Built with blockbuilder.org and R htmlwidgets
in rhandsontable sparklinePrompted by #rstats friend @TimSalabim3 I recently remembered that the htmlwidget rhandsontable
gives us sparklines in cells through a jquery.sparkline
renderer. These sparklines can digest NA
values from R, but just need one argument na="null"
added to the jsonlite::toJSON
DF = data.frame(int = 1:10,
numeric = rnorm(10),
logical = TRUE,
character = LETTERS[1:10],
fact = factor(letters[1:10]),
date = seq(from = Sys.Date(), by = "days", length.out = 10),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# add a sparkline chart
DF$chart = sapply(1:10, function(x) jsonlite::toJSON(list(values=rnorm(10))))
# add some NAs to our chart data
# note: the na="null" is the important piece
DF$chart[1] <- jsonlite::toJSON(list(values=c(1,2,3,4,5,NA,NA,8,10)),na="null")
rhandsontable(DF, rowHeaders = NULL) %>%
hot_col("chart", renderer = htmlwidgets::JS("renderSparkline"))