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d3.legend example

Automatic floating labels using d3 force-layout

Nelson's rivers (d3_geoJSON plugin)

Happy Birthday

SVG slippy map using Viewbox with D3

Contour Test using Jason Davis implementation with D3

Basic filled contours in D3

Newton's balls

New York Traffic - Live

Bitcoin Arbitrage (extension)

Optimal denominations

Using data() enter and exit in D3

Icesave capital structure - nest/layout example

Newton's cradle

barStack (flex layout)

barStack - stacking with negative values

testing circles in Leaflet.js (working)

Scatterplot (WebGL-2D)

D3 Hive Plot (Areas) - std expose

D3 Hive Plot (Areas) - evil exposure

Brownian Bridge

Icelandic population pyramid

Bitcoin Arbitrage - Priceonomics

Simple transitioning slides with SVG and D3

D3 GeoJSON in Leaflet

Icelandic earthquakes (D3)

Update speed based on number of SVG elements in viewBox

Using D3 to create and animate X3D - with x3dom

Simple X3D with D3

Basic contours in D3

Internalizing chart variables (mod)

Internalizing chart variables (mod)

D3 + Leaflet (fork mbostock)

zQuiz rendered with jQuizMe

Avg Price Histories (force_labels)

D3.js glucose levels

Nearest Citibike

[separate SVG boxes ] Update speed based on number of SVG elements in viewBox

Update speed based on length of an unrelated static path object

d3.layout.force3d (a quick hack to get force layout into the third dimension)

D3 - using SVG Bounding Box to get the "automatic padding"