All examples By author By category About


Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Mathematics

[Unlisted] Learning: Multiple Line Graphs

US College Search by SAT Score, Size, and Location Type

US National Park Visits 2016

US State Map

Cherry Blossom Flowering History (Kyoto, Japan)2

[Unlisted] Cherry Blossom Flowering Dates Scatterplot

Sakura Scatterplot

Cherry Blossom Flowering History (Kyoto, Japan)

Cherry Blossom Data (Kyoto, Japan)

National Park Data Summary

10 US States with the Most Data Science Programs

College Scorecard Data

Brush & Zoom2 : ITS Learning Behavior Scatter

[Unlisted] Practice Time

[Unlisted] D3 Course Practice

Brush & Zoom : ITS Learning Behavior

[Unlisted] Brush & Zoom II: ITS Learning

Resize: ITS Learning Behavior

Triangle Pentagon

ITS Toggle Scatterplot v3

ITS_Grouped Bar Chart

[Unlisted]ITS_Grouped Bar Chart

Linked Scatter Plot and Bar Chart

[Unlisted] ITS_Small multiple bar charts with tooltips

[Unlisted] ITS_Scatterplot Toggle v2

ITS_Scatter plot with zoom

[Unlisted]ITS_Zoomable Connected Scatterplot


ITS_Toggle Scatterplot

[Unlisted]ITS_Zoomable Scatterplot

[Unlisted] ITS_Interactive Small Multiples

[Unlisted] Practice Horizontal Bar Chart

[Unlisted] Practice Bar Chart

[Unlisted] Line Small Multiples

[Unlisted] JavaScript Practice

[Unlisted] D3 Course Practice

Zoom: Cherry Blossom Flowering History (Kyoto, Japan)

[Unlisted] Learning: Multiple Line Graphs Resize

[Unlisted] National Park Visitations by State 2016, Hover

Cherry Blossom Flowering Dates Scatterplot

[Unlisted] US National Parks 2015-2016

d3.unconf 2016, v6

[Unlisted] Highlight Legend 2: Cherry Blossom Flowering History (Kyoto, Japan)

[Unlisted] Interactive Cherry Blossom Flowering History (Kyoto, Japan)