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Simple D3 clock

SVG Arrow heads

Snowden's Route

Growth chart

Convolution: smoothing noisy data

Control Patch

Breaking down the pressures on energy bills

Ternary Plot refactoring.

Dot density circles


Small multiple maps

slider with map 'tooltip'

topojson neighborhoods

Vibrational effect 1

Screensize vs Browser size

evenly distribute points on a circle

icon array scale interactive example

Simplest icon array

Icon array hemicycle example

Modal transport share

icon array widthFirst or not?

US senate icon array

image scanlines cf Shigeo Fukuda

canvas kaleidoscope

Discrete Gaussian distribution

Control patch line

Ternary plot

Isometric projection

SAT scores sluggish?

digital heatmap

Complex number division

New Political Compass

line interpolation with gaps

drag circles around in a ring

adding a particular date to an SVG axis

some css layouts I've used, an ongoing collection

UK numberplate style

using external SVG icons with an icon array

css mix-blend-mode

svg path jittering

sine oscilator

svg calendar page

Radial stack layout

grid layouts

simple resize

very simple tick formatter

Different style for origin tick

lables round a circle

UK parliamentary constituency displays

Outcomes associated with group B strep (GBS) among pregnant women

path data polyfill example

simple HTML + plain JS slider

move tick labels to another group

Stacked and stepped area chart

2d Slider