var QT_ROOT_LEVEL = 0; function createNode(bbox, parent, level) { return { bbox, leaf: true, level, parent, objects: [], final: false }; } function inside (box, container) { var cx = (box[0] + box[2]) / 2; var cy = (box[1] + box[3]) / 2; return cx >= container[0] && cx < container[2] && cy >= container[1] && cy < container[3]; } function intersects (a, b) { return ((a[0] > b[0] && a[0] < b[2]) && (a[1] > b[1] && a[1] < b[3])) || ((a[2] > b[0] && a[2] < b[2]) && (a[3] > b[1] && a[3] < b[3])); } function overlaps (a, b) { return (a[3] > b[1] && a[1] < b[3]) && (a[2] > b[0] && a[0] < b[2]); } const LEFT_BOTTOM = 0; const LEFT_TOP = 1; const RIGHT_TOP = 2; const RIGHT_BOTTOM = 3; function findQuad (bbox, nbbox) { var ncx = (nbbox[0] + nbbox[2]) / 2, ncy = (nbbox[1] + nbbox[3]) / 2; var cx = (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2, cy = (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2; if (cx < ncx) return cy < ncy ? LEFT_BOTTOM : LEFT_TOP; else return cy < ncy ? RIGHT_BOTTOM : RIGHT_TOP; } const INF_BBOX = [-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE]; function scale (bbox, k) { var cx = (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2, cy = (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2; var w = Math.abs(bbox[2] - bbox[0]), h = Math.abs(bbox[3] - bbox[1]); k /= 2; return [cx - w * k, cy - h * k, cx + w * k, cy + h * k]; } function grow (bbox, other) { var w = Math.abs(bbox[2] - bbox[0]), h = Math.abs(bbox[3] - bbox[1]); return [bbox[0] + w * 2, bbox[1] + h * 2] } const DEF_GET_BBOX = (o) => o; class Quadtree { constructor (getBBox = DEF_GET_BBOX, nodeCapacity = 10, initialBbox, getId) { this._nodeCapacity = nodeCapacity; this._root = null; this._getBBox = getBBox; this._upScale = 4; this._objects = {}; this._size = 0; this._idToCell = {}; if (initialBbox) this._root = createNode(initialBbox, null, QT_ROOT_LEVEL); } insert (id, bbox, root = this._root) { bbox = bbox || this._getBBox(id); if (this._objects[id]) return; this._objects[id] = true; if (!this._root) { var size = Math.max( Math.abs(bbox[2] - bbox[0]), Math.abs(bbox[3] - bbox[1]) ); this._root = createNode([bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[0] + size, bbox[1] + size], QT_ROOT_LEVEL); this._root.objects.push(id); return id; } var Q = [root], node, nbbox, inserted = false; var nodeCapacity = this._nodeCapacity, idToCell = this._idToCell; while (node = Q.pop()) { nbbox = node.bbox; if (overlaps(bbox, nbbox)) { if (node.leaf) { if ( || (node.objects.length < nodeCapacity)) { node.objects.push(id); if (idToCell[id]) idToCell[id].push(node); else idToCell[id] = [node]; if (Math.abs(nbbox[2] - nbbox[0]) <= Math.abs(bbox[2] - bbox[0]) || Math.abs(nbbox[3] - nbbox[1]) <= Math.abs(bbox[3] - bbox[1])) { = true; } inserted = true; //return node; } else { this.splitNode(node); Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); // this would work if we would only insert objects into 1 leaf // Q.push(node.children[findQuad(bbox, nbbox)]); } } else Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); //} else Q.push(node.children[findQuad(bbox, nbbox)]); } } if (inserted) return id; if (!inside(bbox, this._root.bbox)) { var level = QT_ROOT_LEVEL; // if we are here, we need to grow the root while (!inside(bbox, this._root.bbox)) { root = this._root; nbbox = root.bbox; var cx = (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2, cy = (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2; var newbbox = nbbox.slice(), newRoot; var nw = Math.abs(nbbox[2] - nbbox[0]), nh = Math.abs(nbbox[3] - nbbox[1]); if (cx <= nbbox[0]) newbbox[0] -= nw; if (cy <= nbbox[1]) newbbox[1] -= nh; if (cx > nbbox[0]) newbbox[2] += nw; if (cy > nbbox[1]) newbbox[3] += nh; newRoot = createNode(newbbox, null, level); this.splitNode(newRoot); newRoot.children[findQuad(nbbox, newbbox)] = root; this._root = root.parent = newRoot; } Q = [this._root]; this._root.level = QT_ROOT_LEVEL; while (node = Q.shift()) { if (!node.leaf) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var child = node.children[i]; child.level = node.level + 1; Q.push(child); } } } } node = this._root.children[findQuad(bbox, this._root.bbox)]; if (node.leaf) { node.objects.push(id); if (idToCell[id]) idToCell[id].push(node); else idToCell[id] = [node]; } return id; } removeById(id) { if (!this._objects[id]) return id; var leafs = this._idToCell[id]; for (var j = 0; j < leafs.length; j++) { var leaf = leafs[j]; var objects = leaf.objects; for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i< len; i++) { if (objects[i] === id) { objects.splice(i, 1); break; } } } delete this._objects[id]; delete this._idToCell[id]; return id; } remove (id) { var bbox = this._getBBox(id); var Q = [this._root], node; var nbbox, leaf, emptyLeafs; while (node = Q.pop()) { nbbox = node.bbox; if (overlaps(bbox, nbbox)) { if (node.leaf) { var objects = node.objects; for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) { if (objects[i] === id) { objects.splice(i, 1); if (len === 1) { // it was the last object emptyLeafs = emptyLeafs || []; emptyLeafs.push(node); } break; } } } else Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); } } delete this._idToCell[id]; delete this._objects[id]; // prune the tree - balancing if (emptyLeafs) { while (leaf = emptyLeafs.pop()) { let p = leaf.parent; var allEmpty = true; while (p && allEmpty) { if (!p.leaf) { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { node = p.children[i]; // found a branch or a non-empty leaf on that level, bail out if (!node.leaf || node.objects.length !== 0) { allEmpty = false; break; } } if (allEmpty) { // this node is completely empty p.leaf = true; p.children = null; p.objects = []; } } p = p.parent; } } } return id; } splitNode(node) { var [l, b, r, t] = node.bbox; var cx = (l + r) / 2, cy = (b + t) / 2; var level = node.level + 1, child; var idToCell = this._idToCell; // --------- // | 1 | 2 | // -------- // | 0 | 3 | // --------- // bitwise // ----------- // | 01 | 10 | // ----------- // | 00 | 11 | // ----------- var children = [ createNode([l, b, cx, cy], node, level), createNode([l, cy, cx, t], node, level), createNode([cx, cy, r, t], node, level), createNode([cx, b, r, cy], node, level) ]; // re-insert objects if (node.objects) { var objects = node.objects; var getBBox = this._getBBox; for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) { var id = objects[i]; var bbox = getBBox(id); var row = idToCell[id]; for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { child = children[j]; if (overlaps(bbox, child.bbox)) { child.objects.push(id); if (row) row.push(child); else row = [child] } } // var index = findQuad(getBBox(objects[i]), node.bbox); // var child = children[index]; // var id = objects[i]; // child.objects.push(id); row.splice(row.indexOf(node), 1); // var row = idToCell[id]; // if (row) { // row.push(child); // row.splice(row.indexOf(node), 1); // } else idToCell[id] = [child]; } } node.children = children; node.objects = null; node.leaf = false; } point (p, returnCandidates) { return this.query([p[0], p[1], p[0], p[1]]); var result = []; var Q = [this._root], node, bbox, obj; var [x, y] = p; var getBBox = this._getBBox; while (node = Q.pop()) { bbox = node.bbox; if (x >= bbox[0] && x <= bbox[2] && y >= bbox[1] && y <= bbox[3]) { if (node.leaf) { if (returnCandidates) result = node.objects; var objects = node.objects; for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) { obj = objects[i]; bbox = getBBox(obj); if (x >= bbox[0] && x <= bbox[2] && y >= bbox[1] && y <= bbox[3]) result.push(obj); } break; } else Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); } } return result; } neigbours (p) { var result = []; var Q = [this._root], node, bbox; var [x, y] = p; var getBBox = this._getBBox; while (node = Q.pop()) { bbox = node.bbox; if (x >= bbox[0] && x <= bbox[2] && y >= bbox[1] && y <= bbox[3]) { if (node.leaf) { result = node.objects; break; } else Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); } } return result; } query (range) { var result = []; var Q = [this._root], node, obj, box, id; var getBBox = this._getBBox; var map = {}; while (node = Q.pop()) { if (overlaps(range, node.bbox)) { if (node.leaf) { var objects = node.objects; for (var i = 0, len = objects.length; i < len; i++) { id = objects[i]; if (!map[id]) { box = getBBox(id); if (overlaps(range, box)) result.push(id); map[id] = true; } } } else Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); } } return result; } getOverlaps () { var Q = [this._root], node, u, v; var overlapping = []; var getBBox = this._getBBox; var map = {}, storage = this._objects; while (node = Q.pop()) { if (node.leaf) { var objects = node.objects, len = objects.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) { u = objects[i]; v = objects[j]; if (i !== j && !map[u + ':' + v] && !map[v + ':' + u]) { var a = storage[u], b = storage[v]; map[u + ':' + v] = true; if (overlaps(getBBox(a), getBBox(b))) overlapping.push(a, b); } } } } else Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); } return overlapping; } getAll () { return Object.keys(this._objects); } forEach (fn, ctx) { var Q = [], node; while (node = Q.pop()) { if (node.leaf) { for (var i = 0, len = node.objects.length; i < len; i++) {, node.objects[i]); } } else Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); } return this; } getLeafs() { var Q = [this._root], node, leafs = []; while (node = Q.pop()) { if (node.leaf) leafs.push(node); else Q.push.apply(Q, node.children); } return leafs; } }