All examples By author By category About


Doughnut chart with labels & colour scale

Barchart with labels

Force diagram with labels

Top 10 contributors (by # of playlists) to the FMA

Frontline Freelance Register member skills

What per cent of people in the UK have used the Internet?

Per cent of Internet users in Comoros, 2011

Per cent of Internet users in Comoros, 2005, 2010 and 2011

Interactive thermometer

Interactive thermometer, version 2

Film leader

Humanitarian population by major Canadian city, 2012

Humanitarian population by Canadian region, 2012

Recent tracks added to WFMU's Free Music Archive

WFMU Free Music Archive scatterplot

Responsive map

Refugee claimants by Canadian region, 2012

Tree layout of Free Music Archive datasets

Average private rents, London 2012 and 2013

Tweets matching '@ffregister'

Latest Guardian Global Development Articles

News ticker


The Solar System sorted

Responsive Globe

Humanitarian migrants to Canada by top country


What per cent of people per African country use the Internet?

What per cent of people per North American country use the Internet?