JP_C_rice0 food in JP_C_riceJP_C_vege29 food in JP_C_vegeJP_C_beet0 food in JP_C_beetJP_C_crop4 food in JP_C_cropJP_C_catt0 food in JP_C_cattJP_C_poul36 food in JP_C_poulJP_C_milk8 food in JP_C_milkJP_C_log6 food in JP_C_logJP_C_fish22 food in JP_C_fishJP_P_catt57 food in JP_P_cattJP_P_pigs61 food in JP_P_pigsJP_P_poul24 food in JP_P_poulJP_P_meat7 food in JP_P_meatJP_P_veol5 food in JP_P_veolJP_P_milk81 food in JP_P_milkJP_P_rice23 food in JP_P_riceJP_P_sugr8 food in JP_P_sugrJP_P_food1049 food in JP_P_foodJP_M_beve379 food in JP_M_beveJP_M_fish362 food in JP_M_fishJP_M_toba7 food in JP_M_tobaJP_M_text207 food in JP_M_textJP_M_wear514 food in JP_M_wearJP_M_lead66 food in JP_M_leadJP_MaL318 food in JP_MaLJP_MaH3018 food in JP_MaHJP_EW100 food in JP_EWJP_SV4739 food in JP_SVJP_WS1224 food in JP_WSCN_C_rice0 food in CN_C_riceCN_C_whet0 food in CN_C_whetCN_C_cere0 food in CN_C_cereCN_C_vege0 food in CN_C_vegeCN_C_veol0 food in CN_C_veolCN_C_beet0 food in CN_C_beetCN_C_fibe0 food in CN_C_fibeCN_C_crop0 food in CN_C_cropCN_C_catt0 food in CN_C_cattCN_C_milk0 food in CN_C_milkCN_C_fish0 food in CN_C_fishCN_M_text2 food in CN_M_textCN_M_wear4 food in CN_M_wearCN_MaL2 food in CN_MaLCN_MaH30 food in CN_MaHCN_SV36 food in CN_SVCN_WS3 food in CN_WS1120 food from CN_C_cere to JP_SV976 food from CN_C_vege to JP_SV792 food from CN_C_vege to JP_MaH779 food from CN_C_rice to JP_SV514 food from CN_C_cere to JP_MaH493 food from CN_C_beet to JP_SV467 food from CN_C_beet to JP_MaH437 food from CN_C_rice to JP_MaH406 food from CN_C_whet to JP_SV398 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_food272 food from CN_C_vege to JP_WS264 food from CN_C_crop to JP_SV253 food from CN_C_crop to JP_MaH248 food from CN_C_cere to JP_WS243 food from CN_C_fish to JP_SV205 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_food200 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_SV184 food from CN_C_rice to JP_WS183 food from CN_C_whet to JP_MaH168 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_food165 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_MaH156 food from CN_C_veol to JP_SV149 food from CN_C_beet to JP_WS145 food from CN_C_whet to JP_P_food145 food from CN_C_cere to JP_M_beve127 food from CN_C_vege to JP_M_wear112 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_M_wear111 food from CN_C_fish to JP_M_fish93 food from CN_C_veol to JP_MaH92 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_WS89 food from CN_C_whet to JP_WS80 food from CN_C_vege to JP_MaL79 food from CN_C_beet to JP_M_wear78 food from CN_C_crop to JP_WS73 food from CN_C_rice to JP_M_beve69 food from CN_C_milk to JP_SV67 food from CN_C_vege to JP_M_beve65 food from CN_C_rice to JP_M_fish62 food from CN_C_cere to JP_M_fish61 food from CN_C_cere to JP_MaL60 food from CN_C_milk to JP_MaH59 food from CN_C_cere to JP_M_wear53 food from CN_C_whet to JP_M_beve52 food from CN_C_rice to JP_M_wear51 food from CN_C_vege to JP_M_text48 food from CN_C_rice to JP_MaL46 food from CN_C_beet to JP_MaL46 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_M_text44 food from CN_C_fish to JP_WS39 food from CN_C_crop to JP_M_wear38 food from CN_C_beet to JP_P_food37 food from CN_C_vege to JP_M_fish37 food from CN_C_veol to JP_WS34 food from CN_C_fish to JP_P_food33 food from CN_C_catt to JP_SV32 food from CN_C_beet to JP_M_text32 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_milk31 food from CN_C_catt to JP_MaH28 food from CN_C_veol to JP_P_food26 food from CN_C_vege to JP_EW26 food from CN_C_crop to JP_MaL25 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_pigs23 food from CN_C_cere to JP_M_text23 food from CN_C_veol to JP_M_fish23 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_catt22 food from CN_C_fish to JP_MaH22 food from CN_C_whet to JP_M_fish22 food from CN_C_whet to JP_MaL22 food from CN_C_crop to JP_P_food21 food from CN_C_beet to JP_M_fish21 food from CN_C_rice to JP_M_text21 food from CN_C_milk to JP_WS21 food from CN_C_whet to JP_M_wear19 food from CN_C_vege to JP_M_lead19 food from CN_C_cere to JP_EW17 food from CN_C_beet to JP_M_beve16 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_milk16 food from CN_C_crop to JP_M_text15 food from CN_C_rice to JP_EW15 food from CN_C_cere to JP_C_poul15 food from CN_C_beet to JP_EW14 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_milk14 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_MaL12 food from CN_C_beet to JP_M_lead12 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_pigs12 food from JP_C_crop to CN_MaH12 food from CN_C_whet to JP_P_milk11 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_catt10 food from CN_C_veol to JP_M_wear10 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_poul10 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_pigs10 food from CN_C_milk to JP_M_wear10 food from CN_C_catt to JP_WS10 food from CN_C_veol to JP_MaL10 food from CN_C_crop to JP_M_beve10 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_catt9 food from CN_C_whet to JP_P_pigs9 food from CN_C_crop to JP_M_fish8 food from CN_C_whet to JP_P_catt8 food from CN_C_veol to JP_M_beve8 food from JP_C_vege to CN_SV8 food from CN_C_crop to JP_EW8 food from CN_C_whet to JP_M_text8 food from JP_C_crop to CN_SV8 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_M_lead7 food from CN_C_cere to JP_M_lead7 food from CN_C_rice to JP_C_poul7 food from CN_C_rice to JP_M_lead7 food from CN_C_rice to JP_C_vege7 food from CN_C_cere to JP_C_vege7 food from CN_C_whet to JP_EW7 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_rice6 food from CN_C_vege to JP_C_vege6 food from CN_C_vege to JP_C_poul6 food from CN_C_crop to JP_M_lead6 food from CN_C_milk to JP_MaL6 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_P_food6 food from JP_C_milk to CN_SV6 food from CN_C_whet to JP_C_poul6 food from CN_C_catt to JP_M_wear5 food from CN_C_milk to JP_M_fish5 food from JP_C_milk to CN_MaH5 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_poul5 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_rice5 food from JP_C_rice to CN_SV5 food from JP_C_catt to CN_SV5 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_rice4 food from JP_C_catt to CN_MaH4 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_poul4 food from CN_C_veol to JP_M_text4 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_M_fish4 food from CN_C_milk to JP_P_food4 food from CN_C_milk to JP_M_text4 food from CN_C_cere to JP_C_fish4 food from CN_C_whet to JP_P_poul4 food from CN_C_fish to JP_C_fish4 food from CN_C_vege to JP_C_fish4 food from CN_C_cere to JP_C_milk4 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_sugr4 food from CN_C_beet to JP_P_milk4 food from CN_C_rice to JP_C_fish3 food from JP_C_vege to CN_MaH3 food from CN_C_veol to JP_EW3 food from CN_C_beet to JP_C_vege3 food from JP_C_beet to CN_SV3 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_meat3 food from CN_C_catt to JP_MaL3 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_EW3 food from JP_C_rice to CN_MaH3 food from CN_C_whet to JP_M_lead2 food from JP_C_milk to CN_M_wear2 food from CN_C_whet to JP_C_vege2 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_M_beve2 food from CN_C_cere to JP_P_veol2 food from CN_C_vege to JP_M_toba2 food from CN_C_fish to JP_MaL2 food from CN_C_beet to JP_P_rice2 food from CN_C_catt to JP_M_text2 food from CN_C_beet to JP_C_fish2 food from CN_C_beet to JP_P_pigs2 food from CN_C_milk to JP_EW2 food from CN_C_beet to JP_P_catt2 food from CN_C_vege to JP_C_log2 food from CN_C_cere to JP_M_toba2 food from CN_C_crop to JP_P_milk2 food from CN_C_cere to JP_C_log2 food from CN_C_fish to JP_M_beve2 food from CN_C_catt to JP_P_food2 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_sugr2 food from CN_C_veol to JP_P_milk2 food from JP_C_fish to CN_SV2 food from CN_C_catt to JP_M_fish2 food from CN_C_rice to JP_C_milk2 food from CN_C_whet to JP_P_rice2 food from CN_C_crop to JP_C_vege2 food from JP_C_beet to CN_MaH2 food from JP_C_crop to CN_MaL2 food from CN_C_milk to JP_M_lead2 food from CN_C_rice to JP_M_toba2 food from CN_C_milk to JP_M_beve2 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_meat2 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_sugr2 food from CN_C_vege to JP_C_crop2 food from CN_C_vege to JP_C_milk1 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_veol1 food from CN_C_veol to JP_M_lead1 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_C_fish1 food from CN_C_cere to JP_C_crop1 food from CN_C_rice to JP_P_veol1 food from CN_C_veol to JP_P_pigs1 food from JP_C_crop to CN_M_wear1 food from CN_C_whet to JP_C_fish1 food from CN_C_vege to JP_P_meat1 food from CN_C_beet to JP_M_toba1 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_C_vege1 food from CN_C_rice to JP_C_crop1 food from CN_C_whet to JP_C_milk1 food from JP_C_milk to CN_M_text1 food from CN_C_whet to JP_P_sugr1 food from CN_C_veol to JP_P_catt1 food from CN_C_crop to JP_P_rice1 food from JP_C_crop to CN_WS1 food from CN_C_rice to JP_C_log1 food from CN_C_crop to JP_P_pigs1 food from CN_C_crop to JP_P_catt1 food from JP_C_crop to CN_M_text1 food from JP_C_milk to CN_WS1 food from CN_C_beet to JP_C_poul1 food from CN_C_whet to JP_P_meat1 food from CN_C_fibe to JP_P_rice1 food from CN_C_catt to JP_EW1 food from CN_C_crop to JP_C_fish1 food from CN_C_beet to JP_C_log1 food from CN_C_veol to JP_C_fish1 food from JP_C_vege to CN_WS