chosenCities = []; d3.json("cities.json", function(error, latLonList){"#cityList").on("change", function() { var errors = []; var output = []; var multiples = []; chosenCities = this.value.split(','); for(var i = 0; i < chosenCities.length; i++){ var k = latLonList[chosenCities[i].toUpperCase().trim()]; if(typeof(k) == "undefined"){ errors.push(chosenCities[i].trim()); } else { if (k.length > 1) { multiples.push(chosenCities[i].trim()); } for (var z = 0; z < k.length; z++){ m = k[z]; output.push({city: chosenCities[i].trim(), country: m[0], location: {latitude: m[1], longitude: m[2]}}); } } } outputJSON("outputJSON", JSON.stringify(output, undefined, 2)); postWarnings(errors, "errors", "errorCities", "couldn't be found in the dataset. Try an alternate spelling and the commonly used name in English. If that fails, look it up in the original file or on GoogleMaps here"); postWarnings(multiples, "multiples", "multipleCities", "listed more than once because there is more than one city with this name or because the city has more than one airport."); }); }) function outputJSON(element, text) { document.getElementById(element).innerHTML = text; } function postWarnings(cities, element, id, text){ if(cities.length > 0){ var cityListText = ""; for(j = 0; j < cities.length; j++){ if(cities.length == 1){ cityListText = cities[j]; } else if (cities.length == 2){ cityListText = cities[0] + " and " + cities[1]; } else if(j < cities.length - 1){ cityListText = cityListText + " " + cities[j] + ","; } else { cityListText = cityListText + " and " + cities[j]; } } document.getElementById(element).innerHTML = "" + cityListText + ": " + text; } }