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BioFabric in R as an htmlwidget with d3.js

William Longabaugh's BioFabric gives us a powerful new visualization technique for large networks. He has implemented BioFabric fully in Java and partially in R and d3.js.

Longabaugh, W.J.R. [Combing the hairball with BioFabric: a new approach for visualization of large networks]( BMC Bioinformatics, 13:275, 2012.

I hope to have an R htmlwidget with BioFabric for this week's Building Widgets widget of the week. It is very, very early, but I'd love feedback at

This is using the karate data from igraphdata, and we order nodes by community and then degree to demonstrate a different sort order than the default by degree.

live example

another example - les mis