All examples By author By category About


Socrata wifi example

d3 tiles

d3 tiles

Preliminary Geo Drawing in d3

double click and single click separation

SVG Swarm

Massive updates offscreen

Massive HTML updates offscreen

Massive HTML updates onscreen

Massive updates onscreen

Turkey Plopper



iD editor scrum Jan 25, 2013

geometry daily two

DC References Two

Dates referenced in the DC Code

Line Chart

voronoi tesselation

MultiLayer Wax.G Switcher


Layer Switcher Example

Gosper Curve

audio generated by an l-system

OSM users graph for wikipedia

SVG Swarm with 3d transforms

One-way markers demo

SVG points and 3d transforms

SVG points and 2d transforms

Gender Breakdown of DC Cyclists 2005-2012

Helmet Usage of DC Cyclists 2004-2012

Bike Peak Data, ways of looking at rates of growth

Bicycle Ridership in DC

Unknown Pleasures

Ridership Growth on a Log Scale

OSM Edits by Second of the Day

scaled rects

a rose is a rose

Fibonnacci Monolith

Unknown Pleasures

Colorize Alpha, Canvas

d3 tron style wip

All Trains All Predictions

Minimal Code+Demo Setup for

d3 now (d3 without transitions)

GTA V5 style easing

MapBox + d3


Jenks Natural Breaks with simple-statistics and d3

My Starting-Point Index File

Wax map example

Base leaflet.js template

Custom wax formatter

modest map problem

Two Maps

Fancy Pants Interactivity

Map/Update Map function

Adding a feature with mapbox.js

markers.js with the simplestyle factory

Voxels of Crime in DC

Addin a feature with mapbox.js

Loading features from google docs and supporting filtering

Interesting Storms from the Darksky API

Many markers with markers.js

Find your device pixel ratio!

A simple Canvas markers.js scaled-point generator

markers.js and clustr

markers csv with other file

Interacting With Image Maps Example

find point data on all loaded

Train Demo

kmeans wip

Click interaction

MapBox showOnHover debugging

MapMote bookmarklet

MapBox showOnHover debugging

Running year-by-year

Programmatic marker opening

mapbox.js + WMS

MapBox + WMS, refactored

A Song Chain

MapBox + Raphael

OpenStreetMap Contributor Editing Life

Active Contributors to OSM Per Month

Active Contributors to OSM Per Day

OSM Contributors by Month By Edits Per Month

OpenStreetMap Contributors By Month By Edits Per Month

Song Treemap


Song Length Histogram

Layer parent access

Age Distribution in Run For The Parks

Geographic distribution of entrants in Run For The Parks

Leaflet With simplestyle Markers

MapBox Static API Positioning

unfinished diamond square

openstreetmap-website commit activity

MapBox.js + Retina

Where I Have Been

Geocoder Demo

Search Test

MapBox.js With SVG Markers

Multiple tooltips at a time

trie mini

Custom markers with text

showTooltip example

Genesis, Inverted Index, Search Trie

Unique contributors to OSM per month

SVG Swarm with transforms

SVG Swarm with matrix transform

SVG transform with translate

SVG Path Performance with direct path

SVG Path Performance with use

SVG Performance with paths and many

SVG Performance with use and many

CSS Transforms on an HTML element with contained elements

CSS Transforms with many contained objects

SVG textPath placement

SVG line markers

SVG Performance with paths and rounded coordinates

SVG Performance with paths and unrounded coordinates

SVG Performance with paths and rounded but long coordinates

SVG points and 3d transforms

Download and canvas tiles

Camelcase selectors

d3 tag editing

Precise zooming

Country Populations

OSM Buildings

Layer Switching and Interaction

Legislator Ages

Age Distribution of Legislators Versus US Population

Click Events, lol, wut

Something about d3 I did not understand.

Removing the MouseWheelHandler.

Carto Tuning

d3 jsonp plugin

An inlet to Tributary

OSM Commits by Second by Year

Firefox Bug Test Case

Tiny things

Inscribed circles, prettier.

Unit Circle Trig

SVG Marker Chrome Failure

Chrome Marker Orientation Bug

Basic d3 Example

MapBox OpenLayers Example

Firefox SVG Bug

Landsat 8

MapBox.js v1.1.0 Share Control Example

Square Waves via Fourier Series

Square Wave Via Fourier Transform

Gist from edit-GeoJSON

Gist from edit-GeoJSON

Gist from edit-GeoJSON

Boston Marathon Finish Times, Year after Year


Crashing test case

Geography Quiz: Finished

Geography Quiz Starter Kit

GTA V5, first draft


Driver and Pedestrian Fatalities in the US, 2010 from NHTSA. Pedestrian in blue, motorist in red.




MapBox markers.js with random points a dynamic factory, and changing factories on the fly



Ratio of Average Bikers versus Miles of Bike Lanes 2004-2012



The last 10 minutes of bus positions in Washington DC From WMATAAPIAPI