At the National Conventions, the Words They Used

A comparison of how often speakers at the two presidential nominating conventions used different words and phrases, based on an analysis of transcripts from the Federal News Service.
Words favored
by Democrats
Words favored
by Republicans
Number of mentions per 25,000 spoken words
by Democrats and Republicans
Auto Democrats credited President Obama with the recovery of the auto industry after the 2009 bailout, while Republicans left the topic unmentioned.
Women Democrats used the word much more frequently, primarily in reference to women's health and equal pay.
Business Republicans were more likely to talk about businesses, emphasizing Mr. Romney's private-sector experience and plans to improve the economy.
Unemployment Many Republican speakers brought up the still-high unemployment rate and the number of Americans who remain jobless, while Democrats largely avoided the topic.

Excerpts from Democrats
Democrats mentioned various topics
some number of times per 25,000 words

Bill Clinton
42nd president of the United States

(Cheers, applause.) I want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. I want to nominate a man who ran for president to change the course of an already weak economy and then just six weeks before his election, saw it suffer the biggest collapse since the Great Depression; a man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter how many jobs that he saved or created, there'd still be millions more waiting, worried about feeding their own kids, trying to keep their hopes alive.

I want — I want a man who believes with no doubt that we can build a new American Dream economy, driven by innovation and creativity, but education and — yes — by cooperation. (Cheers.) And by the way, after last night, I want a man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama.

And every one of us — every one of us and every one of them, we're compelled to spend our fleeting lives between those two extremes, knowing we're never going to be right all the time and hoping we're right more than twice a day.

— it means that if someone wants to take a job with a modest income, a teacher, a police officer, if they want to be a small-town doctor in a little rural area, they won't have to turn those jobs down because they don't pay enough to repay they debt. Their debt obligation will be determined by their salary.

Fourth, soon the insurance companies — not the government, the insurance companies — will have millions of new customers, many of them middle-class people with pre-existing conditions who never could get insurance before.

It's a heck of a lot better. It passes the arithmetic test, and far more important, it passes the values test.

Barack Obama
President of the United States

After all we've been through, I don't believe that rolling back regulations on Wall Street will help the small-businesswoman expand, or the laid-off construction worker keep his home.

(Cheers, applause.) I worked with business leaders who are bringing jobs back to America not because our workers make less pay, but because we make better products — (cheers)

(Cheers, applause.) In the last year alone, we cut oil imports by 1 million barrels a day, more than any administration in recent history.

And while my opponent would spend more money on military hardware that our Joint Chiefs don't even want, I will use the money we're no longer spending on war to pay down our debt and put more people back to work — (extended cheers, applause)

John Kerry
U.S. senator, Massachusetts

(Cheers, applause.) Ask Osama bin Laden if he is better off now than he was four years ago.

(Cheers, applause.) Thank you, and God bless America. (Cheers, applause.)

Jennifer Granholm
Former governor of Michigan

And the plant had employed over the years thousands of middle-class men and women in neighborhoods near and worlds away from the place where Mitt Romney was raised.

Because — all right now — because when Mitt Romney did say, let Detroit go bankrupt, who took the wheel? Barack Obama! (Cheers, applause.) When America was losing 750,000 jobs per month, who gave us a lift?

Antonio R. Villaraigosa
Mayor of Los Angeles

(Cheers, applause.) That's why they didn't talk about their plan to cut taxes for millionaires by raising taxes on middle-class families with kids — on your family — by $2,000.

How about that for family values? (Boos.) But you know, we believe we're a better country than that. And thanks to President Obama, as we keep on fighting for the DREAM Act, they can remain in the country they love.


And our country made a promise, too: a promise to support us overseas and to fight for us when we came home. And I'm here tonight to say that President Obama has kept that promise.

When they and their families needed help, our commander in chief was there for them.

Kal Penn
Actor and former associate director, White House Office of Public Engagement

That bill would give immigrant children who've never pledged allegiance to any flag but ours the chance to earn their citizenship.

— I had friends serving in Iraq. I had friends who were looking for jobs. Others who couldn't go to the doctor because they couldn't afford it.

Kathleen Sebelius
U.S. secretary of Health and Human Services

That's what change looks like. (Cheers, applause.) Under "Obamacare," insurance companies can no longer discriminate against women.

And that, fundamentally, is the choice in this election, between Republicans who only fight for the favored few or a president who fights for the middle class, between a nation whose politics play on the worst of our fears and a nation whose law reflects the best of our values.

Ken Salazar
U.S. secretary of the Interior

(Cheers, applause.) My support for Barack Obama is deeply rooted in the American dream. We have both been blessed by this great nation.

And we are creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, good middle-class jobs as we move forward with a clean energy economy. (Cheers, applause.) And thanks to President Obama's leadership, the auto industry is making cars that Americans want to buy, that get better gas mileage, that save money at the pump and reduce emissions.

Richard J. Durbin
U.S. senator, Illinois

Come and meet the working families all across America who now have a chance for affordable health care. At one time, a governor thought that was a good idea in Massachusetts.

John B. Nathman
Admiral, U.S. Navy, retired

The veterans standing with me — all veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan — are part of a proud legacy.

Eva Longoria

They are the entrepreneurs driving the American economy, not Mitt Romney's outsourcing pioneers.

Xavier Becerra
U.S. representative, California

My father was a construction worker who dug the ditches and laid the pipe and concrete to build our highways.

Scarlett Johansson

My girlfriends from high school to this day still depend on Planned Parenthood, and often Medicaid, for important health care services. (Cheers, applause.)

James E. Clyburn
U.S. representative, South Carolina

The architect of the Republicans' backwards blueprint is none other than vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan. The Romney-Ryan plan will cut taxes for the wealthiest 1 percent, end the guarantee of Medicare, and it will try to balance the budget on the backs of hardworking Americans.


(Laughter.) Otherwise, we're like any other family. We eat dinner, we go to church, we have chores. But some people don't see it that way.

Tammy Baldwin
U.S. representative, Wisconsin

(Boos.) But come November, the Wisconsin I know, the America I love, will speak out loud and clear and keep us moving forward. Forward with a strong middle class; forward on a path to prosperity; and forward with President Obama.

Barney Frank
U.S. representative, Massachusetts

— that's why Mitt Romney opposed, opposed the successful effort to keep the automobile industry going, because he failed to see the importance of a private sector-public sector cooperation.

G.K. Butterfield
U.S. representative, North Carolina

We will demand a balanced approach, a balanced approach to deficit reduction that requires millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share of taxes.

Jim Sinegal
Co-Founder of Costco

(Cheers, applause.) In Tampa last week, we heard all about job creators. But at our company, we recognize that job creation requires time and investment and commitment to the long term.

Chris Van Hollen
U.S. representative, Maryland

Look, Mitt Romney's and Paul Ryan's obsession with tax breaks for the wealthy is part of a rigid ideology: Give people like Mitt Romney a break and hope something will trickle down and lift others up.


He put a record volume of guaranteed loans into the hands of America's small businesses. He eliminated pages of burdensome forms and regulations so small businesses could focus on profits instead of paperwork.

Jack Markell
Governor of Delaware

(Cheers, applause.) President Obama made the tough call and saved the auto industry. (Cheers, applause.) Now, luckily, we have a choice, a clear choice, in this election.

Steny Hoyer
House minority whip

Last week Mr. Romney said he wished President Obama had succeeded when he took office. If so, he was alone in his party.

Arne Duncan
U.S. secretary of education

However, his opponent believes very differently. Under the Romney-Ryan budget, education would be cut, cut by as much as 20 percent.

Nancy Pelosi
House minority leader

— to work to strengthen our vibrant middle class and to secure opportunity and equality. We all stand together in our "Drive for 25," 25 seats to win back the House for the Democrats — (cheers, applause)

Richard L. Trumka
President of the A.F.L.–C.I.O.

Now, President Obama and Vice President Biden have put the country on the right path towards jobs and shared prosperity, despite the obstruction they faced from a dishonest, politically motivated, economically challenged republic (sic; Republican)

Emanuel Cleaver II
U.S. representative, Missouri

(Cheers, applause.) It is our hope and faith that reminds us to pray and also affirms that we must move our feet.

Patty Murray
U.S. senator, Washington

They believe in this failed approach so deeply that they will cut anything, from student loans to health care for seniors, to give the wealthiest Americans an even bigger break.

John B. Larson
U.S. representative, Connecticut

Rise up to re-elect the leader who will fight to strengthen Medicare. Rise up for President Barack Obama! (Cheers, applause.)

Thomas M. Menino
Mayor of Boston

In large part it's because this president, this administration gave ordinary people a leg up: construction jobs afforded by recovery act dollars, better schools pushed by the president's education reform, growing hospitals and health centers and booming life science companies born from national research support.

John A. Pérez
Speaker of the California State Assembly

Women across our country are fighting for the opportunity that comes with equal pay for equal work and the respect that comes with having control of their medical decisions.

Diana DeGette
U.S. representative, Colorado

They even opposed our right to vote. But working together, we have established our rightful place in our American republic.

Luis V. Gutierrez
U.S. representative, Illinois

We cannot deny them justice. President Obama is protecting immigrants; Mitt Romney wants undocumented immigrants to self-deport.

Elaine Brye

I'm not even a political person, but what I am is a military mom. (Cheers, applause.) My husband and I are so proud of our five kids, one each in the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Marines.

Julián Castro
Mayor of San Antonio

When it comes to letting people love who they love and marry who they want to marry, Mitt Romney says no.

Deval Patrick
Governor of Massachusetts

So when I came to office, we set out on a different course: investing in ourselves and our future. And today Massachusetts leads the nation in economic competitiveness, student achievement, health care coverage, life sciences and biotech, energy efficiency and veterans services.


The America I love is a place where when we say freedom, we mean my freedom to make decisions about my life, not someone else's freedom to make them for me.

R.T. Rybak
Mayor of Minneapolis

In Minneapolis, President Obama's leadership has helped us train 500 unemployed workers in clean energy jobs, and in Denver, hundreds more are working on the commuter line.

Nydia Velázquez
U.S. representative, New York

And in these tough economic times, they need a level playing field and a fair shot to get ahead. Supporting small businesses means expanding access to credit and supporting investment that will help them grow.

Harry Reid
Senate majority leader

This is about leveling with the American people and creating a level playing field for them. If we don't know how Mitt Romney would benefit from the policies he proposes, how can we know if he's looking out for us or just himself?

Due to a large number of mentions, only a sampling of excerpts are shown.

Excerpts from Republicans
Republicans mentioned various topics
some number of times per 25,000 words

Mitt Romney
Presidential nominee

It's what brought us to America. We're a nation of immigrants. We're the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the ones who wanted a better life, the driven ones, the ones who woke up at night hearing that voice telling them that life in the place called America could be better.

They came not just in pursuit of the riches of this world, but for the richness of this life, freedom, freedom of religion — (applause) — freedom to speak their mind — (applause)

Every family in America wanted this to be a time when they could get a little ahead, put aside a little more for college, do more for the elderly mom that's now living alone or give a little more to their church or their charity. Every small business wanted these to be their best years ever, when they could hire more, do more for those who had stuck with them through the hard times, open a new store or sponsor that Little League team.

He led a great — (cheers, applause) — he led a great automobile company and became governor of the great state of Michigan.

My friends cared more about what sports teams we followed than what church we went to. My mom and dad gave their kids the — the greatest gift of all — the gift of unconditional love.

(Cheers, applause.) His assault on coal and gas and oil will send energy and manufacturing jobs to China. (Mixed boos, cheers, applause.)

First, by 2020, North America will be energy-independent by taking full advantage of our oil, our coal, our gas, our nuclear and our renewables. (Cheers, applause.)

Every American was relieved the day President Obama gave the order and Seal Team 6 took out Osama bin Laden. (Cheers, applause.) On another front, every American is less secure today because he has failed to slow Iran's nuclear threat.

Nikki Haley
Governor of South Carolina

(Cheers, applause.) And not too long ago, The Wall Street Journal said anyone still thinking the U.S.

(Cheers, applause.) We're fighters in South Carolina, and as we fought, we watched an amazing thing happen.

He went into a Democratic state, cut taxes, brought in jobs and improved education. Oh, and by the way, he actually balanced his budget.

Kerry Healey
Former lieutenant governor, Massachusetts

(Cheers, applause.) And as a result, unemployment dropped to only 4.7 percent. And unlike President Obama, Governor Romney's economic policies were rewarded with a credit upgrade.

(Cheers, applause.) And Mitt Romney won't just talk about family values, he will live them every day.

Sean Duffy
U.S. representative, Wisconsin

These labs focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics and help students learn proficiency in these fields.

(Cheers, applause.) I am a proud member of the party of Reagan, Romney and Ryan. (Cheers, applause.) As a father of six, my biggest worry is that our children are losing their shot at the American dream.

Paul D. Ryan
Vice-presidential nominee

Though she felt lost at times, we did all the little things that made her feel loved. We had help from Medicare, and it was there, just like it's there for my mom today.

They are protecting us right now. We honor them and all of our veterans, and we thank them. (Cheers, applause.) The right that makes all the difference now is the right to choose our own leaders.

Condoleezza Rice
Former Secretary of State

But we can only know that there is no choice, because one of two things will happen if we don't lead.

Sadly, we are abandoning the field of free and fair trade, and it will come back to haunt us.

Mike Huckabee
Former governor of Arkansas

(Cheers, applause.) We know full well we can do better. (Cheers, applause.) Mitt Romney turned around companies that were on the skids.

(Cheers, applause.) Joe Biden — Joe Biden said, show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value.

Pam Bondi
Attorney general of Florida

He claims that government is responsible for private-sector success, but the only thing he is building is bigger government. And "Obamacare" is exhibit A. (Cheers, applause.)

The court agreed that the Constitution does not allow the federal government to force states to adopt a budget-busting expansion of Medicaid.

Mary Fallin
Governor of Oklahoma

We can and we will overcome any economic challenge if — and listen to this — if the federal government gets out of the way and if it lets go of the regulatory chokehold that's zapping the air out of our economy.

Gosh. The president believes that government is responsible for our successes, and that's why his solution to everything is more government, bigger spending, more regulation, more bureaucratic programs like "Obamacare." And he says his plans are working, but look at the results: 42 months of unemployment, over 8 percent; 23 million Americans out of work, underemployed or even just not even looking for work anymore; a nation that is threatened by nearly $16 trillion of debt; and families that are feeling pinched, not just by a bad economy, but by a president that promised hope and change, and left many Americans with no hope and just change in their pockets.

Barbara Comstock
State representative, Virginia

Over the past four years we in Virginia have kept the American dream alive by observing the president's policies and doing the opposite.

His war on success undermines individual initiative and innovation. Obama isn't working. President Mitt Romney and Vice President Paul Ryan will.

Mick Cornett
Mayor of Oklahoma City

It's a renaissance fueled by sound, fiscally conservative leadership, and also a belief that local investment in infrastructure is vital to economic development.

And while there is certainly a role in Washington in helping to address our cities' critical infrastructure needs, we in Oklahoma City have chosen to invest in ourselves. We have built quality-of-life amenities that have transformed our city into a dynamic home for smart young people and enterprising businesses.

Keith Rothfus
Congressional candidate, Pennsylvania

Hello, Pennsylvania! We heard and we will continue to hear a great deal about health care and Medicare in this election. And that's a good thing.

There is no greater threat to the health care of our nation and the health care of our seniors than "Obamacare." (Scattered applause.) And no matter what path we take to save Medicare, the very first step is to repeal "Obamacare." (Cheers, applause.)

Marco Rubio
U.S. senator, Florida

Maybe you did everything you were told you needed to do to get ahead, you studied hard and finished school, but now you owe thousands of dollars in student loans, you can't find a job in your field and you've had to move back in with your parents.


Olympic Committee just hours before the ceremony asking me if I would be able to be one of the eight athletes selected to carry the World trade Center flag into the opening ceremonies. (Cheers, applause.)


In fact, based on a survey by the State University of New York, Massachusetts was ranked first in percentage of women holding top state positions. (Cheers, applause.)

Tim Pawlenty
Former governor of Minnesota

(Laughter, cheers, applause.) Now, our opponents claim to be the party of the middle class, but Democrats don't understand this fundamental point: It's really hard for people to be part of the middle class if they don't have a job.


My husband and I have been married for 35 years, and during that time, we have worked hard, we've played by the rules, we've done everything right.

John McCain
U.S. senator, Arizona

Everywhere I go in the world, people tell me that they still have faith in America. What they want to know is whether we still have faith in ourselves.

Lucé Vela Fortuño
First lady of Puerto Rico

It is a success story of fiscal responsibility, controlled government spending, lower taxes and pro-growth policy. But it is also one of caring and compassionate attention to a social and faith-based agenda of unprecedented reach and consequence.

Rick Santorum
Former U.S. senator, Pennsylvania

My grandfather, like millions of other immigrants, didn't come here for some government guarantee of income equality or government benefits to take care of his family. In 1923 there were no government benefits for immigrants except one: freedom.

Brian Sandoval
Governor of Nevada

And like Republicans all across this nation, I chose to make the tough decisions on issues like economic development, education reform and redesigning how state government operates, on job creation and reducing state spending and eliminating red tape.

Phil Archuletta
Small-business owner

The Democrats' Congress and the Obama administration created a new procurement process that harms existing small-business contracts, which devastated my business.

Scott Walker
Governor of Wisconsin

The good news is that on June 5th, the hardworking taxpayers won. (Cheers, applause.) Just ask Sandy Breth why that's important.

John Kasich
Governor of Ohio

They've put in this hole. And Mitt Romney has a history being a great job creator. Secondly, he was a great governor. He went from billions of dollars in the hole when he became governor to billions of dollars in surplus when he left, and he went from the loss of tens of thousands of jobs when he became governor to the creation of 40,000 new jobs when he left office.

Sher Valenzuela
Candidate for lieutenant governor, Delaware

My dad was an old-school guy, a former drill sergeant, blue-collar worker his whole life. He taught us to work hard but think big.

Reince Priebus
Republican National Committee chairman

We're the party — we're the party that believes in the American dream and wants all of our children to have a chance to succeed. So, this convention is an invitation to all Americans to join us as we fight for a better future.

John Boehner
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

Yet he has the nerve to say that he's moving us forward, and the audacity to hope that we're going to believe him.

Lisa Stickan
Young Republicans chairwoman, Ohio

There is a war on young people, a war on paychecks and a war on our ability to succeed.

Chris Fussner
Republicans Abroad chairman

Our job is to encourage American citizens to register and vote Republican. (Cheers, applause.) With over 4 million Americans living overseas, it is often a challenge to convince overseas voters that their vote matters.

Alex Schriver
College Republican National Committee chairman

Our country is nearly $16 trillion in debt, a burden placed on our generation's back.

Ranjit (Ricky) Gill
Congressional candidate, California

But the valley is a cautionary tale of failed policies, not false ambitions. No one in this country dreams of dependency.

Mark Meadows
Congressional candidate, North Carolina

With Mitt Romney, we're ready to take back our country. God bless you. God bless America. (Cheers, applause.)

John Archer
Congressional candidate, Iowa

And finally — and finally we'll talk about getting government out from in between patients and their doctors by repealing "Obamacare" — (cheers, applause)

Rick Berg
U.S. representative, North Dakota

That's because — that's because we don't burden our job creators with red tape. We understand, just like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, that small businesses are the engines of our economy.

Mia Love
Congressional candidate, Utah

It's found in the farmers who work in the beauty of our landscape and our heroic military. It's found in the Olympic athletes and every child who looks at the seemingly impossible and says, I can do that.

Due to a large number of mentions, only a sampling of excerpts are shown.