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d3fc extent example

This is a simple demonstration of the d3fc extent component, which provides a flexible mechanism for computing the domain of a chart. It allows you to add padding, define multiple accessors, include fixed values (e.g. ensure it includes zero), etc.

var yExtent = fc.extentLinear()
	// the property of the data that defines the y extent
  .accessors([function(d) { return d.close; }])
  // pad by 10% in the +ve direction
  .pad([0, 0.1])
  // ensure that the extent includes zero

var xExtent = fc.extentDate()
	// the property of the data that defines the x extent
  .accessors([function(d) { return; }])
  // pad in domain units (in this case milliseconds)
  // ensure that the scale is padded by one day in either direction
  .pad([millisPerDay, millisPerDay]);

// apply the extent to the scales

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