All examples By author By category About


Women in Comp Science with Total Number of Degrees Awarded

Women in Comp Science

Interaction - Focus and Context using Zoom/Brush

Radial Time Series - Daily Data

Bike Share - Scatter Plot Filter Code Test

Bike Share Users by Day of Week

Bike Share Users by Month

Bike Share Users vs. Apparent Temp

Global Carbon Emissions Streamgraph

CS Degrees Awarded 1971-2011

North Atlantic Hurricanes

Time Series Sketch Prototype

Global Carbon Emissions Area Chart

Global Carbon Emissions by Year, 1751-2011

Data Table Summary - CS Degrees Awarded 1971-2011

Data Table Summary - DC Bike Share

Data Table Summary - Global CO2 Emissions 1751-2014

Separability and Interference: Encoding Using Both Size and Hue