JP_C_rice60 energy in JP_C_riceJP_C_whet3 energy in JP_C_whetJP_C_cere0 energy in JP_C_cereJP_C_vege51 energy in JP_C_vegeJP_C_olsd0 energy in JP_C_olsdJP_C_beet4 energy in JP_C_beetJP_C_fib16 energy in JP_C_fibJP_C_crop52 energy in JP_C_cropJP_C_catt15 energy in JP_C_cattJP_C_pigs0 energy in JP_C_pigsJP_C_poul4 energy in JP_C_poulJP_C_meat0 energy in JP_C_meatJP_C_anip0 energy in JP_C_anipJP_C_milk12 energy in JP_C_milkJP_C_wool0 energy in JP_C_woolJP_C_log37 energy in JP_C_logJP_C_fish22 energy in JP_C_fishJP_MN276 energy in JP_MNJP_P_catt15 energy in JP_P_cattJP_P_pigs33 energy in JP_P_pigsJP_P_poul61 energy in JP_P_poulJP_P_meat1 energy in JP_P_meatJP_P_veol0 energy in JP_P_veolJP_P_milk54 energy in JP_P_milkJP_P_rice0 energy in JP_P_riceJP_P_sugr0 energy in JP_P_sugrJP_P_food82 energy in JP_P_foodJP_M_beve184 energy in JP_M_beveJP_M_fish0 energy in JP_M_fishJP_M_toba0 energy in JP_M_tobaJP_M_text150 energy in JP_M_textJP_M_wear1 energy in JP_M_wearJP_M_lead1 energy in JP_M_leadJP_M_wd9 energy in JP_M_wdJP_M_rwd9 energy in JP_M_rwdJP_MaL571480 energy in JP_MaLJP_MaH59490 energy in JP_MaHJP_ES148138 energy in JP_ESJP_WT405 energy in JP_WTJP_SV54954 energy in JP_SVJP_WST2050 energy in JP_WSTCN_C_rice1645 energy in CN_C_riceCN_C_whet784 energy in CN_C_whetCN_C_cere1253 energy in CN_C_cereCN_C_vege1857 energy in CN_C_vegeCN_C_olsd606 energy in CN_C_olsdCN_C_beet220 energy in CN_C_beetCN_C_fib844 energy in CN_C_fibCN_C_crop91 energy in CN_C_cropCN_C_catt470 energy in CN_C_cattCN_C_pigs659 energy in CN_C_pigsCN_C_poul66 energy in CN_C_poulCN_C_meat8 energy in CN_C_meatCN_C_anip97 energy in CN_C_anipCN_C_milk1097 energy in CN_C_milkCN_C_wool1 energy in CN_C_woolCN_C_log1111 energy in CN_C_logCN_C_fish116 energy in CN_C_fishCN_MN69493 energy in CN_MNCN_P_catt25 energy in CN_P_cattCN_P_pigs110 energy in CN_P_pigsCN_P_poul47 energy in CN_P_poulCN_P_meat76 energy in CN_P_meatCN_P_veol65 energy in CN_P_veolCN_P_milk165 energy in CN_P_milkCN_P_rice3282 energy in CN_P_riceCN_P_sugr631 energy in CN_P_sugrCN_P_food287 energy in CN_P_foodCN_M_beve883 energy in CN_M_beveCN_M_fish71 energy in CN_M_fishCN_M_toba76 energy in CN_M_tobaCN_M_text18261 energy in CN_M_textCN_M_wear1295 energy in CN_M_wearCN_M_lead632 energy in CN_M_leadCN_M_wd1662 energy in CN_M_wdCN_M_rwd182 energy in CN_M_rwdCN_MaL668484 energy in CN_MaLCN_MaH24605 energy in CN_MaHCN_ES377989 energy in CN_ESCN_WT30116 energy in CN_WTCN_SV75239 energy in CN_SVCN_WST1185 energy in CN_WST276424 energy from JP_MaH to CN_MaL275625 energy from JP_SV to CN_MaL277521 energy from CN_MaH to JP_MaL184010 energy from CN_SV to JP_MaL153902 energy from JP_SV to CN_ES151802 energy from JP_MaH to CN_ES47653 energy from JP_MaL to CN_MaL74755 energy from CN_MaH to JP_ES39364 energy from JP_SV to CN_SV33826 energy from CN_MaH to JP_MaH45460 energy from CN_SV to JP_ES23417 energy from JP_MaH to CN_SV25966 energy from CN_MaH to JP_SV29172 energy from JP_SV to CN_MN23969 energy from JP_MaL to CN_ES22209 energy from JP_MaH to CN_MN20086 energy from JP_WST to CN_MaL9237 energy from CN_MaL to JP_ES13562 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_MaL12201 energy from CN_M_text to JP_MaL12483 energy from JP_SV to CN_WT12109 energy from CN_WST to JP_MaL12072 energy from JP_WST to CN_ES12012 energy from JP_MaH to CN_WT8553 energy from JP_ES to CN_ES9201 energy from JP_P_food to CN_MaL7098 energy from JP_SV to CN_M_text6586 energy from JP_MaL to CN_MN7343 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_MaL6682 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_MaL6675 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_ES6049 energy from CN_P_food to JP_MaL5791 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_MaL5567 energy from JP_P_food to CN_ES5183 energy from JP_ES to CN_MN5300 energy from CN_C_vege to JP_MaL4610 energy from JP_MaH to CN_M_text4913 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_MaL4610 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_ES4038 energy from CN_M_text to JP_ES3354 energy from JP_WST to CN_SV3614 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_ES3157 energy from CN_WST to JP_ES3114 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_M_text2998 energy from JP_M_text to CN_MaL2983 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_ES2755 energy from CN_M_lead to JP_MaL2733 energy from JP_M_text to CN_ES2433 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_MaL2302 energy from JP_WST to CN_MN1431 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_SV1688 energy from JP_MaL to CN_WT1217 energy from CN_WST to JP_SV1253 energy from CN_WST to JP_MaH1007 energy from CN_MaH to JP_WST1559 energy from JP_SV to CN_P_rice1535 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_MaL1331 energy from CN_P_food to JP_ES1327 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_ES1282 energy from JP_M_text to CN_M_text1258 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_MaL793 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_vege1150 energy from CN_C_vege to JP_ES1126 energy from JP_P_food to CN_SV1099 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_ES1088 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_MaL1028 energy from CN_M_beve to JP_MaL1005 energy from JP_P_food to CN_MN1002 energy from JP_WST to CN_WT685 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_MaH531 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_vege837 energy from JP_WST to CN_M_text887 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_SV843 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_ES792 energy from JP_MaH to CN_M_wd760 energy from JP_MaH to CN_P_rice779 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_ES586 energy from CN_P_food to JP_SV708 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_rice695 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_SV668 energy from CN_M_lead to JP_ES644 energy from JP_WT to CN_MaL664 energy from CN_C_crop to JP_MaL666 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_MaL586 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_SV641 energy from JP_SV to CN_M_wd623 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_MN617 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_ES607 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_WT513 energy from JP_ES to CN_WT584 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_MN540 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_SV539 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_cere537 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_MaL434 energy from JP_SV to CN_M_beve494 energy from JP_C_crop to CN_MaL495 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_MaL432 energy from CN_P_food to JP_MaH248 energy from JP_SV to CN_M_lead477 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_milk470 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_MaL470 energy from CN_C_meat to JP_MaL466 energy from JP_P_food to CN_WT457 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_log450 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_log443 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_MN425 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_rice414 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_P_rice403 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_MaH231 energy from JP_MaH to CN_M_lead308 energy from JP_MaH to CN_M_beve363 energy from JP_M_text to CN_SV380 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_WT375 energy from JP_WT to CN_ES372 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_ES358 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_ES332 energy from CN_C_pigs to JP_MaL351 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_milk237 energy from CN_P_rice to JP_MaL313 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_pigs338 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_whet330 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_fib325 energy from CN_C_anip to JP_MaL291 energy from CN_M_toba to JP_MaL293 energy from JP_C_log to CN_MaL290 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_ES285 energy from JP_SV to CN_P_sugr285 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_ES245 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_pigs273 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_olsd272 energy from JP_M_text to CN_MN265 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_cere260 energy from CN_C_fish to JP_MaL240 energy from CN_M_beve to JP_ES244 energy from CN_P_pigs to JP_MaL248 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_MaL248 energy from JP_M_text to CN_WT128 energy from CN_SV to JP_WT234 energy from CN_P_poul to JP_MaL229 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_WT226 energy from JP_C_crop to CN_ES201 energy from CN_MaH to JP_WT214 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_fib211 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_MN210 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_catt170 energy from JP_P_food to CN_MaH207 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_M_text205 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_MaL199 energy from JP_P_food to CN_P_rice183 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_MaL181 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_cere120 energy from JP_WST to CN_M_wear179 energy from JP_C_log to CN_ES149 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_SV89 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_MaH165 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_rice165 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_whet161 energy from JP_P_food to CN_M_text162 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_olsd161 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_MN89 energy from CN_C_log to JP_MaL153 energy from JP_MaH to CN_P_sugr130 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_SV147 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_catt145 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_fib143 energy from CN_C_crop to JP_ES139 energy from CN_P_meat to JP_MaL135 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_ES133 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_SV133 energy from CN_MaH to JP_MN124 energy from CN_C_poul to JP_MaL127 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_MN127 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_ES127 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_SV126 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_MaL122 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_SV121 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_vege118 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_MaH115 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_M_text114 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_whet110 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_ES110 energy from CN_C_meat to JP_ES109 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_MaL100 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_MaH99 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_MN51 energy from JP_WST to CN_WST91 energy from CN_SV to JP_MN95 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_beet54 energy from CN_C_crop to JP_SV85 energy from JP_SV to CN_P_milk64 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_fish90 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_vege88 energy from JP_MaH to CN_M_rwd87 energy from JP_WT to CN_MN76 energy from CN_C_pigs to JP_ES78 energy from CN_P_milk to JP_MaL59 energy from CN_P_rice to JP_ES51 energy from CN_C_crop to JP_MaH81 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_WT65 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_vege80 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_MaL80 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_ES53 energy from JP_SV to CN_P_pigs78 energy from JP_WST to CN_P_rice78 energy from CN_M_toba to JP_ES43 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_anip74 energy from JP_MaL to CN_M_wd75 energy from CN_C_anip to JP_ES75 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_WT60 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_SV72 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_beet71 energy from JP_SV to CN_M_rwd71 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_ES70 energy from JP_C_olsd to CN_MaL69 energy from JP_M_wd to CN_MaL60 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_SV64 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_M_text66 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_MN66 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_M_lead66 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_cere60 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_SV44 energy from JP_MaL to CN_C_milk33 energy from JP_SV to CN_M_toba58 energy from JP_MaL to CN_C_rice54 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_M_text63 energy from CN_C_fish to JP_ES62 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_milk34 energy from JP_MaH to CN_M_toba60 energy from JP_P_food to CN_P_sugr60 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_fib59 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_WT59 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_rice40 energy from JP_M_text to CN_MaH57 energy from CN_P_pigs to JP_ES43 energy from JP_SV to CN_P_meat37 energy from JP_MaH to CN_P_pigs56 energy from CN_P_poul to JP_ES34 energy from JP_MN to CN_MaL55 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_MN29 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_MaH53 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_MN48 energy from CN_C_meat to JP_SV52 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_rice52 energy from JP_WST to CN_M_wd27 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_anip26 energy from CN_P_poul to JP_SV49 energy from CN_C_wool to JP_MaL48 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_WT30 energy from JP_C_crop to CN_SV48 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_MN46 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_vege47 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_ES47 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_rice33 energy from JP_SV to CN_C_poul32 energy from JP_C_log to CN_SV23 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_SV43 energy from CN_P_catt to JP_MaL44 energy from JP_C_crop to CN_MN42 energy from JP_P_food to CN_P_food23 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_MaH43 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_olsd42 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_milk42 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_whet41 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_M_text38 energy from CN_C_meat to JP_MaH33 energy from JP_MaH to CN_P_milk36 energy from JP_WST to CN_M_beve39 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_P_rice39 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_fib36 energy from JP_MaL to CN_C_cere38 energy from JP_M_wd to CN_ES37 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_M_text29 energy from JP_WST to CN_M_lead37 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_vege37 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_rice21 energy from CN_C_log to JP_ES19 energy from CN_P_poul to JP_MaH35 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_log35 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_olsd23 energy from JP_MaL to CN_C_olsd32 energy from JP_SV to CN_P_veol30 energy from CN_MaH to JP_P_poul23 energy from CN_C_fish to JP_MaH33 energy from JP_C_log to CN_MN33 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_cere20 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_MaH33 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_milk23 energy from JP_MaH to CN_C_poul33 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_WT32 energy from CN_P_meat to JP_ES32 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_M_text32 energy from JP_C_olsd to CN_ES31 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_WT31 energy from CN_MaH to JP_C_rice24 energy from CN_MaH to JP_C_crop30 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_MaH30 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_catt30 energy from JP_WT to CN_WT29 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_P_sugr29 energy from CN_C_poul to JP_ES21 energy from CN_MaH to JP_C_log28 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_fish25 energy from CN_P_veol to JP_MaL28 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_cere20 energy from CN_P_food to JP_WST19 energy from JP_MaL to CN_C_catt26 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_SV17 energy from CN_MaH to JP_P_pigs27 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_MN27 energy from JP_M_rwd to CN_MaL22 energy from JP_MaL to CN_P_sugr23 energy from JP_P_food to CN_M_wear26 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_cere25 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_milk25 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_vege25 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_P_rice25 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_SV25 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_log25 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_milk22 energy from JP_MaL to CN_C_whet24 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_M_wear24 energy from JP_ES to CN_M_wd23 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_MaH23 energy from JP_MaL to CN_C_fib24 energy from JP_C_log to CN_M_text23 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_WT23 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_WT21 energy from JP_P_food to CN_WST21 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_pigs13 energy from JP_MaH to CN_P_meat12 energy from CN_M_text to JP_WT21 energy from CN_SV to JP_C_rice20 energy from JP_MN to CN_ES21 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_MN21 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_P_sugr21 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_P_milk19 energy from JP_MaH to CN_P_veol20 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_whet19 energy from CN_P_milk to JP_ES20 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_WST19 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_WST19 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_catt19 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_MN18 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_M_text15 energy from JP_C_rice to CN_MaL19 energy from JP_P_food to CN_M_wd18 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_pigs18 energy from JP_WST to CN_P_sugr18 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_M_fish18 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_olsd13 energy from JP_SV to CN_P_catt15 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_P_food17 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_whet10 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_MaH17 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_log17 energy from JP_C_crop to CN_WT16 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_MaH16 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_whet15 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_MN15 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_SV15 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_P_rice10 energy from JP_ES to CN_C_milk14 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_WT15 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_rice14 energy from JP_M_rwd to CN_ES14 energy from JP_P_food to CN_M_beve14 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_C_cere14 energy from JP_C_log to CN_WT10 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_WST14 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_olsd14 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_M_wd13 energy from JP_ES to CN_C_rice9 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_SV14 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_M_text14 energy from JP_C_anip to CN_MaL13 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_beet13 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_SV9 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_M_wear13 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_C_rice13 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_olsd13 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_M_lead13 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_anip9 energy from JP_MaH to CN_P_catt12 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_vege12 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_M_wd12 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_catt12 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_P_sugr12 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_MN12 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_WST12 energy from CN_C_wool to JP_ES12 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_M_beve9 energy from JP_MaL to CN_C_beet10 energy from JP_C_catt to CN_MaL8 energy from JP_M_text to CN_WST11 energy from JP_P_food to CN_P_milk11 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_C_cere7 energy from JP_M_wd to CN_SV11 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_WT10 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_WT10 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_cere10 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_C_cere10 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_M_wd10 energy from CN_P_catt to JP_ES10 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_C_vege9 energy from CN_WST to JP_WT10 energy from JP_M_text to CN_P_rice10 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_log10 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_M_wear10 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_C_rice10 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_catt10 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_fib10 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_catt10 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_M_beve9 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_log9 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_log9 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_C_rice9 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_C_whet9 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_fish7 energy from JP_C_crop to CN_M_text9 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_M_text9 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_MN9 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_WT9 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_P_rice9 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_milk9 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_beet8 energy from JP_C_anip to CN_ES8 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_M_text8 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_pigs8 energy from JP_ES to CN_C_cere8 energy from JP_MaL to CN_M_rwd8 energy from CN_MaH to JP_C_catt7 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_M_wear5 energy from JP_M_text to CN_M_lead8 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_milk8 energy from JP_M_wd to CN_MN7 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_fib7 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_C_vege7 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_pigs7 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_P_rice7 energy from JP_C_rice to CN_ES5 energy from JP_ES to CN_C_olsd5 energy from CN_MaH to JP_M_wd5 energy from CN_MaH to JP_C_milk7 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_C_whet6 energy from CN_SV to JP_C_catt7 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_M_beve7 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_C_vege7 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_C_cere7 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_WT6 energy from JP_P_food to CN_M_fish7 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_MN7 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_P_rice7 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_C_whet6 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_pigs6 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_P_food4 energy from CN_SV to JP_M_rwd5 energy from CN_C_wool to JP_SV6 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_whet4 energy from JP_ES to CN_C_catt6 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_P_veol6 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_beet6 energy from JP_P_food to CN_M_lead6 energy from JP_C_catt to CN_ES5 energy from JP_ES to CN_P_sugr5 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_anip4 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_MaH6 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_C_rice6 energy from CN_M_text to JP_MN6 energy from CN_WST to JP_MN6 energy from JP_C_olsd to CN_MN6 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_olsd6 energy from JP_P_food to CN_P_meat6 energy from JP_WST to CN_M_rwd6 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_P_food6 energy from CN_MaH to JP_M_rwd6 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_M_wear6 energy from CN_P_veol to JP_ES6 energy from JP_M_text to CN_M_wd4 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_crop5 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_P_rice5 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_beet5 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_WT5 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_fib5 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_C_fib5 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_crop5 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_anip5 energy from JP_ES to CN_C_whet5 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_P_sugr3 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_P_food5 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_rice5 energy from JP_M_text to CN_P_sugr3 energy from CN_WST to JP_P_milk5 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_P_rice5 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_M_text5 energy from CN_M_text to JP_C_fib3 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_M_text5 energy from JP_WST to CN_P_milk5 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_rice5 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_C_cere3 energy from CN_C_vege to JP_WT3 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_M_wear5 energy from JP_MN to CN_MN4 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_C_vege3 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_WST4 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_C_whet4 energy from JP_C_olsd to CN_SV3 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_C_crop4 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_C_rice4 energy from CN_C_wool to JP_MaH4 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_MaH4 energy from JP_WST to CN_P_pigs4 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_P_rice4 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_vege4 energy from JP_P_food to CN_P_pigs4 energy from JP_WST to CN_P_meat4 energy from JP_M_text to CN_M_beve4 energy from CN_P_food to JP_WT4 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_WT4 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_pigs4 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_WT2 energy from JP_WST to CN_M_toba4 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_M_text4 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_P_milk4 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_P_rice4 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_catt4 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_vege3 energy from JP_P_food to CN_P_veol3 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_M_wd3 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_log3 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_P_sugr3 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_M_lead3 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_beet3 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_M_wear3 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_rice3 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_catt3 energy from JP_C_whet to CN_MaL3 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_P_sugr3 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_MN3 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_C_vege3 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_P_rice3 energy from JP_ES to CN_C_fib3 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_P_meat3 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_C_whet3 energy from JP_M_wd to CN_WT3 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_C_olsd3 energy from CN_P_food to JP_MN3 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_fib3 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_log3 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_M_lead3 energy from JP_M_rwd to CN_MN3 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_C_rice3 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_crop3 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_M_wear3 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_M_wd3 energy from CN_MaH to JP_C_fib3 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_cere3 energy from CN_SV to JP_C_fib3 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_poul3 energy from JP_ES to CN_M_rwd3 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_P_food3 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_pigs3 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_WST3 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_C_vege3 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_milk3 energy from CN_C_vege to JP_MN2 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_beet2 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_P_food2 energy from JP_M_wd to CN_M_text2 energy from CN_MaH to JP_C_beet2 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_MaH2 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_M_wd2 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_log2 energy from JP_C_olsd to CN_WT2 energy from JP_M_text to CN_P_food2 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_cere2 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_P_rice2 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_M_wd2 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_WST1 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_M_wear2 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_C_olsd2 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_C_milk2 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_P_milk2 energy from JP_M_text to CN_C_crop2 energy from JP_WT to CN_P_rice2 energy from JP_P_food to CN_M_rwd2 energy from JP_WST to CN_C_fish2 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_poul2 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_P_sugr2 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_cere2 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_M_text2 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_milk2 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_C_olsd2 energy from JP_ES to CN_C_beet2 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_olsd2 energy from CN_M_lead to JP_WT2 energy from JP_WST to CN_P_poul2 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_C_fib2 energy from CN_M_fish to JP_M_beve2 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_beet2 energy from JP_WST to CN_P_veol2 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_C_log2 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_C_milk2 energy from CN_SV to JP_C_beet2 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_MaH2 energy from CN_MaH to JP_C_whet2 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_P_milk2 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_P_meat2 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_C_cere2 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_M_beve2 energy from JP_C_anip to CN_MN2 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_WST2 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_C_milk2 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_fib2 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_C_poul2 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_C_vege2 energy from CN_C_meat to JP_WST2 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_P_poul2 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_M_wd2 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_P_pigs2 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_C_cere2 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_C_whet2 energy from JP_P_food to CN_P_poul2 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_P_food2 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_C_cere2 energy from JP_WT to CN_M_wd2 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_M_wear2 energy from JP_C_anip to CN_SV2 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_M_rwd2 energy from JP_MN to CN_WT2 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_C_olsd2 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_C_rice2 energy from JP_P_milk to CN_M_beve2 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_P_meat2 energy from JP_M_wear to CN_P_pigs2 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_fib1 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_M_beve1 energy from JP_C_whet to CN_ES1 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_P_sugr1 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_C_rice1 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_C_rice1 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_M_text1 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_P_sugr1 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_whet1 energy from CN_WST to JP_P_poul1 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_M_wd1 energy from CN_WST to JP_C_rice1 energy from JP_C_rice to CN_MN1 energy from JP_C_log to CN_C_vege1 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_C_cere1 energy from JP_P_food to CN_C_anip1 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_M_rwd1 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_P_sugr1 energy from JP_M_lead to CN_M_beve1 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_M_beve1 energy from CN_SV to JP_C_whet1 energy from JP_C_meat to CN_MaL1 energy from CN_M_text to JP_C_rice1 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_C_rice1 energy from CN_M_lead to JP_MN1 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_M_wear1 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_P_pigs1 energy from CN_WST to JP_C_crop1 energy from JP_C_poul to CN_C_olsd1 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_whet1 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_C_rice1 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_M_text1 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_pigs1 energy from JP_C_log to CN_P_rice1 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_olsd1 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_P_sugr1 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_P_rice1 energy from JP_WT to CN_C_rice1 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_C_crop1 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_M_lead1 energy from JP_WT to CN_M_beve1 energy from JP_C_crop to CN_P_rice1 energy from JP_M_beve to CN_M_rwd1 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_C_vege1 energy from JP_C_olsd to CN_MaH1 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_WST1 energy from JP_M_rwd to CN_WT1 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_P_sugr1 energy from JP_P_poul to CN_P_food1 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_WST1 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_C_rice1 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_C_cere1 energy from JP_C_log to CN_C_fib1 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_WST1 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_C_whet1 energy from JP_C_catt to CN_MN1 energy from JP_C_vege to CN_C_catt1 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_C_vege1 energy from JP_P_food to CN_M_toba1 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_C_milk1 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_P_rice1 energy from JP_M_text to CN_P_meat1 energy from JP_C_fish to CN_C_log1 energy from CN_M_wear to JP_P_meat1 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_C_log1 energy from JP_M_toba to CN_C_milk1 energy from JP_M_fish to CN_C_crop1 energy from JP_C_log to CN_C_rice1 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_olsd1 energy from JP_C_milk to CN_C_whet1 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_C_milk1 energy from JP_P_rice to CN_C_pigs1 energy from JP_WST to CN_P_catt1 energy from JP_WT to CN_C_log1 energy from JP_P_sugr to CN_C_whet1 energy from JP_P_veol to CN_C_vege1 energy from JP_P_catt to CN_M_wd1 energy from JP_P_meat to CN_P_rice1 energy from JP_P_pigs to CN_M_wd