All data here was compiled by Jeff Schiller.
It powers this d3.js grid data visualization.
go to
in chrome, open the devtools console and paste:
function I(i) { return i; }
function array(a) { return [], 0); }
function row(t,r) { return array(t.rows[r].cells); }
function col(t,c) { return array(t.rows).map(function(r){return r.cells[c];}); }
function cell(t,r,c) { return t.rows[r].cells[c]; }
function browser_class(b, i) {
var cn = i + 2
, ua = b.textContent.trim()
, re = /(.*?)\s*((?:r?[\d.-]+|[+()]|Alpha|Beta|DevPrev|Nightly).*)/
, is = ua.replace(re, '$1').replace(/Minefield/i, 'Firefox')
, no = ua.replace(re, '$2')
, ok = col(tb, 2 + i).slice(3);
return { date: ok[daterow].textContent.trim()
, family: is
, version: no === is ? '' : no.replace(/[()]/g, '')
, name: ua
, grade: cell(tb, 1, cn).textContent
, percent: cell(tb, 2, cn).textContent
, scores: Number(cell(tb, scores, cn).textContent)
, maxscore: Number(cell(tb, max_sc, cn).textContent)
, tests: ok.slice(0, ntests).map(test)
function test(td) {
var data = { status: td.textContent.trim() };
if ('#000000' === td.getAttribute('bgcolor'))
data.crash = true;
return data.status;
return data;
var table = $$('table[frame="VOID"]')[0]
, tb = table.tBodies[0]
, thr = tb.rows[0]
, tests, ntests, nbrowsers, notescol, daterow, browsers, scores, max_sc,
, renderers
browsers = row(tb, 0).slice(2).map(function(h){return h.querySelector('b'); });
nbrowsers = notescol = browsers.indexOf(null)
tests = col(tb, 1).slice(3).map(function(td){ return td.querySelector('a'); });
ntests = daterow = tests.indexOf(null);
scores = ntests + 8;
max_sc = ntests + 9;
tests = tests.filter(I).map(function(a, i) {
var rn = 3 + i
, data = { id: a.textContent.replace(/^[\d.\s]+/, '')
, url: a.href
, note = cell(tb, rn, 2 + notescol).textContent
, ycol = cell(tb, rn, 0).textContent;
if (note) data.note = note;
if (ycol) data.y = 'Y'
return data;
renderers = browsers.filter(I).map(function(b, i) {
var td = b.parentNode
, data = browser_class(b, i)
, test = data.tests
delete data.tests;
data.type = '#FFCC99' === td.getAttribute('bgcolor') ? 'native' : 'plugin';
data.tests = test; // put the tests last in the output JSON
return data;
copy and paste the results into your json file:
forked from johan's block: SVG browser compatibility tables, c/o Jeff Schiller,
<title>SVG test suite coverage by browser</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="grid.css">
<script src=""></script>
<h1>SVG test suite coverage by browser</h1>
This data has been diligently gathered over the years by
<a href="">Jeff Schiller</a>.
My motivation for making this page is mainly to play with the user interface
that visualizes the underlying data. You can see and fork and play with it,
too, at <a href=""></a>.
Cheers! / Johan Sundstr�m
<table id="chart" class="grid" rules="groups" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<th><table border="0"><tbody>
<tr><td class="none"></td><td>Not tested</td></tr>
<tr><td class="pass"></td><td>Test passed</td></tr>
<tr><td class="warn"></td><td>See notes</td></tr>
<tr><td class="fail"></td><td>Test failed</td></tr>
<tr><td class="died"></td><td>Test crashed!</td></tr>
<script src="vis.js"></script>
Modified to a secure url