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Data Table Summary - Global CO2 Emissions 1751-2014

Global Carbon Emssions from from 1751 to 2014

Provides the total global carbon emissions and a breakdown by source (combustion of fossil fuels by type - gas, liquid, and solid, cement manufacturing, and gas flaring) from 1751 through 2014. Per capita carbon emissions are also provided for 1950 through 2014.

This data was compiled by the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center

The original electronic file is Global CO2 Emissions from fossil fuel buring, cement manufacturing, and gas flaring/ This file was imported into excel and saved as a CSV file.

Note that CDIAC is shutting down on September 30, 2017. This data will be transferred to the LBNL ESS-DIVE web site after September, 30, 2017.

The link to the CDIAC website was found on gapminder, which contains other data sources that may be of interest if this data set is used for my visualization project.

forked from curran's block: Data Table Summary