var numColors = 50; var colArray = ['red','purple','blue','green', 'yellow','orange','red'] // this file should have my code for doing d3 stuff colorMods = ['default', "hsv","hsl", "lab", "lch"] var colSel ='.info').append('p') .text('Colorspace:').attr('class', 'colorspace') .append('select') .attr('class', "colorspace").style('width', '100px') .attr("onchange", 'render(this.value)') //.style('position', 'absolute')'.info').append('button').text('Spin it') .on('click', spin);'.info').append('div').html('
Number of colors:').attr('id', 'colin').append('input').attr('value',numColors.toString()).on('keydown', function(d){ //console.log([0][0].value) console.log('select.colorspace')[0][0].value) console.log( d3.event.keyIdentifier) numColors = parseInt([0][0].value); // same thing console.log(this.value) // render('select.colorspace')[0][0].value) if(d3.event.keyIdentifier === 'Enter'){ render('select.colorspace')[0][0].value) console.log('maybe render now') } }) .style('width', '35px') function colChange(num){ numColors = num; // console.log('.colorpace').value) } for(i in colorMods){ colSel.append('option') .attr('value', colorMods[i]).text(colorMods[i]) } var vWidth = 1000; var r = 240; var rectwi = 30; var recthi = 166.666; var rectbuf = 30; var arru = []; var color = d3.scale.category20c(); //builtin range of colors var svg ='body').append('svg').attr("height", 500).attr("width", vWidth).attr("class", "svger") console.log(arru); // ['red', 'blue'] var scale = chroma.scale( colArray) console.log(scale(.5).hex) var xtran = r + 80; render('default'); function render(colspa){ arru = []; for(i = 0; i < numColors; i++){ arru.push(i); }[arru]) d3.selectAll('g').remove(); var g = svg.append('g').attr("transform", "translate(" + xtran + "," + r + ")") .attr('id', 'wheelie'); var arc = d3.svg.arc() //this will create elements for us using arc data .outerRadius(r); var pie = d3.layout.pie() //this will create arc data for us given a list of values .value(function(d) { console.log('heres the d for values'); // console.log(scale(i*(1/(numColo))).hex) return 1; //return d; }); //we must tell it out to access the value of each element in our data array var arcs = g.selectAll("g.slice") //this selects all elements with class slice (there aren't any yet) .data(pie) //associate the generated pie data (an array of arcs, each having startAngle, endAngle and value properties) .enter() //this will create elements for every "extra" data element that should be associated with a selection. The result is creating a for every object in the data array .append("svg:g") //create a group to hold each slice (we will have a and a element associated with each slice) .attr("class", "slice") .sort(function(a, b){ // console.log(a,b) return a > b; }); //allow us to style things in the slices (like text) arcs.append("svg:path") .attr("fill", function(d, i) { var colval = i*(1/(numColors-1)); console.log(colval) if(colspa === 'default'){ return scale(colval).hex() } return scale.mode(colspa)(colval).hex() //return color(i); } ) //set the color for each slice to be chosen from the color function defined above .attr("d", arc) .attr('class', function(d, i){ return i }) .sort(function(d){ return i; }); } function spin(){ console.log('should be spinning')'#wheelie') .transition() .duration(2000) .attr("transform", "translate(290,290)") .attrTween("transform", tween); } function tween(d, i, a) { //return d3.interpolateString("rotate(0, 0, 0)", "rotate(390, 00, 0)"); return d3.interpolateString("translate(280,250)rotate(0)", "translate(280,250)rotate(1121060)" ); }