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Fatal occupational injuries, 2003–2014

Dabble & Dawdle, module 1

Small multiples (line graphs), with tooltips

Small multiples, eventually with tooltips?

More small multiples, repeated axes

Chocolate imports — line graph

Project 1

Small multiples; tooltips pending (hopefully)

mod 6 test 2

mod 6 test

Scattered chocolate

One way to do it . . .

Scattered chocolate

Chocolate bars . . . and axes!

Chocolate bars . . . and axes!

Chocolate bars . . . and axes!

Chocolate imports (reposted)

Average Annual Wages by State

USA, in moody blue

Chocolate bars! And axes!

Chocolate bars! (You knew that was coming!)

Chocolate bars! (You knew that was coming!)

Smile! Chocolate has been imported!

Smile! Chocolate has been imported!

Small mults failed attempt 1

Multiseries Line Chart: US Unemployment by Occupation and/or Industry

US chocolate imports (and why must this title text be so bloody big?)

US chocolate imports (and why must this title text be so bloody big?)

US chocolate imports (and why must this title text be so bloody big?)