The data is from Basketball Reference, also from Kaggle. Here is the according Glossary. The dataset is about players performance for NBA in 2017, including Number, Time, Player, Position, Age, Team, Games, Game Started, and etc.
The prototype is the horizontal bar chart of the top 7 Field Goals players of NBA in 2017.
Questions: Is there any correlation between each variable? Is there any difference of performance for the same player in each year? Is there any strength for one specific position?
Tasks: • Load data. • Define axis. • Draw scatterplot (set numeric columns, ordinal columns; call a spinner). • Define a spinner (include a local timer to make wheel spin, call wheel). • Define a wheel (define radius and angle). • Define the original display page as reducer. • Use tooltips to add label for every item. • Set for display effect (quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers; depend to display a spinner or text; dispatch actions to the store). • Visualize.
Scatterplot Description: Plot the variables chosen from menus of x-axis and y-axis. Color represents the sub-group of selected variable. Radius measures the scale of the selected variable.
Interaction Description: User could choose different variables from menus to make the scatterplot, and read the detailed data directly by label of chosen point.
Built with
forked from curran's block: Spinner with d3-component
forked from micahstubbs's block: scatterplot menus with d3-component | radius select