Xiuxiu Wang

Web Development Resources

Questions and Answers

Change the text of the title tag in the head section to your name.

Describe the three components of the HTML document (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

Xiuxiu Wang


An HTML document basically includes to parts title and body. Usually foremost, it should be defined as a html document starting with 'html'and ends up with '/html', lowcase tags.
CSS refers to 'Cascading Style Sheets' is a style sheet language that describes the style of an HTML document; it describes how HTML components should be presented.
JavaScript is the porgramming language of HTML and the web. It is used to make webpages interactive and provide online programs.

Name and describe four distinct HTML tags.

navigation bar: 'nav';
main content: 'main';
sidebar:'aside', often placed indise 'main'.

Identify an HTML tag that does not require an end tag.

HTML elements with no content are called empty elements. Empty element needn't the end tag, like the tag 'br', which means a line break.

Read this page on CSS Syntax then name and describe element selectors, id selectors, and class selectors.

Element selectors are used to select HTML elements based on the element name.
Id selectors use HTML element id attributes to fulfill the select targets. It should start with a hash(#), followed by the specific id of an element. E.g.: id = 'para1'.
Class selectors select elements with specific class attributes, and it should start with a period (.) and then followed by the name of the class. E.g.: .center.

Change the color of the text in all '<p>' tags. Describe how you did it. Color must be clear and discernable from the white background.

I select the element selector method to select all paragraphs first with element name equals to p, and then set the text color as green with the sentence 'color: green;', and set the font style as Arial with the sentence'font-family: Arial;'. After put them into a {}, just place all the orders into the style section which is at the beginning of the webpage design.

Create an HTML button between this tag and the '<br>' tag below. Add custom text to the button and style the button.