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Word cloud comparison


D3.selectAll(...).transition() Explained

Simplex Radiations

Simplex Flurry

Rotating Distance-limited Voronoi - d3v4 - canvas

Blobbing Worms

Rotating Distance-limited Voronoi - d3v4

Beeswarm comparison

Rotating Distance-limited Voronoi

distance-limited Voronoi Interaction III

distance-limited Voronoi Interaction II

Custom Beeswarm & ForceLayout

distance-limited Voronoi Interaction

ForceLayout - maintain x-position of nodes

simplex landscape

Voronoï playground : undulating radial wave

Voronoï playground - Do you see the path ?

Weighted Voronoi Treemap in D3v4

model-based transition on timelines

extended mirror barchart


Distorded Treemap - d3-shaped treemap

Distorded Treemap - wavy treemap

Voronoï playground - Do you see the path ? (II)

State Grid of Dogs

Voronoï playground : parquet deformation

Voronoï playground : Voronoï's heart

MakeOver Monday, 2017, w29 - White House Salaries

Histo-packing with d3-beeswarm

Voronoï playground: weighted Voronoï relaxation

Linked *strict* Beeswarm

Voronoï playground: Voronoï treemap (study)

d3-voronoi-treemap usage

d3-voronoi-map usage

Voronoï playground: Voronoï map (study 2)

Voronoï playground: Voronoï map (study)

#10print & SimplexNoise

France population

#SWDChallenge - Sept '18

Animated Voronoï map

d3-voronoi-map : same final partitioning on reload

d3-voronoi-map v2 usage

Update & Animate a Voronoï map

Global Population by Region from 1950 to 2100 - a remake

timeline - correlation

timeline - comparing trends

timeline - trend & seasonality

timeline - trend, confidence interval, outliers

timeline - trend

timeline - seasonality detection (I)

timeline - seasonality detection (II)

timeline - seasonality detection (III)

wheels on wheels on wheels

Braille Clock

KDE to Violin plot

Simplex Wave + Explanations

d3-path for Distance-limited Voronoi cell - d3v4

Simplex Worms + Explanations

Blobbing Particles III

Blobbing Particles IV

Blobbing Particles II

Blobbing Particles

path for Distance-limited Voronoi cell - d3v4

path for Distance-limited Voronoi cell

Voronoi-based point picker (revisited)

d3-beeswarm plugin

Custom Beeswarm IV (handle unsorted data)

Custom Beeswarm III (perf. enhancement)

Custom Beeswarm II (perf. enhancement)

Custom Beeswarm

Beeswarm + maintain x-position of nodes

Force Layout - faster final arrangement

timeline - approximation thanks to FFT/iFFT

timeline - FFT decomposition

D3-voronoi.clipCircle() - 2nd experiment

Interactive Parquet Deformation

strange dancing behaviour

Gooey egde effect

weighted KDE & Voronoï maps

Online Impossible Figure Builder

Popple spiral illusion

Vis. variations on Recamán sequence

Scrollytelling the Penrose triangle

Voronoï <-> Rect treemap transition with flubber


Voronoï playground: Voronoï transitioning thanks to weighted Voronoï

MakeOver Monday, 2017, w29 - White House Salaries - iteration 2

Voronoï <-> Voronoï treemap transition with flubber

Voronoï playground: animating addition/removing of data

Voronoï playground : interactive weighted Voronoï study III (Multiple sites)

Voronoï playground : interactive weighted Voronoï study II

Voronoï playground : interactive weighted Voronoï study