LINESTRING = 1; // segment const MULTILINESTRING = 2; // for curved edges const CURVE = 3; function overlaps (a, b) { return (a[3] >= b[1] && a[1] <= b[3]) && (a[2] >= b[0] && a[0] <= b[2]); } const intersects = (a, b) => b[0] < a[2] && b[1] < a[3] && b[2] > a[0] && b[3] > a[1]; const intersect = (function() { const _a = [0, 0], _b = [0, 0]; const _ca = [0, 0], _cb = [0, 0]; const _box = [0,0,0,0]; return function intersect(type, coords, b) { if (type === LINESTRING) { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = coords; _a[0] = x1; _a[1] = y1; _b[0] = x2; _b[1] = y2; return lbclip(_a, _b, b); } else if (type === CURVE) { return bezierIntersect.quadBezierAABB( coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4], coords[5], b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3] ); } else if (type === MULTILINESTRING) { for (let i = 1; i < coords.length / 2; i += 2) { const x1 = coords[i - 2], y1 = coords[i - 1], x2 = coords[i + 0], y2 = coords[i + 1]; _a[0] = x1; _a[1] = y1; _b[0] = x2; _b[1] = y2; if (lbclip(_a, _b, b)) return true; } return false; } else { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = coords; _box[0] = x1; _box[1] = y1; _box[2] = x2; _box[3] = y2; return intersects(_box, b); } } })(); const cover = (function() { const _coords = [[0, 0], [0, 0]]; return function cover(type, coords, zoom) { const tileHash = {}; const tiles = []; switch (type) { case LINESTRING: _coords[0][0] = coords[0]; _coords[0][1] = coords[1]; _coords[1][0] = coords[2]; _coords[1][1] = coords[3]; coverSegment(tileHash, _coords, zoom, undefined, tiles); break; case POLYGON: coverAABB(tileHash, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], zoom, tiles); break; case CURVE: let tile; coverQuadBezier(tileHash, coords, zoom, tiles); default: break; } return tiles; }; })(); // "world" size const toID = morton; const wsz = 1 << 12; // MAX morton-encodable level function pointToQuad(x, y, z) { var z2 = 1 << z, x = ~~(z2 * (x / wsz)), y = ~~(z2 * (y / wsz)); return [x, y, z]; } function pointToQuadFraction(x, y, z) { var z2 = 1 << z, x = z2 * (x / wsz), y = z2 * (y / wsz); return [x, y, z]; } function coverAABB(tileHash, x1, y1, x2, y2, zoom, t) { const lb = pointToQuad(x1, y1, zoom); const rt = pointToQuad(x2, y2, zoom); for (let x = lb[0]; x <= rt[0]; x++) { for (let y = lb[1]; y <= rt[1]; y++) { //tileHash[toID(x, y, zoom)] = true; t.push(toID(x, y, zoom)); } } } function coverSegment(tileHash, coords, maxZoom, ring, t) { var prevX, prevY; for (var i = 0; i < coords.length - 1; i++) { var start = pointToQuadFraction(coords[i][0], coords[i][1], maxZoom), stop = pointToQuadFraction(coords[i + 1][0], coords[i + 1][1], maxZoom), x0 = start[0], y0 = start[1], x1 = stop[0], y1 = stop[1], dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0; if (dy === 0 && dx === 0) continue; var sx = dx > 0 ? 1 : -1, sy = dy > 0 ? 1 : -1, x = Math.floor(x0), y = Math.floor(y0), tMaxX = dx === 0 ? Infinity : Math.abs(((dx > 0 ? 1 : 0) + x - x0) / dx), tMaxY = dy === 0 ? Infinity : Math.abs(((dy > 0 ? 1 : 0) + y - y0) / dy), tdx = Math.abs(sx / dx), tdy = Math.abs(sy / dy); if (x !== prevX || y !== prevY) { //tileHash[toID(x, y, maxZoom)] = true; t.push(toID(x, y, maxZoom)); if (ring && y !== prevY) ring.push([x, y]); prevX = x; prevY = y; } while (tMaxX < 1 || tMaxY < 1) { if (tMaxX < tMaxY) { tMaxX += tdx; x += sx; } else { tMaxY += tdy; y += sy; } //tileHash[toID(x, y, maxZoom)] = true; t.push(toID(x, y, maxZoom)); if (ring && y !== prevY) ring.push([x, y]); prevX = x; prevY = y; } } if (ring && y === ring[0][1]) ring.pop(); } function coverQuadBezier(tileHash, coords, zoom, tiles) { const [x0, y0] = pointToQuad(coords[0], coords[1], zoom); const [x1, y1] = pointToQuad(coords[2], coords[3], zoom); const [x2, y2] = pointToQuad(coords[4], coords[5], zoom); bresenham.quadBezierAA(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, (x, y) => { tiles.push(toID(x, y, zoom)); }); } const zEncode = morton; const _000_ = 0, _001_ = 1, _010_ = 2, _011_ = 3, _100_ = 4, _101_ = 5; const MASK = 0xaaaaaaaa; // hex(int('10'*10, 2)) const FULL = 0xffffffff const BITMAX = 31; function setbits(p, v) { var mask = (MASK >>> (BITMAX-p)) & (~(FULL << p) & FULL); return (v | mask) & ~(1 << p) & FULL; } function unsetbits(p, v) { var mask = ~(MASK >>> (BITMAX-p)) & FULL; return (v & mask) | (1 << p); } function litMax(minz, maxz, zcode) { var litmax = minz; for (var p = BITMAX; p > 0; p--) { var mask = 1 << p; var v = (zcode & mask) && _100_ || _000_; if (minz & mask) v |= _010_ if (maxz & mask) v |= _001_ if (v === _001_) maxz = setbits(p, maxz); else if (v === _011_) return litmax; else if (v === _100_) return maxz; else if (v === _101_) { litmax = setbits(p, maxz); minz = unsetbits(p, minz); } } return litmax; } function bigMin(minz, maxz, zcode) { var bigmin = maxz; for (var p = BITMAX; p > 0; p--) { var mask = 1 << p; var v = (zcode & mask) && _100_ || _000_; if (minz & mask) v |= _010_; if (maxz & mask) v |= _001_; if (v === _001_) { bigmin = unsetbits(p, minz); maxz = setbits(p, maxz); } else if (v === _011_) return minz; else if (v === _100_) return bigmin; else if (v === _101_) minz = unsetbits(p, minz); } return bigmin; } const getQuadraticControlPoint = (x1, y1, x2, y2, cx = 2, cy = 1.5, dest = { x: 0, y: 0}) => { dest.x = (x1 + x2) / cx + (y2 - y1) / cy; dest.y = (y1 + y2) / cx + (x1 - x2) / cy; return dest; } const getGeometry = (function() { const geom = []; const _cp = { x: 0, y: 0 }; const output = { type: 0, coordinates: geom }; return (id) => { const pos = id * SZ; const type = flatStorage[pos + SZ - 1];; output.type = type; if (type === CURVE) { const s = SZ * flatStorage[pos + 0]; const t = SZ * flatStorage[pos + 1]; const curvature = flatStorage[pos + 2]; const sx = (flatStorage[s + 0] + flatStorage[s + 2]) / 2; const sy = (flatStorage[s + 1] + flatStorage[s + 3]) / 2; const tx = (flatStorage[t + 0] + flatStorage[t + 2]) / 2; const ty = (flatStorage[t + 1] + flatStorage[t + 3]) / 2; getQuadraticControlPoint(sx, sy, tx, ty, 2, 1.5, _cp); geom[0] = sx; geom[1] = sy; geom[2] = _cp.x; geom[3] = _cp.y; geom[4] = tx; geom[5] = ty; // get control point } else if (type === LINESTRING) { const s = SZ * flatStorage[pos + 0]; const t = SZ * flatStorage[pos + 1]; geom[0] = (flatStorage[s + 0] + flatStorage[s + 2]) / 2; geom[1] = (flatStorage[s + 1] + flatStorage[s + 3]) / 2; geom[2] = (flatStorage[t + 0] + flatStorage[t + 2]) / 2; geom[3] = (flatStorage[t + 1] + flatStorage[t + 3]) / 2; } else { geom[0] = flatStorage[pos + 0]; geom[1] = flatStorage[pos + 1]; geom[2] = flatStorage[pos + 2]; geom[3] = flatStorage[pos + 3]; } return output; }; })(); const MAX_ZOOM = 12; class UBTree { constructor (zoom = 10) { this.setLevel(zoom); this._tree = new SplayTree((a, b) => a - b); this._reverseIndex = []; this._checkedNodes = []; } // Node must have x and y integers insert (id) { const object = getGeometry(id); //const pos = id * SZ; const tiles = cover(object.type, object.coordinates, this._level); const nodes = this._reverseIndex[id] = []; for (let i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { //const t = tiles[i]; const code = tiles[i]; let node = this._tree.find(code); if (node) {; } else { node = this._tree.insert(code, [id]); } //const code = morton(t[0], t[1]); nodes.push(node); } } remove(id) { var quads = this._reverseIndex[id]; if (quads) { for (let i = 0; i < quads.length; i++) { var quad = quads[i]; var ids =; ids.splice(ids.indexOf(id), 1); if (ids.length === 0) { this._tree.removeNode(quad); } } delete this._reverseIndex[id]; } } update(id) { this.remove(id); this.insert(id); } forEach(callback) { this._tree.forEach(callback); } all() { var all = []; this._tree.forEach((entity) => all.push(entity)); return all; } load(arr) { arr.forEach((entity) => this.insert(entity)); } clear() { this._tree._root = null; this._tree._size = 0; this._reverseIndex = []; } setLevel(level) { this._level = level; } searchNode(node, minz, maxz, range, z1, z2, res) { var Q = [node]; while (node = Q.pop()) { var z = node.key; if (z < minz) { Q.push(node.right); continue; } else if (z > maxz) { Q.push(node.left); continue; } else { var ids =; var inside = false; if (this._checkedNodesHash[node.key]) continue; this._checkedNodesHash[node.key] = true; this._checkedNodes.push(node); for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { var id = ids[i]; var object = getGeometry(id); var oinside = intersect(object.type, object.coordinates, range); this._intersectionChecks++; if (oinside) { res.push(id); inside = true; } } if (inside) { // range is good this.searchNode(node.left, minz, z, range, z1, z2, res); this.searchNode(node.right, z, maxz, range, z1, z2, res); } else { // split range this.searchNode(node.left, minz, litMax(z1, z2, z), range, z1, z2, res); this.searchNode(node.right, bigMin(z1, z2, z), maxz, range, z1, z2, res); } } } } query(range) { range[0] |= 0; range[1] |= 0; range[2] |= 0; range[3] |= 0; const tile1 = pointToQuadFraction(range[0], range[1], this._level); const tile2 = pointToQuadFraction(range[2], range[3], this._level); const z1 = morton(tile1[0], tile1[1]); const z2 = morton(tile2[0], tile2[1]); const res = []; this._intersectionChecks = 0; this._checkedNodes = []; this._checkedNodesHash = {}; this.searchNode(this._tree._root, z1, z2, range, z1, z2, res); return res; } get intersectionChecks() { return this._intersectionChecks; } get cellCount() { return this._tree.size; } get level () { return this._level; } get size () { return this._tree.size; } keyToBBox(key) { const [tx, ty] = morton.reverse(key); const side = 1 << (MAX_ZOOM - this._level); return [tx * side, ty * side, (tx + 1) * side, (ty + 1) * side]; } } UBTree.MAX_ZOOM = MAX_ZOOM;