White House petitions don't have an API yet so I wrote something quick and dirty for a specific petition in reply to a tweet by @PogoWasRight.
This thing scrapes the petition's signatures and produces histograms by state and city as a javascript file called histograms.js
This gist contains a snapshot copy of that file (generated when there were ~32K signatures)
This means you can either clone the gist and view index.html
, or simply use Mike Bostock's magic gist viewer.
yourselfsudo apt-get install python3 python3-bs4
at whphist.py
if you're interested in some other White House petition../whphist.py > histograms.json
fetches all signature pages from petition site.
This may take a while. If your network connection fails (happens to us in the 3rd world quite often), do
mv histograms.json old_hist.json
and then ./whphist.py old_hist.json > histograms.json
to continue where you've left../json2js.py < histograms.json > histograms.js
this tidies up things a bit, and generates a javascript file easier to work with.whphist.py
has zero user interface at the moment (even the URL is hard-wired). Should be friendlier. Command line? Web front-end? You be the judge.histograms.js
also contains breakdown to cities, so you can make pie slices explode and what not :)Updated missing url https://raw.github.com/mbostock/d3/master/d3.min.js to https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/d3@12.10.3/d3.min.js