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K-Means Voronoi Relaxation

Voronoi Sorting v2

Voronoi Sorting v2 update for d3.unconf badge

D3 Spin Art

Rotating Shape Transitions

Flipping and Spinning the Unites States

Rate of False Alarms by Neighborhood and Year

United States of Voronoi Tweening

United States of Voronoi Tweening w/ borders

Voronoi Sorting

Voronoi Shuffling v3

Voronoi Shuffling v2

Voronoi Shuffling v1

Mergesort animation

Choropleth w/ state highlighting

Blocks Graph - w/thumbnails

Past Presidents - ES5

Overlapping Circles

Past Presidents

OPD License Plate scans

Brush Slider Test

Compound Radial Waves v3 [WARNING: LOUD!]

Sound of the Stock Market

Compound Radial Waves

Compound Waves

Difference Chart v4

Projection Transitions w/slider and rotation

Projection Transitions v4

Compound Radial Waves v2

Election History w/ Avoidant Tooltip

Updated Crossfilter.js demo

Voronoi Force-Directed Graph without the nodes and links

Force-Directed Voronoi Graph

Phase Shifting

Sampler using Web Audio

Web Audio Theremin & Oscilloscope

Normalizing Clusters


Horizontal Ellipses

Rhodonea Curve

Rotating Ellipses v2

Additive Synthesizer

Rotating Ellipses v1

Audio Spectrum Analyzer - bright

Draggable Voronoi Circles - canvas

Audio Spectrum Analyzer - dark

Draggable Voronoi Circles - SVG

Lissajous Curve

(intentionally bad) Volume Control Using Face Tracking

voronoi.find() and resizing charts

Custom Shape Tweening

Repeating sorting animation

Mergesort w/ color

Visualizing Sorting Algorithms

Avoidant Tooltip

Force-Directed Graph with hidden Voronoi

Forced Perspective

Wave Phasing

Hive Plot (Areas) v4

Audio Synth via d3-ease

I Am Sitting in a Room - Alvin Lucier

Web Audio Sampler v2

Web Audio Sampler with Effects

Turbo.js Speed Test

Audio Radial Line - dark

Audio Radial Line - bright