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S18 - HW3 - Scatterplot by Yash

CS 725/825 - Spring 2018 - Homework 3 - Scatterplot

The image is a Scatterplot of 2014 NCAA Passing Statistics. Precisely speaking, the chart shows the number of passing touchdowns versus the number of rushing touchdowns for NCAA Division I quarterbacks.

The following are the details of the chart :

  1. The mark used for this Scatterplot is dot. The dots in the chart depict the information that we need to know. Hovering your mouse pointer over a dot would provide you with the name of the player, their school (I also added the conference information later).
  2. Initially, the channel in the chart was position. The Y-axis describes the passing touchdowns while the X-axis describes the rushing touchdowns. Based on both these values, the position of a player is determined along the chart. The attribute for touchdowns is quantitative.
  3. Later, I made few minor changes to the channels. I added two more channels - size and color hue. The size of the dot varies depending on the Rate of a player. The size of the dot is smaller if a player's rate is 150 and above, in comparision to the size of the dot of a player whose rate is less than 150. Additionally, there are 11 conferences and the color of a dot varies depending on the conference the player belongs to. The attribute for conference is categorical while the attribute for rate is quantitative.


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