All examples By author By category About

Multi-Part Sankey

Edge Routing Issue

Simple Difference Chart with d3.svg.area

Showing off Textures.js

d3.carto - CartoDB layers

Drawing HTML and SVG to Canvas

Orbital Layout of D3.js API

Circular Brush 2

Circular Brush 1

Orbital Layout 3

Orbital Layout 2

Ch. 12, Fig. 11 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 11, Fig. 10 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 11, Fig. 9 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 10, Figure 12 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 9, Fig. 7 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 9, Early Dashboard 2 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 8, Fig. 9 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 8, Fig. 11 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 8, Fig. 8 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 8, Fig. 10 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 8, Fig. 5 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 8, Fig. 4 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 8, Fig. 3 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 8, Fig. 2 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 7, Fig. 17 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 7, Fig. 15 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 7, Fig. 19 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 7, Fig. 10 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 7 Fig. 12 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 7, Fig. 3 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 7, Fig. 7 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 7, Fig. 8 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 6, Fig. 21 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 6, Fig. 6 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 5, Fig. 24 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 5, Fig. 28 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 5, Fig. 30 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 5, Fig. 12 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 5, Fig. 10 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 5, Fig. 16 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 4, Fig. 19 - D3.js in Action

Ch. 4, Fig. 22 - D3.js in Action

Cartogram Experiments

Small Maptiples - d3.carto

Automated Convex Hulls - d3.carto

Managing Layers - d3.carto

Simple Map - d3.carto

Topojson Merged Feature Clustering - d3.carto

Feature Clustering - d3.carto

Semantic Cluster Positioning - d3.carto

Styling Canvas Elements - d3.carto

Canvas Styling (Transform) - d3.carto

Graphical Transition + Zoom Test

Voronoi Network Flooding

Custom Infobox Formatter -

Visualizing Touch Rotate

Sketchy Network

Canvas Layers -

GEXFD3 with Canvas

globe mode -

d3.carto.layer.alias -

Simple Choropleth -

Projection Mode Rendering -

Loading Tile Layers in

Canvas Transform 2

Canvas Transform

Embed Image Data in SVG Elements

Voronoi Topology + TopoJSON merge Artifact

Traslados 2009-2014 (OCyGA 2015)

los temas de la semana (25/2 al 3/3)

Information Visualization vs Data Visualization

informe de medios

svg circles using Raphael.js

Departamentos vecinos en la provincia de Tucumán

las provincias y sus vecinos

input range slider (html5 & p5js)

la TV en PY

categorical colors

Ejemplo usando Raphaël

Select a picture of the day

Caltrain Bike Bumps

Example map of the US

Simple: Heatmap view of Weather Data

Color Interpolation test

in response to SFPC assignment & greatartbot on Twitter

adding waves

billion second bday

comet chart (prototype)

Zoomable Treemaps w/ Color

d3 time formatting example

practicing making a map

Weather Line Chart w/ alternate to tooltip

Little Black Hole

WMS overlay on MapBox-gl-js (0.5.2)

Tiled WMS overlay using ArcGIS JavaScript lib

list all points at a point

Publish a map with a filterable table

Volumetric OSM Buildings

small multiples using many maps


Color Testing...

Itineraries II

Measuring Country Size by Projected Area



Mapbox Geocoding on Stamen tiles

Edge blur filter w/ D3

Github for Geodata

github for geodata

Bjorn's Mask Plugin for Leaflet

Circle Pack Labels

Basic block template

Radar Plot Annual Temperature

Line graph noodling

Which UC Berkeley Libraries Are Open

Colour Density Hexbin

Colour Density Grid

Rectangles or Trapezoids

Uniform Kernel Distribution

Star Animated - for D3Con Badge

Isotype - Squared


Concentric Count Down Timer

Concentric Clock

Flower Shaped Pie Chart

Bar Chart In Between a Circle

Art - Stacked Donut Lines

Nitrogen Cycle

Metals in the Environment

Dynamic Molecules Generator

Dynamic Molecules - Benzo[b]fluoranthene

Interactive Mass Spectrometer

Elections and Search Weeks

Dynamic Molecules - Cytosine

Dynamic Molecules - Alanine

Linear Model

Nails And Strings

Sum of First n Numbers

Jade Preview

Simple SVG Path Demo

Greenland Scaled


D3 Geo Projection Plugin

Mapping with canvas

Inverse Projection

Orthographic Projection

Maps with TopoJSON

Earthquake Map

Azimutal Equal Area

Moiré Patterns

Custom Raw Projection

Circles Chartlet

Face Chartlet


Sierpinski Charlet

cosine similarity

Vibrational effect 1

Ternary Plot refactoring.

manhattan distance

EU map: leaflet, topojson

Responsive, reusable, modernizr charts

Polls charts

CZ: Distances of users and parties in VAA 2013

CZ: Spatial model parties 2013 (VAA)

SK-BB 2013: North-South, Centers-Estates

Hemicycle: a single vote event

EU: Spatial model 2014-2015

CZ: Senate 2014, after elections

CZ: Senate, towards elections 2014

CZ: Senate, Praha 10, 2014

CZ: Salary distribution (FontAwesome chart)

AR: Debt to Federal Government

SK-BB 2013: Map Explorer (Leaflet + D3)

Scatterplot with Contour Lines (D3 + R)

BA: Elections 2010

EU: Elections 2014 in Slovakia

Panamanian presidential elections 2014

Force in a Box algorithm

Javascript Network Clustering Library

Visualization of Quicksort (parallel)

Visualization of Quicksort (sequential)

Newton-Raphson Visualization (1D)

D3 Key Function Demo

D3 Dynamic Array of Tables

Minimal D3js line smoothing

Minimal d3js line smoothing, topojson version

SVG Pattern & D3js for diagonal hash

Deaths of Migrants

Map zoom + static frame

Map zoom + responsive frame


Geography game

Friendly geo-area selection

Wikidata API via JS

World tour WP guidelines

.data() vs .datum()

From pixelized to curvy lines

Wikiatlas Localisator using D3.geo

Topography via D3js image processing - color advices for cartography

Choropleth w. threshold scale

Choropleth with makefile

Automatic Label Placement

Elegant map

Sortable, Filterable Table

Bobby Cox

Overweight NY Students: #4

Infinite Jest

Gately Tree

Gately Radial Tree

Jody's Journey: final map

Jody's Journey: destinations

Asia Map

Overweight NY Students: #3

Force layout #2

Overweight NY students: #2


Force layout #1

Cool pack layout mistake

Overweight NY students: #1

Song Tea and Ceramics Map


Bar-chart and Line-chart Interaction

Point Tracking for Non-Linear Lines: III

Point Tracking for Non-Linear Lines: I

Normalizing Lines by Start Date

DataViz 101: Simple Bar Chart Interaction

Bar Chart Composed of Images ("In One Chart")

Point Tracking for Non-Linear Lines: II

Fun 500 error page, via GitHub

Logos n titles

tumblr 404 pacman

Pretty Bootstrap theme Fairy Floss

SVGs are farking sick mate

Super single page site

Filter comparison


Star tour

canvas + StackBlur-shadows + css-rotation

svg + shadows-circles + css-rotation

canvas + shadows-circles + ctx.rotate

Draggable night sky map

Marvellous star sky (svg + svg-filter + css-rotation)

canvas + gradient-stars + ctx.rotate

Classic Cubs

Old star map


Voter preference






text diff


Convex Combination

Context Sensitive Label Visibility

Nevada Wilderness

Drink Blueprints

Point Cloud Triangulation

Vietoris-Rips Complex (simplicial complex)

Holes in Sensor Networks

Height Functions (Topology)

Voronoi Circles

Multidimensional Duck

X and Y line points on click

Tangled tree II

Text ontology

3D building (three.js)

Three.js isometric camera

Fuzzy graph II

Fuzzy graph

Prüfer sequence

Cola.js layout

Tangled tree

Tree colors (sunburst, DBpedia)

Isometric "treemap"

Isometric projection

Gosper hex tiling irregularity

Node Gosper curve

Node Gosper hex tiling

Half matrix for symmetrical relations

Half matrix II

Weighted Voronoi (sort of)

Gosper Clustering II

Gosper Clustering

Duck Similarity (Pink Floyd)

Radial tree with "packed" nodes (flare)

Duck Islands (Pink Floyd)

Classic hexagonal binning II

Classic hexagonal binning

Classic word cloud (OpeNER - Paris, es)

Opinion treemap word cloud (OpeNER - Paris, es)

Word cloud treemap (flare)

Basic sunburst (flare)

Node-link circular layout: animated Sankey links

Node-link circular layout: Sankey links

Distance fields (euclidean - pyramidal and conical fields)

Node-link polar layout

Node-link polar layout with centrality (eigenvector)

Three.js animated cube

Distance fields (corner case)

Distance fields (edit tool - faster)

Distance fields (empty space)

Distance fields (boolean subtraction)

Distance fields (circle shape)

Bilinear interpolation

Canvas gradient

HCL linear rainbow scales (for d3)

OpeNER - Places with categories (Paris, flower binning)

Pie vs. pie III

OpeNER - Places with categories (Paris, bubble binning)

Multivariate binning II

Pie vs. pie II

OpeNER - Places with categories (Paris, pie chart binning)

OpeNER - Places with categories (polar area chart binning)

OpeNER - Places with categories (d3.js)

Multivariate binning

OpeNER - Places with categories (pie chart binning)

Pie vs. pie

OpeNER - Opinion targets (London)

OpeNER - Opinion targets (Amsterdam)

OpeNER - Polarized words (London)

OpeNER - Polarized words (Amsterdam)

Hexbin polar area chart

OpeNER - Places with categories (GMaps)

OpeNER - accommodations in Elba (jQuery+GMaps)

Planetary Grid Browser II

Planetary Grid Browser I


Countries & Events

Zoom to Group of Countries III

Zoom to Group of Countries II

Hexakis Icosahedron

Rotating Planetary Grid

Planetary Grid

Zoom to Group of Countries IV

Zoom to Group of Countries

Scrolls Unit Animation

The Migrant Files: Money

Starting Points w/ Data

visualization template based on mouse input

Word Tree

Circle Pack

Difference Charts

Simple Line Chart

Perspective Vibrations

Connected Particles







Correlation Matrix I





Another UI Voronoi

Radial Treemap

Circular inset maps for D3

Image processing fun #1

Image processing fun #2

mixed mode rendering (Canvas + SVG)

County Treemap II

County Treemap I

Scatterplot with transitions

Horizontal bars with axis

Horizontal Bars

Random Tree

d3 Tutorial: Coordinated Views

Satellite Projection Explorer

Quantified self :)

Polar charts collection




Smooth path

Satellite Projection Experiment

Apocalyptic Event Prediction

Zoomable Circle Packing with Canvas & D3.js - II

Zoomable Circle Packing with Canvas & D3.js - I

d3 | lodash groupBy float numbers

Color Interpolate (RGB, HSL & CubeHelix)

Los temas de la semana (3/11 .. 9/11)

SF police districts

Blocks upload calendar

Rivers and lakes of the Earth


Flights from Belgian airports

Austerity in Greece - Mk3

The cost of austerity in Greece

GDP line chart

Fusillade à Paris

Tilted Axis Labels

Global Bilateral Migration

D3 Based Real Time Chart

HTML Color Names

Wilson’s Algorithm II: Badge

Shooting Signatures

Every ColorBrewer Scale on Acid

Lynchings by State Donut Charts

Lynchings by State Pie Charts

Sized Pie Charts

Sized Donut Charts

Blocks Graph with Links

Invitations Links Map

Blocks Graph

Pie Chart Small Multiples

Blocks Graph Edges Only

Donut Chart Small Multiples

Polar Area Diagram

Religions Donut Chart

Religions Pie Chart

Bootstrap + Chiasm

Colored Bar Chart

Splitting a Rectangle

Weird topology artifacts

World Tour with color bitmap

Progressive ARIA tabs in D3

The Migrant Files: Deportations

D3 Bingo!

Sankey Particles II


p5.js sketch


Real-time bandlines

State Grid Minimap

Breathing Color Mesh: Badge

Connected Particles: Badge

from InfoVis to Data Visualization

Collapsible Indented Tree

Real-time bandlines

Image processing fun #7

Image processing fun #6

Blocks Graph I Readme Mentions

Stretched Chord Diagram - From educations to occupations

Exploratory Analysis of Time Series Clusters with D3.js

D3 Bingo! (Zan)

D3 Bingo!

Canada map

Circle Packing at its most Basic - Canvas & D3.js

Circle Packing at its most Basic - Canvas only

Depression Wheel

reusable updating radarChart

Responsive CartoDB choropleth linked to strip plot

D3 + Leaflet with Auto Fit to Bounds

json data file instead of csv

Regional Districts of BC

American Lynches

d3 journalism course week 2 - stacked per sqft area chart

Epicyclic Gearing

Arc Diagram III

Arc Diagram II

Catmull-Rom Curves (canvas)

Time to Hire

Using Google Sheets with Underscore HTML Templates

Stacked Area Chart with Google Charts and NVD3

Reingold–Tilford Tree


Spherical Force-Directed Layout

force-multi-foci with convex hulls


a-frame + d3 test

Random Dots

Lobbying Spending 1998-2015

Fractal Kaleidoscope_Beta

Sankey Particles III

Art in Pi, Experiment #2

Histogram Equalization

Fluid configuration of d3.js bandlines with FRP

AC100 vs WS 100 - Elevation Profile

IPv4 Axis

testing MetricsGraphics (line chart)

top 10 topics (.ar newspapers)


d3js clickable stacked bar chart

Connected Particles III

Connected Particles III

Connected Particles III

Chord diagram showing co-occurrences.

Letter Count Bar Chart

Workers of the world unite!

Circular hours per week

Perceptual scaling of prop symbols

PostGIS to include AK and HI in CartoDB

proportional hello kitty symbol map

GeoJSON with CartoDB layer

refactored CartoDB layers switcher

CartoDB layer switcher

CartoDB sublayer switcher

A D3 map plotting oil and gas well points

Correlation Matrix VI

Correlation Matrix VII

tiny hexbin plot

Correlation Matrix IV

Correlation Matrix V

Correlation Matrix III

Correlation Matrix II

Blocks Graph II Voronoi Sun

Blocks Graph III Voronoi Mouseover

D3 Intro

Heatmap (Canvas + D3)

force layout with images and connection thickness

Element Visualization

Contour Plot

Transform Transitions

Angular Material Themes


Interactive scatterplot

cluster/category heatmap

New Year's Card - Criminality

Non-negative Distributions

New Year's Card - Life expectancy

Multi line chart

Multi line chart

Commutes 2012 - Oldskool style

Commutes 2012

Commuters between municipalities

Randomly distributed regions

Eerste eilegdatum zangvogels

Stephen Few's Student Dashboard with d3.js

Voronoi Scatterplot

Stephen Few's Student Dashboard with d3.js

Clustering using snaptogrid

US State Map

Advent Calendar

D3 Scales

Slack loading bubbles

Lever Love (Hire2)

Fellowship of the ring movie character occurence

Fellowship of the ring movie character occurence

Aggregate Value Graduated Hexbin

Variable Offset Animated Links


Particle Edges Dendrogram

Clockface Edges

Tree-to-Force Interpolation

Simple Gradient Along Stroke

Particle Experiments II

Tissot’s Indicatrix for Bottomley

Bottomley projection

UN Votes - Session 70

[unlisted] Stacked Density and Quantile Graphs

Chart Types

Stacked Area Chart

Country Centroids on a Map

Sortable Slices


Useless Vis

Streamgraph with Padding

Chiasm-Charts v0.1.5

Mother Jones Gun Violence Dataset

Interactive Scatter Plot

Chiasm-Charts v0.1.2

Stacked Area Chart

Kernel Density Estimation with Science.js

Multi-Line Chart of Largest Countries

Tweet Times with LOESS Curve




MapboxGL & D3.js - polygon

Responsive Double Hierarchy DAG cluster


Exploding boxplot, Philip Glass works

Germany as Topo.json file

Stretched Chord Diagram - From educations to occupations

Chord diagram

Pack Layout with Transitions

Phosphene viualization single file

Exonerations and Race

Histogram Equalization on a Map

Histogram Equalization

Interpolate points along a line

Animating point along a line with turf-along

Hexagon Word List

FABs' En-route ATFM Delay Chroropleth

test FIR merging and topology

European FABs

European FIRs

D3.js Boetti

d3-composite-projections conicConformalEurope

Rotating Cahill-Keyes projection

Vega 2.0 jobs example with filters

D3 keybinding with jwerty

ggplot and textures.js

parcoords + d3scatter linked by crosstalk

summarytrees R htmlwidget - better?

animate viewBox on summarytrees

Sample MegaChart

D3 ConicEqualArea Projection + D3 Generated Layers

Google Map + D3 Generated Layers

infinite blocks

aframe + d3 test: camera

aframe + d3 test: text labels

dots on a map: geocoding

csv number fingerprint

dots on a map: setup-gl

dots on a map: circle

dots on a map: The Counted

dots on a map: lasso

dots on a map: setup

Working with Cal-Adapt Extreme Heat data

World Map (Multicolour)

Meningsmålingstendenser op til 27/11-14


A D3 county choropleth map of Kentucky oil or gas wells

A D3 map using queue.js

A D3 map with basic interaction

A toggle D3 county map of Kentucky oil and gas wells

A very simple D3 map

spotlight filter


Voronoi Tessellation

Aster Plot in D3

Tree Update Pattern

Particle Experiments

Force-Directed Control Point Interpolation

Rotating globe

simple spinning loader

wearable health rating final

nuviun's Wearable Health Innovation Scoring 2

nuviun's Wearable Health Innovation Scoring 2

nuviun's Wearable Health Innovation Scoring

2014 World Press Freedom Index - in red

Who is leading the wearable health market? Test2

2014 World Press Freedom Index

Number of IFR flights in EU with D3

Vega 2.0 interact with DOM events

IFR traffic with Vega 2.0

Vega 2.0 vertical bar plot

Vega 2.0 horizontal bar plot

Bullet charts in dc.js

Switch to horizontal bug: fixed

bug when switching to horizontal

Funny ADS-B positions: zig-zag

Polygons merge with a hole.

Cahill-Keyes blues

Closest Point on a Path and Its Tangent

Multi-Series Line Chart

SF Monthly Property Crime 2005 to 2015

Sankey Particles with only inline styles

d3 Scales with Data

四国 = オーストラリア

Multi-Series Line Chart

Multi-Series Line Chart


Multi-Series Line Chart

Multi-Series Line Chart


reusable updating exploding boxplot

Updating Scatterplot using voroni diagrams for mouseover

Air Force Bases in the US using counties.json

Dynamic Air Force Logo

Enlisted AFSC Grouping using Zoomable Treemap

Clickable link Drag and Drop zoomable D3.js tree example.

Vector Tiles

d3: Education and Poverty Scatterplot/ with mouseover data

d3: Poverty and Educational Outcomes Scatterplot

d3.js | Web Audio API

d3 | hello colour hue

d3 | reusable heatmap calendar

d3 | squared grid reusable

jQuery and pixi.js solved

Pixi.js WebGL using spritesheet with colision physics

d3 Force directed graph with node size transitions

SVG speed test

Canvas renderer with multiple sprites

WebGL renderer with multiple sprites

Canvas renderer with texture atlas (spritesheet)

Pixi.js WebGL using spritesheet

self sorting nodes in d3 fdg III

self sorting nodes in d3 fdg II

Circular Layout (Raindrops)

self-sorting nodes in d3 fdg

canvas spheres

d3 fdg with generalised drag and zoom background.

d3 fdg with font BBox positioning and sizing of nodes


build table from csv


Gradient Along Stroke

D3 Rectangles Tutorial and Cookbook

Scatter Plot tutorial using D3

D3 Paths or Lines Embedded in HTML div elements

Plot vector points on a cropped raster image with d3.js

D3 Nested Block Browser embedded in HTML File

D3 Tree embedded in HTML Page

D3 US Map with Hover

navigator chart with d3fc brush

N-Body Problem

McCann Style Map: USA 1860 CENSUS final comp

oh yes spiral


icon array scale interactive example

Simplest icon array

Icon array hemicycle example

Heatmap with 2D Kernel Density Estimation of Force Layout

Heatmap of Force-Directed Graph Node Positions

Voronoi Generated Network

CZ: Selection of questions in VAA 2013

Radial Reingold–Tilford Tree

Circular Sankey

Distances in VAAs

Text Annotation (Jison)

Weather wheel

Polar floating bar chart

Hawaii Elections 1

GosperMaps: boundaries

Mass Shootings in the US

Driver License Suspensions II

Point in Polygon

Adding Day Filter to Crossfilter Example

Vector networks

Simple Tile Game

Driver License Suspensions

Circle of Gauges

Choropleth of income in France

Lebowsky Ransom

Carte PBF v2

Fermat's rainbow

Rainbow spiral


Rainbow states

The State Plane Shuffle

Base64 gif for a headless browser

Interrupt transition

Gif rendering - dynamic SVG

Gif rendering - canvg

Gif rendering - globe

Hexbin resizing test

Wherewolf.js demo - burger access for random points

Configurable hexbins

Loans to Individuals vs Net Interest Income - Exercise 5

HeroScore Top100 – W4

HeroScore Top100

Unemployment rate in Wales 2014

Module 2: Production of pumpkins and squash

Module 2: Production of pumpkins and squash

Module 2: Production of pumpkins and squash

Top 50 Hollywood films

Project for Udacity Visualization

Share of votes in Barcelona

GDP per capita of 10 largest economies


Scatterplot Marital Status in Mexico

Widowed Women in Mexico, chart with scales and axes

Marital Status in Mexico

International tourism

Unemployment in Spain Project

Unemployment in Spain_def

Evolution of the unemployment in Spain

Exercise Module 5

Unemployment in Spain test

Knight D3 Module 5: Lisa J. Ellwood

Knight D3 Module 5 DRAFT: Lisa J. Ellwood

Knight D3 Module 4 REVISED: Lisa J. Ellwood

Knight D3 Module 4: Lisa J. Ellwood

Exercise Module 4

Module 6 - Barcelona Family Income Index

Exercise 5 - Education

Global Opioid Consumption

Specdraw: read jcamp-dx file

Specdraw full-client example: Adinosine sampleset

D3.js: Panning with mouse wheel

Create a reusable table using d3 and jquery DataTables

Specdraw: static mode


Heatmap Calendar in d3js

Pictogram grid in d3js

d3js - enter(), update() and exit()

Using Pym.js to create a dynamic, responsive graphic

Stacked bar chart - elections in Poland

Scatter plot with lines, test

Stuck with Y-Axis Mapping

Overlaying an SVG maker on top of Google Maps

US Aid by Year (1970 - 2012, Constant 2011 USD)

US Aid - 2012

Worldwide access to safe drinking water, 2015

Stacked Bar Chart

Collapsible Tree Demo

The Decline of the Grapefruit

Apples Consumption in the United States

D3: Map Timeline

Coauthorships in network science

Russian SAT subject test participants count by region

Ex 5 scatterplot with cross-linked mouseover; added legend

Small Multiples

Ex. 4 scales and axes, plus small multiples

DataVis with D3 - Module 6 Exercise

Hierarchical Edge Bundling

Autism bigram network with Cytoscape.js

Chord Diagram

autism streamgraph

mental disabilities streamgraph

sexual disorder streamgraph

d3 pack radius fail

Fatal occupational injuries, 2003–2014

Dabble & Dawdle, module 1

Small multiples (line graphs), with tooltips

Small multiples, eventually with tooltips?

More small multiples, repeated axes

Chocolate imports — line graph

Project 1

Small multiples; tooltips pending (hopefully)

mod 6 test 2

mod 6 test

Scattered chocolate

One way to do it . . .

Scattered chocolate

Chocolate bars . . . and axes!

Chocolate bars . . . and axes!

Chocolate bars . . . and axes!

C02 emissions in Italy

Circles on an Axis in a Static Force Layout

d3.layout.partition issue

Choropleth with svg filter

STW 2014-2015 pax

Dynamic Force Layout

D3 Zooming techniques

D3 dndTree + Zoom + Pan + Misc Features

Basic Arc Diagrams

Georgians crowd into metro Atlanta. Here's how much.

vaccination rate by state

Georgia vaccination rate draft

International Children's Day Wordpress Version

ChildrenOOS Version 2

Children Out of School

Module Two Exercise

Causes of death with SVG art

Car traffic in the East Midlands from 2007 to 2011

SVG groups as hooks for interaction

bar chart without groups

Browser-zoom robust foreignObject tooltips

Curved Text in SVG

how big is too big?

The Zipfian desert of Homeric vocabulary.

A dagre dependency graph.

second verse...not same as the first

playing with SVG line markers in D3

Data Visualization and Infographics with D3 - Module 3

Data Visualization and Infographics with D3 - Module 2

Data Visualization and Infographics with D3 - Module 1

zoom transitions with map tiles

NYC subway map

relief of US plus boundary

svg circles drawn for points maintain scale on zoom

drawing points on a map with canvas

Renewable Energy

Wealth & Health Cities in Java Island 2011

Analisis Variasi ANOVA Waktu Respon Pemkar per Semester

Kabupaten Penerima Dana Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, PNPM 2014

Kepemilikan Tanah Tempat Tinggal, BPS 2010

Indonesia ADM2

D3.js pack layout with pie charts

iPhone 6S X-ray

Svenska Akademien + SAOB

Cambridge Development Projects

Hierarchical Edge Bundling

U [1000 kg], USA, 2000-2010

Summary of Monetary Contributions

US School Breakfast Program Stack Area Chart

State Health Survey Update

State Health Practice

MODULE 4: Tree Species Distribution in Four American Cities

The Baltic Sea is getting less polluted

Run wild propaganda


Unemployment rate in Poland

Workplace violence - module 4 exercise

Workplace Violence - "small" multiples attempt

Module 4

Module 1

Module 5 Exercise Update #1

Module 5 Exercise

Module 6 Exercise

Module 4 Exercise Update #1

Module 4 Exercise

Module 3 Exercise

Exercise 1: Free lunch in PBC public schools

Time-based Data

Basic Scatter Chart

Bar Chart with Scales and Axes

Simple Horizontal Bar Chart

Bubbles and penguins

Personal project: 10,000 hours tracking

All knightD3 modules combined

SVG positioning

knightD3 - Module 5 ALT

Translocation Diagram

Draggable Circle Packing - D3.js

Module 5 - Two Dimensional Data

Module 6 - Time Series with Multiple Values

Polyline - tests

Module 4 - Scales and Axes

Neet project - bar chart

Neet Project Test

Japan Empty Houses

d3-composite-projections conicConformalEurope

d3-composite-projections albersUsa

d3-composite-projections conicEquidistantJapan

d3-composite-projections conicConformalFrance


Automatic colouring World Map using Canvas

JSL 2015: Bubble map

JSL 2015: Usando sphere para el fondo

JSL 2015: Coropletas con tooltip

JSL 2015: Mapa sencillo con gratícula

Drop shadow map using Canvas

JSL 2015: Pie layout con escala

JSL 2015: Pie layout animado

JSL 2015: Pie Layout

WIC Participants Graph

Sunburst Partition

d3 module 4

d3 module2

Module 2 SVG test

.jekyll bookmarklet

Twister daily traffic (D3 visualization of TwisterIO stats)


Social Media Usage Stacked Area

Fast Hoverable Dots beyond 20'000

Radar Chart

D3: Multi-Line Chart

D3: Scatterplot

D3: Bar Chart with Scales and Axes

D3: Binding Data

D3: Create SVG and Load CSV Data

Leaflet Map with WMS Layer

Leaflet Map Starter HTML File


YWT website

Slidify blog post 2

Slidify blog post 1

Leaflet.js Tips, Step 7 (filter buttons)

Slidify blog post 3

Slidify blog post 0

qgis2leaf Example

cartodb infowindow trouble

Parisian Associations #2

Student project links, fall 2015

mfa bootcamp web day 5 in-class code

mfa bootcamp day 3 demo code

mfa bootcamp day 2 demo code

coffee shops in okc

OK Earthquakes VIII

OK Earthquakes VII

OK Earthquakes III

OK Earthquakes IV

OK Voting Trends

CSS + HTML only Accordion Element

Starbucks in Norfolk (mousehover)

starbucks in Norfolk

d3 gangnam style

Bubbles and penguins

Soviet Bl.ock

D3 Liquid Fill Gauge

Clustered Force Layout III

Zillow Market Health Bubble Chart

Ongoing Unemployment Project

d3fc-label-layout map example

Force-Directed Network Graph

NVD3 Line with View Finder Chart - data from CSV file


d3js | responsive development with W.js

Arc Bubble Connector Chart


Rectangular binning - 2d histogram


The Counted: simple example

basic particle interaction

polygroups visualization: activate

Node splitting

Foundations of D3: Data Binding Scope

Blue Spiral Circle

Sankey Particles - Transparent Links


Rotated hexbin

Isometric word cloud

Partisanship in US elections

Modal transport share

icon array widthFirst or not?

Force directed graph using tabletop.js and shortestpath

US senate icon array

D3 matrix, with sort and grouping

Treemap Websites 2

Network of groups - force dircected graph

Nintendo pixelation

D3 Example: zoom, pan, and axis rescale

grades visualization

svg voroni spiral

canvas circles

naive triangulation

Word Aliasing

scatter rectangles

A Animated I
