All examples By author By category About


D3 Globe

Layers from Google Earth Engine

Sketchy Continental USA

Duotone map tiles w/ an SVG transform

Apple basemap swipe attempt

Raw HTML of blog post re: Buffalo Tinting

CartoDB TileJSON in mapbox.js courtesy of @andrewxhill

Getting there on MECMaps en francais

Style parameter-passing

What the XYZ?

The first web page's source code. Lotsa ALLCAPS.

Leaflet w/ basic D3 interpretation of Vector Tiles

DC Plows via the BowersPlowers API

Vermont to the World

Mapbox.js choropleth example

vectors from tilestache test


Mapbox Geocoding on Stamen tiles

Edge blur filter w/ D3

Github for Geodata

github for geodata

Bjorn's Mask Plugin for Leaflet


d3js compass rose

Modular US State Choropleth

Simple swipe example using mapwarper source

d3js compass rose

Wiechel projection, D3.js v4

Path in a map, animated with scroll

Mapbox-gl + d3.geo.tile + clipping

U.S. States TopoJSON

GeoJSON in Three.js

Example S3 + MB Studio composite map

Mapbox GL 3d data demo

Big demo

Redlines: Philadelphia 1937

WebGL Earth demo: Faraday light base

annotate a map [UNLISTED]

Bivariate cartogram

US Map of Nielsen Media Markets

Bootstrap style overriding CartoDB style

bootstrap.css superceding cartodb.css

Fleshing out bootstrap map switch controls

MECMaps w/ commune-level SQL switch

MECMaps tweaked v0.5

Full peripherals, CartoDB+Mapbox+Bootstrap

Census Dotmap + Reference

layerActions structure for layer switch

New layerAction structure for MECMaps

infowindow fracas

Fiddling with D3 Finder params

Embed Maps, Blog Layout

D3 Sat view with hover - again so I don't lose it

Github as a geodata server, take 3

Github as a geodata server, take 2.

OPHZ client demo


linked mouseover starting point

ACA QHP demo

Mobile Map Form

Leaflet + D3 + Vector Tiles (via Nelson Minar)

Tacloban City, 1944 vs. 2013

Ward locations

Ward Locator

Hypothetical Ward Finder

Ward Locator

Leaflet Vectors and Nested Functions, Oh My!

Older Legend Example

UI toggle

Map button bug example

multiple layers: gridLayer and tileLayer

Coordinating a brush and a donut

Using a brush to update a donut chart

Mapbox Reference Overlay

71 Square Miles

Sabra Field in SVG, via @jfire

shell hexbinning

infowindow test

Sample Size Calculator

Satellite Projection

U.S. States TopoJSON

U.S. States TopoJSON

U.S. States TopoJSON

U.S. States TopoJSON

U.S. States TopoJSON

U.S. States TopoJSON

D3js save SVG file

Mapzen Terrarium

Humanitarian mapping with Openstreetmap

VT collective impact conference 2016: Open Data primer

(Simpler) sankey Diagram with v4

Mapbox.js Layers + Bootstrap.js

static snapshot of active leaflet map

Adaptive Map - Mapbox edition

print composer

Mapbox Basic Switcher

Mapbox Basic Switcher

mapbox.js Basic Switcher

CartoDB Custom Infowindow

CartoDB Infowindow

Radio switch attempt

Mapbox Basemap Switcher per @jkeefe's WNYC example

Plugging in zepto as a jquery sub for light mapping

Mapbox.js layer switcher using map.setLayer

Cartodb tilejson in mapbox.js

d3 hover via cartodb sql API and mapbox.js

compositing different-origin layers in mapbox.js

leaflet.js baselayer switching

leaflet.js baselayers and overlays via mapbox

call to cartodb map API from cartodb.js switcher

CartoDB runtime load

CartoDB Layer selector

CartoDB layerOptions Use

CartoDB Runtime Style

CartoDB SQL Switcher

CartoDB Viz JSON w/ Style Params

Tiled Map Print Composer (via @tmcw)

Bootstrap dropdown selector attached to CartoDB SQL

CartoDB + Marker File + Bootstrap SQL Selector

20-class clustering of biodiversity driver zones

selector cartodb

Stamen Toner-Hybrid reference overlay

Reference Overlay Compare-O-Tron

Dude I ski Mad Rivah

This is NOT as cool as the Original . . .

Zorzal Chart

PubPost Term Frequency


TopoJSON and Messed-up topology

New Mapbox UI Styles

Vector Drawing in Leaflet

200 Years of Lake Champlain Freeze-Over Dates

Champlain B&W

Champlain Again

infowindow switch

Grayscale on Watercolor

Example of semicolon fail in SQL API call

Buildings. Several Flavors.

GeoPortal Template

CartoDB Typeahead

mapbox.js vectors via @bobws


The ARLG in the Field

Ushahidi Embed demo

Open Plant Hardiness Zones, take 1

Dots on a shoestring

Mike's recipe for dynamic feature simplification

Linked mouseover

Responsive Map

mm popup example

An example using WMS in mapbox.js

Old BTV Finder

Reference Overlay Example

Reference overlay example on dynamic layer

Leaflet Markercluster w/ CartoDB SQL API

Bird Invasion, via WMS


Mapbox Geolocation by IP

Vector Tiles in D3, darkened

Map Gist Embed

Tour de Stamen in D3

Clipping multiple tilesets by country polygons

D3 Tileset Clipping by Country

Mapbox swipe example, 1.5.2

Lake Champlain Freeze Dates

Foursquare API call (from @tmcw)

Bars on Foursquare around Burlington VT

Base Layer switch example

leaflet.d3.js demo

Leaflet-omnivore using topojson from CartoDB SQL API

Precip WMS Map, Vermont

Dark theme layer switch?

layers example

Basic GeoJSON example

Cycling through Mapbox markers

Leaflet Omnivore w/ Custom Marker

Basic Bar Chart

national map selection

get map extent as static image with bounding box vector

A Lonely Brush

Stacked area chart, dead in the water

mapbox hover tooltip example with image


Style from new Mapbox Studio, flying with mapbox-gl.js


Mapbox GL JS Easing (cribbed from @jfire's example)

Map Labels above a CartoDB torque layer

Census reporter GeoJSON tiles

force layout

Local Easing - pan to a location from a random nearby one

Negative buffer with turf.js

Hardware stores around BTV

Bullet Chart

Leaflet Swipe between OpenCycleMap and Stamen Watercolor

MapboxGL styles toggle

Paletted Spanning Tree using Wilson's Algorithm

Faraday Dark

Okay, I'm going the hell home now. This is insane.

MapboxGL again

Mapbox GL a la Faraday v4a

MapboxGL Test

OSM Vector Tiles with OpenLayers 3

D3 Stream Graph via Blockspring

Omnivore and the NEW Google Spreadsheets - CORS error

Omnivore hungry for Google-served CSV

Passages - Moving a marker along a line

Mapbox GL multiple styles

Places where coordinate order doesn't matter.

tufte boxplot

Satellite Projection

U.S. States TopoJSON

U.S. States TopoJSON

Papua coast histogram

Strip map

ORI Final, tiled and hosted on S3

ORI Final, tiled and hosted on S3

ORI Draft, tiled and hosted on S3

Custom Time Format

oblique view

Small multiple bar charts with tooltips

MapboxGL threshold style slider

Mapbox equalizer

Metro choropleth

Demo for passing JS variables to "tile_style" params

Try 4

Try 2


BTV 1894 tiles: Sanborn-Perris Map Co. Burlington Vermont (Chittenden County) Nov. 1894. New York: Sanborn-Perris Map Co., Ltd., 1894. Courtesy of Special Collections, University of Vermont.

Does github work as a geodata server? Trying a hosted topojson called by URL to a gist. Cross-domain experimentation. UPDATE: THIS DOES NOT WORK :(

Github as a geodata server, take 4: Success with the CRUD API

Try 3

Leaflet/Mapbox.js GeoJSON with Google Static Chart API in the popup

Mapbox.js GeoJSON markers with Google Static Chart API Popups

A long-scroller page with a map that doesn't scroll-zoom until 3 seconds after the first mouseover, at which point a focus animation indicates it will scroll-zoom.

Disable Scrollwheel zoom for map until 3 seconds after a user hovers over it (for those endless-scroller blog posts)

One-handled #d3js brush, as magnitude selector on a data distribution

A single selection from by Lynn Fisher


Per, a semi-exhaustive map of mass shootings in the United States

51-Class hierarchical clustering of ecoregions into biodiversity driver zones



Using Leaflet Omnivore, Load and parse a CSV file with latitude & longitude values

Census dotmap using 1.) for data, and 2.) turf.js for random points within a polygon

Using turf.js and d3.js to make a colored bathymetric map from pond depth point data


Google Maps JS API v3 - Holy F***ing crap it's not Mercator.

mapbox.js - importing and clustering GeoJSON with a chart popup

Clustering: unicode hexagon character as markercluster icon, two levels of popups

